"Lord Azar"


Xumi, in the Jingshan Palace, a man wearing a blue sage's cap and robe was walking in the corridor.

Everyone who saw him had to bow and salute.

This shows how high this person's status is.……

"Great Sage"

"Lord Azar."

Every time he walked past a place with people, he was happy to accept people's respect. He also showed a look of enjoyment...


When he was in an empty corridor, Azar suddenly covered his mouth and laughed.

"This great sage's identity is really useful."

"I don't know what's going on with Celebi... Never mind, I'll just keep looking for the place Su Yan mentioned."

Thinking of this,

Azar quickly regained his serious look and continued to look for the place he was looking for.

At the same time... at the top of Silent Garden

"You, you are Celebi?!"

"830""Hey, that's right."

Celebi was floating in front of the sealed door at this time, and then he said:"A month ago you said you wanted to make friends with me, but then I didn't receive any messages from you. I didn't expect you to talk to me again a few days ago. So, I came to see you.~"

"Celebi, I'm sorry, that, that……"

Inside the sealed room, a sweet little girl's voice responded to Celebi.

Yes, it was the little auspicious grass king of Xumi, Nashida.

It was also the god of Xumi.

But... rather than being the god of Xumi, it was actually a caged bird imprisoned by the Xumi Order.

"I can only stay in this place every day, feeling the outside world through plants and the void. That day you released a power that was enough to influence the gods, which was very similar to my power, so I wanted to talk to you, but at that time, I felt another terrifyingly strong power, so……"

As soon as Nashida's voice fell,

Celebi smiled and said,"What you feel should be Al... No, it should be Su Yan's power."

"Su Yan……"

Nashida slowly read out the two names before continuing

"I know that the grass and trees will bring me information. The current changes in Liyue are all caused by them. That is why I dare to communicate with you again."

"I see……"

Hearing Nashida praising Su Yan, Celebi's face was full of pride, after all, that was Lord Arceus.

However, the pride on Celebi's face soon returned to normal.

"Nashida...some of you want to create a god and replace you."


At this moment, Nashida's voice sounded a little strange, a little trembling.

Celebi was not sure whether she knew

"Do you need Su Yan's help? Not only can he set you free, but he can also bring our Pokémon to Xumi, and...he asked me to tell you something."

Nashida, who was still a little hesitant, suddenly asked,"What is it?"

Then, she heard Celebi slowly say seven words:

"Help Xumi purify the dead zone!"

"Purify the dead zone?!"

Although Nashida could not be seen, Celebi's words undoubtedly made Nashida's voice sound surprised and shocked.

"Can he, can he do it?"

The Death Zone is also called Wuliutuo.

This is a disaster unique to the Kingdom of Xumi. Wherever the Death Zone appears, all life in the area will be taken away.

The rangers of Xumi are fighting it every day.

However, no matter how they clear it, the Death Zone will reappear after a period of time, and it will be impossible to make it disappear completely. So much so that Nashida found it difficult to believe whether Su Yan could do it.

Facing Nashida's uncertainty, Celebi smiled and said,"Of course, Su Yan doesn't even have to do it himself. How about it, are you willing?"

"Do I need to pay any price?"

From the beginning, everything Celebi said was good for Nashida.

So... what price does she need to pay?

Celebi said slowly. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"It's very simple. When you regain the throne of God, inject the knowledge about Pokémon into the Void Terminal, then announce that humans and Pokémon will coexist in Xumi from now on and establish a new system. That's enough."

"I can promise."

As mentioned before, the grass and trees will bring information to Nashida. She knows very well what Liyue is like now, and Su Yan's conditions are even more reasonable.

Personally, she is willing to let Pokémon appear in Xumi.

Maybe she can even become friends with Lanaro, the forest elf of Xumi.[]

But Nashida was a little worried.

"Yes, but the House of Religious Orders……"

"The Order will exist, but Su Yan asked me to tell you that those who want to replace the gods must be eliminated. If you want to become a true god, kindness is just another manifestation of cowardice. I believe you can understand what this sentence means."

These words were told to Nashida by Su Yan before coming to Xumi.

And he will decide whether to help her take back the throne of the God of Grass according to Nashida's answer.....

"I... Is kindness another sign of cowardice?……"

At this time, Nashida's voice sounded very hesitant.

Celebi was not in a hurry.

After all, this was related to the future of Xumi, and it was natural that Nashida could not make a decision immediately. It was not until a long time later that……

""Hoo, hoo."

Between the seals, Nashida seemed to have made up her mind.

"Celebi, your power makes me feel very gentle, and I can also hear your kindness, so I believe you... I remember everything you said just now, and I agree."

"" Okay, deal!"

Celebi smiled happily. Just as Nashida felt a sense of intimacy with it, Celebi naturally felt the same way towards her.

This was the result it wanted most.

At this moment, Nashida, who was in the seal, suddenly asked,"Then, what are you going to do?"

This time, Celebi said another four words.


However, this name was completely unfamiliar to Nada.

After Celebi and Nashida talked...

Azar, who was originally wandering around, suddenly came to a place called Ridu Valley with a purpose.

This place is extremely hidden, and the surroundings are built of steel sunken into the trees.

There are two guards standing upright at the door.

When they saw Azar, they hurriedly saluted.

"Lord Azar!"

"Well, open the door."

As a great sage of the Order, Azar had no obstacles along the way.

After entering this secret room... 0.6 The style suddenly changed.

If the outside was full of a sense of shabby steel, then after entering the room, it suddenly became full of technology.

The inside and the outside are completely two different styles.

"Oh, is this where they created the false god?"

Azar touched his chin and began to walk deeper into the room.

Not long after... a large purple and white robot gradually appeared in front of Azar.

"Oh~ Is this what Su Yan said, the false god created by the House of the Order and the Fatui to replace Nashida?"

At this moment, Azar's face looked as if he had seen this false god for the first time.

He even stroked his short gray beard, and with curiosity on his face, he muttered to himself:

"If this thing called the God of Righteousness can be built, I would like to see how many punches it can withstand from Zygarde."

I want to say:

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