End of ten days

Chapter 1274 Mad Sheep


A huge noise resounded in the square. Aunt Tong looked at the center of the square. Old Deng had already led the rest of the "Jikakus" to smash the "door" into pieces.

The familiar yet unfamiliar black and red colors are reflected among the fragments, and the other end leads to the "end of the earth", but none of the fragments can accommodate one person to pass through.

Even if the beetle did not die in the melee, it would be impossible for all the "ants" to go to the "end of the world".

Black Sheep walked to the center of the square, picked up a fragment of the "door" and held it in his hand.

Then he looked for the blood on the ground and passed through the many "ants" as if there was no one else. Although these "ants" could slowly torture the beetle to death, he was in a hurry.

A few "ants" stood in front of the black sheep, and they were roughly pushed aside by him. It seemed that he didn't even have the strength to make a detour.

"The beetle... come out and I'll give you a good time." Black Sheep gritted his teeth and said, "What's the point of delaying it any longer?"

"Diyang...can we talk?" the beetle's voice floated from all over, and it was difficult to identify the specific location. She seemed to be moving quickly to avoid being hurt by the "reverberation".

"We can't talk." Black Sheep said, "I'm in a hurry and I want you to die."


Hearing the words of the other party, the "belief" of the beetle was once again in a trance, and it suddenly appeared for a second.

She was floating in mid-air, as if she still didn't know why things had fallen to this point.

She was just doing her job as usual, but someone devised a comprehensive plan to kill her.

What's even more ridiculous is that he has delayed it for so long. No one has discovered that the "cargo hold" has been captured, and reinforcements have never arrived.

Black Sheep decisively seized this second and threw the iron door fragment in his hand towards the beetle, stabbing the opponent's thigh. It was like hitting a flying bird, and the beetle fell heavily to the ground.

Only then did everyone realize that the beetle was more injured than it looked. Her whole body was scratched by "ants", and the amount of bleeding was so heavy that it was impossible to even see where the wounds were.

Yan Zhichun winked at Lao Sun, and Lao Sun quickly summoned up his last energy, summoned a huge stone and dropped it to the ground.

All the "ants" stopped moving after feeling the vibrations on the ground, and did not immediately hunt down the longhorned beetles on the ground. After all, the "ants" had no vision, and there was only one person on the other side. In a melee, they would most likely injure one of their own. .

The black sheep slowly walked up to the beetle, pulled out the fragment from the other's thigh, and then held it in his hand.

"Wait a minute..." the beetle covered his thigh and wailed, "I won't fight... I surrender... After all, I am also controlled by Qinglong. If you want to take away the "ant", you can do it now... "

Before she finished speaking, the black sheep held up the fragment in his hand and stabbed down suddenly, aiming at the beetle's face. The beetle quickly shook its head to avoid it, but the black sheep still stabbed her ear.

There was a strange snapping sound, and the beetle's ear was nailed to the ground, torn off from her face, and blood instantly spread on the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Longhorn beetle covering his ears and screaming loudly on the ground, "what the hell is wrong with you! I said I surrendered!!"

"I'm sorry..." Black Sheep said, "I'm a sheep and I often can't understand people's words."

"You crazy person...!"

The black sheep pulled out the metal fragments from the ground, threw the ears aside, and then stabbed her in the face again. The beetle couldn't avoid it and hurriedly covered it with his hands, and was pierced through the palm of his hand on the spot.

"Ah!! Damn you..." Tianniu found that every attack of Black Sheep was very powerful, and it didn't look like a joke at all. "I am "Heaven Level", don't you have any conditions to talk to me?" I can even be on your side, I can even be an inside officer, I can join you! ! You don’t have to…”

Black Sheep had no expression on his face and pressed down hard on the fragment in his hand: "Although you didn't lie, talking about it is such a waste of time... If you had said this three minutes earlier, maybe I could consider it."

The fragments kept pressing down, and the palm that had stabbed the beetle gradually approached her neck.

"Wait...wait..." the beetle squeezed out his voice from between his teeth, "why...why do you insist on my death? We each have our own masters. What is the grudge?"

Black Sheep rotated the fragment in his hand forty-five degrees, and the huge pain made the beetle scream repeatedly.

"Look, what color is this fragment?" Black Sheep asked coldly, "Tell me...why the other side of the fragment is blood-colored."

"Madman...madman...This is what Tianlong and Qinglong did...what does it have to do with me..."

The black sheep didn't care about the beetle's whining and begging for mercy, and just used all its strength to insert the fragment into the opponent's neck.

The beetle kept coughing on the ground, and blood gushed out of her mouth like toothpaste.

This brutal killing method left the few "Yakuza" surviving at the scene at a loss of what to do, but when they came to their senses, they found that the battle had been won.

Black Sheep stayed on the ground for a long time before dragging his exhausted body to stand up.

Although the beetles were silent, the black sheep's condition didn't look much better.

"I'm in a hurry..." Black Sheep stared at the body of the long-horned beetle and said, "If you are unwilling to do anything, you are welcome to come to me for revenge after you go to hell."

He bent down and pulled out the sharp fragment again, then turned around and headed towards the stairs, bumping into a few more "ants" during the process.

"Black Sheep!" Yan Zhichun hurried forward to check on Black Sheep's condition, but because Black Sheep's hair was all dark, she couldn't tell how badly it was injured.

"I'll leave the rest to you..." Black Sheep waved his hand and said, "I still have something to deal with."

He limped up the stairs, leaving Yan Zhichun with a worried look on his face.

Jiang Ruoxue also stood beside Yan Zhichun at this time: "Is that stinky-faced "Zodiac" really okay?"

"We can't help him." Yan Zhichun said, "Now we need to arrange the actions of the "ants"... This huge army is now in our hands, and it's time to put an end to the war."

"Tsk..." Weekend came over and asked with a puzzled look, "We also need to arrange the actions of these things and just open the door and let them rush out."

"Maybe most people would do this..." Yan Zhichun lowered his head and thought, "But Brother Yang won't, he will definitely make the plan more foolproof. After all, "ants" have no vision. They can exchange information through ground vibrations in the "cargo hold", but everyone will become isolated and helpless after going out. ”

At this moment, the former “Ant King” stood up and waved in the direction of Weekend among the many “Ants”.

Weekend felt that he seemed to have something to say, so he had to walk up to him and “transmit the message”.

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