End of ten days

Chapter 1273: Evil Deeds Arrive

"Lao Lu!!"

Aunt Tong shouted angrily: "How many times have I told you to stop making trouble! I have the blessing of the "Mother Goddess". Even if I really die, it's just that she wants to see me! I'm not afraid of death!"

"Bullshit!" Lao Lu turned around and faced Aunt Tong with the dirty mask, then held her hand tightly, "Xiao Chan, I never believe in the bullshit "Mother Goddess". I only believe in myself. I don't know if the "Mother Goddess" is really blessing you, but I will definitely bless you anyway!"


Lao Lu pushed Aunt Tong into the door regardless of anything: "Go back quickly! Xiao Chan, there are enough people here! You are "Karma", you are more useful than me when you are alive!"

Although Lao Lu used a lot of strength to push Aunt Tong into the door, she still found that Lao Lu was trembling all over.

"Lao Lu...you are afraid..." Aunt Tong also said in a trembling voice, "You are showing off...how can your "hardening" compare with those..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Go away! ! "Old Lu's voice broke in panic.

Aunt Tong knew that her "echo" could not help this kind of close combat, but she could not leave Old Lu here anyway.

What other ways could she use to help him from the side?

Aunt Tong suddenly thought of something. Since Jiang Ruoxue could use her own "cause and effect" to forcibly reverse the situation, she might be able to do it too.

She grabbed Old Lu's arm and asked seriously: "Old Lu! Tell me... have you done anything bad?!"

"What the hell is this time..." Old Lu gritted his teeth and said, "You ask me this now, I will..."

"Old Lu!! Tell me have you done anything bad?!" Aunt Tong asked again in a sharp voice.


Old Lu gritted his teeth, but finally did not answer.

"Speak up!!" Aunt Tong shouted, "Tell me you didn't do it! As long as you admit that you didn't do it, "karma" will bless you! ! "

Amidst the noise, Lao Lu stared at Aunt Tong's eyes quietly. Through the holes in the mask, those eyes projected a sadness that Aunt Tong could not fathom.

A few seconds later, he said:

"Xiao Chan, I'm sorry, I have done something unforgivable."

"You!!" Aunt Tong's expression became obviously angry, "Lao Lu, you are out of your mind... If even you think it is a bad thing, "bad karma" will find you!"

Her fingertips tightly clasped Lao Lu's wrist, and even her knuckles turned white because of the force, but she still felt very helpless.

"I can't say that I am a good person against my conscience... The mistakes I made are always bothering me." Lao Lu shook his head and said, "So I'm really sorry."

Aunt Tong's face was full of despair. She never thought that the first time she wanted to use "karma" to save an important person, she sent him to hell with her own hands.

"Karma" has been applied to Lao Lu, but this time it is the "bad karma" that has been accumulated for a long time, and the "bad retribution" is about to come.

He believes that he has done evil things, that is, he has determined the "bad karma" he has committed, plus the influence of "karma"...

"Lao Lu...you...you..." Aunt Tong was trembling all over, but she still didn't know how to change the status quo. Did she have to forcibly change the good and evil of others?

"I'm so satisfied..." Lao Lu pushed Aunt Tong into the door, and then put his hands on the door frame, "Don't worry, Xiaochan, although I can't kill that "Zodiac", but with me here, this door can't be closed or broken..."

"Is it just the door that I'm worried about...?" Aunt Tong asked with gritted teeth, "This is a "train", and your identity is still a "Zodiac"... Once you die here... then..."

"Xiaochan! ! "Although Lao Lu was wearing a mask, Aunt Tong saw him smiling, "You know that at our age... the only wish in this life is to die before the other person, right? I was selfish this time... I don't want to see you die."

"Old Lu..."

"Be obedient! Go!"

Old Lu smiled at Aunt Tong and pushed her into the stairs.

Aunt Tong clearly saw the two "Earth Level" stand up and start attacking the "Human Level" beside them. She knew that she could only cause trouble here. She shook Old Lu's stiff palm for the last time, then turned around and ran to the "cargo hold".

If there is any more delay, I am afraid that not only Old Lu will die, but everyone present will die.

She needs to tell Yan Zhichun about the situation outside immediately, and there is not much time left for everyone.

When Aunt Tong staggered to the "cargo hold", the scene had changed suddenly.

There was no stone falling to the ground, but countless "ants" seemed to have eyes and rushed towards an open space.

There was obviously someone in the open space. She stepped on the ground to dodge quickly, and the "ants" instantly moved to a new direction.

Aunt Tong felt that this seemed to be what Yan Zhichun said, "Automatic tracking offensive". Although she didn't know how it was achieved, she still ran quickly in the direction of Yan Zhichun.

"Aunt Tong!" Yan Zhichun no longer needed to command the battle, but just looked at her with a little worry, "What's the situation outside now?"

"It's a long story..."

Aunt Tong briefly explained the situation outside. Luo Shiyi led away an "earth-level" and several "human-level". The human pig who became Lao Lu led another group of "human-level" to fight outside the door. The "extreme" who had just followed them out also stayed there to delay time. Now it all depends on when Tianniu will be defeated.

"It's just a matter of time." Yan Zhichun said, "She can't escape. Now she is almost fighting against hundreds of "earth-level" by herself. Her "hiding" and "levitation" are ineffective, and "amplification" can't assist in the battle, so there is no possibility of winning. "

After hearing the sound, Aunt Tong looked in the direction of the sound. As expected, those "ants" attacked the invisible longhorn beetle like a tide. The longhorn beetle seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries and was increasingly unable to dodge. Countless blood spots were sprinkled in the sky. It seems that her "hiding" can't even hide her own blood.

Perhaps the longhorn beetle has not figured out the reason yet... She clearly issued the order in the tone of Qinglong, but why is she still isolated and helpless until now?

"If she doesn't cancel the "hiding", all the "ants" will only cause her minor injuries and eventually torture her to death. "Yan Zhichun said calmly, "At this time, her best choice is to show her body and let the "exploration bag" give her a quick death. "

"How did she do this? "Aunt Tong stared at the direction of the longhorn beetle and asked.

"Ruoxue and the old man simultaneously applied their "echoes" to an eyeball." Yan Zhichun said, "The eyeball now has both "cause and effect" and "tracking". It is now quietly hanging above the longhorn beetle's head, neither touching the longhorn beetle nor being discovered by the longhorn beetle. Ruoxue spent a lot of effort to find this strange logical relationship."

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