Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1823: Raiders of the North of the World

"Damn kobolds, they came to our side. Are they really going to spread the world. We absolutely can't let them go on like this, or we will become a laughing stock in the future."

It was them who laughed at the South the most. If they also become the South, then the people in the South will definitely get worse. Rarely, the tiger man and the lion man actually united together and sat in one place.

The lion man next to him also said, "That's right, I really can't let them continue."

"Hmph, if it weren't for the eighth-order master **** who couldn't make a move, they are kobolds."

"Shut up, these are the rules of our orcs, and our enemies are not only other orcs."

The person who spoke was immediately stopped, and not all people knew some of the outside world. The orcs who can follow the strong to fight in other worlds are actually some elites, and most ordinary people don't know.

Many of the new orc officials at all levels who have just been promoted during this period are unaware of them. They thought that the whole world was only this big, so they didn't understand the actions of those above.

However, people from the Lion and Tiger tribes are very clear that the reason for this is to reduce internal friction. Otherwise, the orcs themselves would turn upside down, and the whole world would be unlucky.

And they also knew that there was a **** king above the main god, and this beast king would never allow them to kill each other.

"Let's think about how to attack those **** kobolds. Their strength is beyond our imagination. In such a short period of time, how they built the wall, or the rune wall."

That's right, in a short period of time, the kobolds have built many defensive forts around them. This speed is almost faster than the speed at which they dig holes. You know, the speed at which the kobold digs a hole is the third highest among the orcs.

The first is the rat people, they are the fastest digging holes, and the second is the cavemen, because they live underground, they dig holes very quickly. Kobolds rank third because of their ability to mine.

The first two are good at digging soil, but letting them dig stones is not enough.

"Let’s attack a wave with conventional means. Besides, we don’t have much experience in cooperation. We are all gathered together temporarily. Without training, other methods may not work."

When a lion speaks, the others can only nod their heads. In fact, even if they attack the outside world, they are like this.

Without cooperation, how could it be possible to perform well? It is better to let everyone play. What they have to do is to let the right army enter different positions on the battlefield at the right time.

"Damn kobolds, how they are integrated, they are obviously different races, and they can cooperate so well.

The orcs are so direct. After the discussion is over, the army directly presses on them.

A large swath of rat-man cannon fodder began to charge forward, not caring about death at all. Because they just use their lives to consume each other's physical strength and attack weapons, which is also the conventional method of the orcs.

The rat people are too low in status, so they can only be used for this. Kobolds used to do this before.

On the city wall in front, the front row of kobolds in heavy armor was already waiting, and behind were slender lizardmen who were suitable for bows and arrows. They used the kobold technique to create bows and arrows aimed at the rat people who were rushing over.

When approaching a certain position, the arrows fell one after another, and the rat people who were hit died on the spot. It turns out that the arrows are poisonous, and some arrows have poisonous packages. After hitting the target, the package exploded directly, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​toxins. These toxins come from the preparation of snakes.

In the rear, there are still some kobolds manipulating large war weapons. When the position was reached, the commander gave an order, and countless crossbow arrows and stones fell from the sky, turning the rat people into a pile of meat sauce.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of weapons." A kobold general opened his mouth at the person next to him.

The orcs on the opposite side didn't know, they were still charging. When the rat people were almost dead, the regular army began to board the battlefield. This time, not only the rituals of the major races but also the tiger and lion people appeared.

"Hmph, do you really think that individuals with strong races must be strong, let you see what a real war is. Open their traps and insurances and give them a surprise."

I don't know when, the kobolds have already set up a lot of traps on the battlefield, but they were all sealed at the beginning, so they didn't work. Now in the face of the regular army, these roles can be played.

Fortunately, on the previous battlefield, the rat people didn't make holes in the cannon fodder, otherwise they would really be dug out by these rat people.

When the charging regular army encountered another blow, they were in a bad mood. "Damn it, how come there are so many, haven't they just established a city for a long time? How come there are so many weapons reserves."

"How do I know, no, I can't go on like this, air force, air force."

Upon receiving the order, the harpy and the swan people flew up with their weapons.

But what they didn't expect was that the kobolds also had them, as well as harpies, and then some guys riding flying dragons. That's right, the lizardman flying dragon knight, this appeared in Du You's unit building.

Because it is made of functional buildings, no matter whether it is combat literacy or anything else, it is not comparable to ordinary orcs In the air, their cooperation is far better than the opposite.

Although there were fewer of them, as the battle progressed, everyone found that something was wrong, because it seemed that the few people who had become a small number were chasing and killing their own people.

Soon, everyone realized that it was impossible to win in this way, so the commander said loudly: "Retreat, all retreat, and notify the other ethnic groups nearby that we need reinforcements."

Following the commander's order, those people finally breathed a sigh of relief and retreated one after another.

This kind of battlefield is really too dangerous. You can't enjoy the fun of fighting at all, and you can't improve your strength. It's just to die. Although the orcs like to fight and enjoy war, they don't like to die.

The news spread, and instantly shook all the forces in a large area around it. No one thought that the kobold would be so powerful. It seems that the importance of them has to rise to a higher level. Then, the major forces sent their own troops to gather here.


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