"Wow, as expected of Ganyu’s secretary, she also passed!"

"Hey... Xiangling from Wanmin Hall also passed"

"Isn't that person the Spark of the Thousand Rocks Army? He actually passed as well?"

"And Xingqiu, he got all the answers right too."

"Mr. Yun also answered ten questions correctly!"

"Those Monds are also very powerful"

"Who said it wasn't? That magician lady was so amazing. She answered the questions without any hesitation."

After Keqing answered Diancie's question correctly, many people began to try to answer the questions.

As a result...

Ganyu, needless to say, answered Diancie's questions fluently, even faster than Ningguang and Keqing.

And Lisa, Diancie's questions were a piece of cake for her.

As expected of a scholar of the Xumi Academy, this level of difficulty was not worth mentioning at all for her.

On the contrary, it was really puzzling that Xiangling was able to pass.

Until Yunjin asked,"Xiangling, how do you know that the Flaming Red Tumbler has so many habits?"

"Hehehe, as a chef, I have to know every ingredient, not to mention the Flaming Tumbler!"

Fortunately, the Flaming Tumbler has been put into the Poké Ball, otherwise it would probably be trembling with fear.

Of course, Xiangling should mean her own habits, right?


Unfortunately, Xinyan was eliminated.

"Oh, if I had known, I would have known more about Roaring Bomb instead of dragging it to play rock music every day."

Xin Yan had only recently subdued Roaring Bomb, and she had indeed been playing rock music with it during this period, so it was not surprising that she could not answer the questions.

As for the two members of the Knights of Favonius.

Ever since Lisa helped Kaeya draw the little fire horse, he liked it very much, so he naturally took good care of it.

So that every time when the answering time was about to expire, he could always perform at the last moment.

Diluk was also natural. He was very calm from beginning to end. Ten questions were not too difficult for this rich man from Mond.

Finally, it was Xingqiu...

When he heard Diancie say that he had to take an exam, he was almost scared to death.

After all, writing was his sore spot.

Fortunately, this exam did not require any touching of pen and ink, just answering questions.

As smart as he was, he passed it naturally.

At this moment... there are already ten people who have passed the competition.

But, this exam is not over yet

"Wanyou, that Wanyou also passed!"

This one is even luckier.

In this competition, he was directly teleported to the lake, without having to go through those cruel battles. In the end, he answered all the questions about the Iron Palm Warrior and advanced.

Even so... the shadow of being persecuted by Alice will probably take some time to adjust.

"There are already eleven people"

"Look, another person has been eliminated!"

As soon as someone shouted, Xianyun appeared in the square.

"Damn it! I, the immortal, didn't even pass the first question?!"

Xianyun gnashed her teeth.

During this period of time, she has been teaching Dancing Swan spells, mechanisms and other skills.

Who would remember at what level Dancing Swan can learn Bubble Ray?

Besides, she doesn't have a Pokémon illustrated book!

"Oh no, if Shen He passes, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me as a master?"

As soon as he thought of this, Xian Yun anxiously looked at everyone's eyes and cast them on the screen of Jin Huan.

""Ah? What kind of magic is this?!"

Where has Xianyun ever seen a live broadcast?

"Regardless of that, where is Shen He?

She hurriedly looked for Shen He in the golden ring.


"Master, I'm behind you."

Xianyun turned around quickly. Who else could the person behind him be but Shen He?

"When did you come out?"

Shen He hesitated for a moment, then said,"I... I went up to answer the questions after you came out."

However, Xianyun didn't seem to care when she answered, but asked urgently.

"Which question did you come up with?"

Shen He did not answer, but slowly stretched out his finger and made a"yeah" gesture.


Xianyun was silent for a moment.

She was eliminated on the first question, but her apprentice could actually answer the second one?

This embarrassing thing could easily become a black history.

No, I have to find an excuse. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xianyun coughed twice and said,"Ahem, Master, I don't have an elf encyclopedia. You just have one more question than me. This is normal."

Unexpectedly, Shen He said without any emotional intelligence,"Master, I don't have an elf encyclopedia either."


Xianyun suddenly didn't know what to say.

Recently, she always felt that chatting was getting less and less smooth.[]

I always get criticized by Dancing Swan, and now I am being humiliated by my own apprentice.

I am so angry!

""Go back to Ao Zang Mountain!"

Xian Yun said this at last and walked straight towards Ao Zang Mountain.


Shen He stood there in a daze for a moment, his face full of confusion.

""What is the master angry about?"

She didn't understand.

But Xianyun left, and she followed him.

At this moment, the audience was bustling again.

"Ha, Captain Beidou also succeeded!"

"And our Liyue consulting lawyer, she also passed"

"Of course, Miss Yan Fei knows all the laws of Liyue by heart, not to mention her own Pokémon."

"There are thirteen people in total, but there are not many left now!"

"Yes, I guess there won’t be more than 20 people at most."

The exam is still going on.

After a while

, two more ordinary contestants from Liyue also answered Diancie’s ten questions perfectly.

So far, there are 15 people!

""Little Klee, what effect will occur if you touch the Thunderbolt Ball?"

Only when Diancie asked the sixth question,

Klee raised her hand like a primary school student and answered,"Mom,"

"Ah... this."

Diancie immediately touched her forehead. Klee's answer was a bit ambiguous, but she was also correct.

"Well, I'll assume you got it right."

Diancie asked again,"Next question, what kind of state does Thunderbolt's move Lightning sometimes put the opponent in?"

But Klee raised her hand again.

"Ma Ma"


Diancie's eyes widened. Why is it numb again?

In fact, Thunderbolt's lightning move has a chance to paralyze the opponent.

If you say numb... Strange, it seems possible.

But, this...

Diancie was very helpless and asked for help from the outside.

"Su Yan~ What should I do?!"

Su Yan naturally understood Diancie's difficulties.

"Ahem...there's nothing wrong with what Klee said, so she's right, right?"

""Okay, okay."

Of all the questions that followed, Klee answered Diancie's questions very clearly and concisely.

After all, she really treated the Thunderbolt Ball as a treasure during this period of time. If she had any questions, she would ask Lisa.

With Lisa around, Klee remembered a lot.

Ten questions had passed.

"Congratulations, little Klee, you passed!"

Diancie immediately reached out and held Klee's hand.

"Thank you, Princess Diancie, you are a good friend of Klee."

After Klee left...


Finally, there was only one person left in the entire lake. Zhongli!.

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