Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1822: A better way to spread

Kobolds are like locusts, spreading everywhere. Because kobolds have a strong reproductive ability and used to be the best race for mining, it can be said that there are kobolds everywhere in the world.

No matter where they go, they can easily gather a large number of kobolds to build their own city.

Also because of this situation, no matter where they go, kobolds can easily develop into powers one by one. I don't know how they spread it. The secret method and various materials and knowledge are all carried.

Some people secretly wanted to obtain the kobold secret method, but they found it was useless at all.

These kobolds are dead brains, no matter how they are tortured, there is no way to get the knowledge in their minds. And they also used special secret methods to protect their souls, as long as they use spiritual means, they will die on the spot. The resulting mental shock will also counterattack enemies who attack their spirits.

This is basically the end of the loss outweigh the gains.

They have no choice but to let the kobolds continue to develop and build power. At most, they will be hired directly after they are established. After they have made something, they will buy it.

In everyone's eyes, these kobolds still seem to have poor minds. If you have a good mind, who will lend your power to others and sell all the good things you have made.

But it is precisely because of this situation that the kobolds have been able to survive forever, and have not been united and killed by the major forces.

What makes them feel strange is that they don't know why, after joining the kobolds, other ethnic groups will gradually be assimilated and become exactly the same as them, and they are all so selfless.

With the continuous spread of kobolds, gradually some seventh-order kobolds appeared, and more and more.

Just because it was scattered, it didn't attract other people's attention. After all, an eighth-order kobold standing there, really attracted the attention of most people, so that they did not notice the following situation.

If someone can count it, they will find that the number of Kobold rank 7 is astonishingly more than one hundred, and this number is still increasing. This speed of development is really terrifying.

On this day, Du You suddenly walked out with a kobold smile on his face. "Hahahaha, it's finally completed, now the plan can be carried out faster." Du You held a ghost like amulet in his hand.

Without waiting for others to inquire, Du You said directly: "It is exactly what I have just researched based on the totem, which is specially used for long-distance teleportation. With this, our kobold forces can unite into a whole. Although the effect is It's not very good. There are not many people who teleport at a time, and it can only be arranged and used by priests above the fifth level, but it will be better in the future.

Speaking of it, the kobold totem art is completely different from the secret methods of other forces, and it is not easy for Du You to deduce it to this level. If you want to go deeper, of course you can.

But if you take out too high-level one at a time, the trouble will be not small.

"Okay, now recruit people to come and study, and, do you know it directly in the name of the main god."

Everyone nodded, they were absolutely loyal to Du You. In the name of the Lord God, Du You would be hidden. Others just know that the head of the kobold is too good and too powerful to pay attention to him.

Du You has been suppressing his strength at the seventh level, and he has no intention of breaking through.

As this method was learned, it didn't take long for it to be used. The first is the cities around the Kobold Empire and very far away places. One teleportation formation was established, and then the kobold masters passed by.

In this way, whether it is spreading secret methods or spreading all kinds of knowledge is much easier than before. As long as the kobold can walk, there will be a teleportation formation established, and then the spread of the kobold will start to accelerate.

Speaking of it, this kind of teleportation array is also a feat of the orcs. In the past, people who reached the seventh level directly tore the space for long-distance transmission.

It's different now, and ordinary orcs can use it. That's right, the kobold directly let go of the teleportation array, and it can be used only at a price close to the cost. This time the communication between the orcs is more convenient.

In addition to the role of a mercenary, the Kobold’s station now has another role of transportation. Anyway, the surrounding orcs are more and more inseparable from them.

Even in many places, the kobolds are still looking forward to building a teleportation formation in the past.

In this way, they can have a deeper connection with the larger ethnic groups of the same race. Whether it is to protect yourself or learn some advanced knowledge, it has a greater effect. It is also easier to mobilize troops to participate in the war. Some resource-poor places are even more looking forward to this, because they can use the teleportation array to enter resource-rich places.

This situation makes many big races among the orcs worried. But what they can do now, because they themselves need these things. More and more people are focusing on the kobold.

Similarly, Du You also hid himself deeper. Now in addition to the south, a large number of kobolds began to appear in the central area of ​​the orcs and on the east and west sides. I don't know when, a city of kobolds suddenly appeared in the north.

It is said that it was established by a seventh-order kobold after arriving When others found out, the city here had grown. Because the north is the farthest from the south, they look down on kobolds the most.

When it was discovered that the kobold city was established, many races united and began to crusade against the kobold.

Then, a huge battle of unprecedented scale started in the north, and a large number of kobolds were sent over and sent into the meat grinder on this battlefield. For some prescribed reasons, the people of Tier 7 did not participate. Even if someone breaks through the seventh rank on the battlefield, they will leave immediately, leaving this place to those below the seventh rank.

The resistance of the kobolds is unexpectedly stubborn, and the strong of Tier 6 can actually form an army. Coupled with the defense of underground fortifications, and various weapons of war, this is the reason why the kobolds have been able to carry it down.

The kobolds were able to resist their attacks, making them even more annoyed. Gradually, the armies that had attacked together began to unite. They formed an alliance directly, and even the high-level officials established a temporary headquarters not far away.


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