Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1815: Become a dominant force

The war between the two sides was so horribly over, the Black Tiger Empire’s dispatch of troops almost became a joke, and the country became unstable. The performance of the Kobold United Empire was shocking.

The two new rank 7 powerhouses were still unbelievable before no one had heard of them.

Especially the werewolf empire, now it is even more troublesome. Domestic kobolds have united and formed various organizations. They hired some kobolds privately, and they had arrived at this time.

Because of the power seeds shared by these kobolds, the kobolds who practice secret methods gradually become stronger and smarter. This is the reason these organizations can survive.

And because of these organizations, the kobolds have a higher right to speak within the werewolf empire, and their influence is getting bigger and bigger. There are kobolds who are ready to participate in the regime of the werewolf empire and want to become officials.

The relationship between these kobolds has caused tension within the werewolf empire.

I am afraid that this situation will become more serious when the hired troops arrive. The seventh-order kobold experts were introduced by themselves. With the seventh-order, these kobolds can be regarded as backers.

On the other side, the situation on the Black Tiger Empire is not good. The two only Grade 7 severe injuries, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Many seventh-tiers want to take this opportunity to kill them in the past, and then obtain resources.

Whether it is the opponent's body or the crystallization of the law, it has a huge effect on oneself.

As a result, one by one the seventh-order powerhouses and the surrounding big forces began to test. There are also some oppressed races in the country secretly communicating with the outside world, and the Black Tiger Empire has become precarious for a while.

There is also the Kobold Empire who receives the same treatment, but after all, they are because the Kobold Empire still has a leader, and they dare not be as presumptuous as against the Black Tiger Empire, and the temptation is relatively mild.

Adding to the fact that the kobold united empire is monolithic, it is really not an easy task to get in.

Besides, they have to take care of those mercenary troops. If the Kobold Empire is attacked, the Kobold Empire will blacklist it and ban anyone who hires them in the future. Once the Kobold United Empire did not perish, under these conditions, their power would suffer unimaginable blows.

You can't have to dispatch the seventh rank for any level of battle, it would really violate the rules.

But one day, two powerhouses of the Black Tiger Empire suddenly appeared, showing no signs of injury at all, and put on a desperate posture, and directly drove away the enemy in the future.

"The two people in the Black Tiger Empire actually recovered. It seems that it cost a huge price."

An elder said that without the ability to heal, he will not recover so quickly. In such a situation, it is only possible that two people spend a lot of money to find someone who can treat their injuries to recover.

Du You is much more relaxed here, not to mention that he has the ability to heal, just don't care, throw it directly into the skill hall for repair, there is no problem. The resources spent are far lower than the consumption of other people to treat injuries.

"It's very interesting. Is the Black Tiger Empire planning to retaliate with us? It has to bring other people to our side. If this is the case, then let's expose some of our strength."

With that said, Du You ordered the two guardians who did not show up to be dispatched.

On this day, the kobold united empire caused a greater sensation, because their leader still did not show up, but two of their 7th ranks appeared. One of them is still a kobold, but the other unexpectedly is a lion. If it weren't for an empire where there is no lionman nearby, they would think that a lionman would secretly support them.

After all, the Lion and the Tiger have always been orc royals, even in any world, and the relationship between these two races has always been bad. They are in a state of fighting each other, and each other is each other's competitors.

But this lion man is very obedient, which makes them feel weird. When did the Lions actually control them so well?

But the added two seventh tiers, the combat effectiveness is also not weak. Especially that lion man is even closer to the middle stage of the seventh stage. Suddenly, he killed an invading Tier 7 lizardman, turning himself into a training resource.

At this time, other people dare not mess around. When the Black Tiger Empire invaded again, they suddenly discovered that the two guys who had suffered both losses last time appeared, and they were as unharmed as themselves.

"Damn it, how did they find the healer." I was able to find it because I had a relationship with other tiger races, but the kobold obviously didn't have it, and it was difficult for the kobold to get so many resources.

Don’t look at the recent development of the Kobold Empire’s employment business, but all they get are ordinary funds and resources. If you want to hire a healer of this level, all it takes are high-level resources.

"I think they might have someone who can treat themselves."

The tigers felt a little depressed: "No, we can't get hurt anymore, and we won't be able to use this body again, so for the sake of the empire, we evacuate." The two looked at each other and decided to evacuate.

The second time it was even more anticlimactic, which attracted boos. It's just that no one dared to mess around this time, because neither of these two seventh ranks were injured. The kobold didn't chase, silently consolidating his defense.

Because of constant exposure, there are already six seventh-tier powerhouses on the kobold united empire. Although one has been hired, no one will divide it outside. Six, among the major empires in the South, the Kobold Empire is considered to be the top ranked power, and it is definitely one of the strongest empires.

The eighth-order powerhouses will not pay attention to them, and under the eighth-order, they are already fearless.

In the area around this area, except for a Black Tiger Empire that can barely resist, no one else can do it. Unknowingly, the Kobold United Empire has become a dominant force.

The so-called overlord level means that there is no power nearby that can fight against it, completely suppressing all surrounding sounds.

This is the case today in the Kobold United Empire. However, they do not expand, and will not cause a joint target from those around them. Constantly hiring their own forces, even Tier 7 is no exception, but it causes the people around to like their existence very much.

The actual control area of ​​the empire is constantly expanding. Du You will gradually let go of more power in the follow-up, continuously increase his influence, and penetrate the world bit by bit.


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