Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1816: The south sweeping the world

With enough strength and influence, no one dares to do anything to them now. So taking advantage of this opportunity, Du You began a crazy development, constantly exporting various troops to the outside world.

Together with the tribesmen of these troops taken in locally, they will be stationed directly in the same place after the combination.

One by one, special residential areas are formed. Du You asks the kobolds to excavate the underground of these residential areas, and build residential areas and even cities directly underground, and then build functional buildings in them.

With so many people from outside, these places are developing very fast.

The population is constantly increasing, and the number of troops is constantly increasing. It was only because they had finally found a stable life, and after practicing the secret method Du You spread out, the mentality of these people gradually changed.

These people who have become loyal have completely hidden the changes in the vicinity, and the outside world does not know.

With living buildings in hand, there is no shortage of food, so many people can be hidden here. With the help of some special circumstances, these created residents and troops will be secretly transferred to other places.

All in all, the military strength and residents of every place are constantly improving, and the population created by these has gradually surpassed the population gathered by Du You. At this time, Du You didn't know how much he had gathered.

This situation is especially common in the werewolf empire. The underground of the werewolf empire is about to be built by Du You into another empire.

I have to say that the kobold's talent in mining is really unparalleled, and when he has a strong strength, his talent in this area is even more terrifying. Coupled with some special excavation tools manufactured by Du You, it is not surprising that they can have the scale they are today. Werewolves probably don't know what's happening in their own country.

Of course, maybe they know it, but it is definitely a minority, and what they know is not so detailed.

If they knew that the kobolds on their territory surpassed them in terms of number and strength, they wouldn't have such a good mood. Although there are many werewolf masters, they are really inferior to them.

Over the years, Du You has also continuously hired out some 7th-order kobolds or strong men from other races.

Even a race like the Lions came and hired their strong people of the same race. It seemed that they wanted to bring this tribe into their camp and break away from Du You's kobold united empire. It's a pity that these are the guardians made by Du You using the skill hall, and it is useless if they let them tell.

Over the years, Du You can be said to be the place where there are the most seventh-order powerhouses.

In order to avoid trouble, Du You will also ask some 7th-order guardians to go to other places, and then pretend to have just advanced or a situation that has just appeared. Only in this way can we share some of our pressure.

If there are too many new seventh-orders on your side, it will be troublesome.

For these people, Du You did not even let them join the kobold empire in name. Instead, they joined some other ethnic groups, or lived alone, using various methods to increase their influence.

In short, with the passage of time, the mercenaries of the Kobold Empire and their guardians gradually spread, and after years of development, they have swept the entire southern region.

Now among the major ethnic groups in the south, it is a very strange thing if there are no kobolds or similar mercenary troops. Only those ethnic groups that are truly powerful would not do this.

In the same way, things have reached this point, and you can't hide it anymore.

People in other major regions suddenly discovered that the South had become a territory of kobolds. The number of kobolds in this place is the largest and most powerful of all ethnic groups.

Not only is there a large number, these kobolds are also very strong in their own right, especially in defense, which is higher than their own attacks. This makes it very difficult to kill the kobold.

And the number of kobold masters is also increasing. I don't know how they did it, the 7th-order powerhouses of the Kobold United Empire, on the bright side, have reached more than twenty.

This number is not bad among many ethnic groups. If it hadn't been for the birth of the eighth-order powerhouse, the kobold race would now become a superior race. But even now, kobolds are a medium race.

And it's the group close to the top among the middle races. After all, among the orc tribes where no eighth-level powerhouse has ever appeared, it is really rare for a seventh-level powerhouse to have so many.

Only some ethnic groups that are naturally stronger can suppress them in this regard.

Speaking of it, the reason why the werewolf clan is still able to suppress the kobolds is because there is an eighth rank in the werewolf clan. As a powerful race, the pride of werewolves has always had a reason.

Looking at the information in his hand, Du You was very satisfied: "Very good, the influence is almost enough. It has been a bit slow to sweep the South for so many years."

This is the first time for Du You to use this gentle and unobtrusive approach to develop.

In the past, they used to forcefully occupy, and then waited until their own strength increased, forcibly increased their influence.

This time, Du You did not use his own strength to increase his influence, but instead used to expand the influence of his ethnic group to increase his territory's experience points. Although this speed is very slow, it is not useless at all.

And this land is not forcibly occupied, it is expanded bit by bit in the form of This method is even less noticeable. Although it is employment in name, among the orcs, There are many similar forms, but Du Younong's is relatively large. They wouldn't think that those hired would still listen to Du You.

After all, the distance is too far, and separate areas have been formed. In their view, as long as there is enough time, after two or three generations have passed, some people will be inclined to themselves. This is equivalent to increasing your own population and strength, so why not do it. Even many people secretly mocked Du You's actions.

As for the outside of the southern region, it is not mocking Du You now, but even laughing at the southern part.

It is not a pleasant thing to be pressed on the head by a kobold. Except for the South, although the overall status of kobolds in other places has improved, their individual treatment has not changed.

Who makes them weak and their brains are not good? There is no way for them to change their destiny.


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