Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1166: Congratulations to His Royal Highness the Saintess

The white fox clan suddenly broke out, which no one had expected. Especially with so many Tier 5 white fox fighting capabilities, the werewolves felt shocked and feared in their hearts, and the team collapsed at once.

   "Damn it, withdraw for me." Finally, Soma realized that he couldn't win at all, and this assault was a failure. Not only that, but the team he led suffered heavy losses, which greatly harmed the werewolf's high-end combat effectiveness.

   After this time, the werewolf not only failed to completely incorporate the red fox clan into his own rule and improve his own strength, but instead reduced his racial status to a level in the kingdom. If it weren't for the critical situation now, Soma would want to apologize with death. Hearing Soma's voice, the werewolf who had already collapsed turned around and ran.

   Werewolves who give full play to the wolf pack tactics, they cooperate very well in battle, and when they escape, they quickly disperse in swarms. It may not be easy to pursue them.

   In the end, the fox master and the Griffins chased for a certain distance, and Aisha ordered them to come back.

   "Stop it, don't chase." Aisha's eyes flickered, although they were sure that there were no werewolves ambushing around here. But these guys retreat on the grassland in a very organized manner, seemingly swarming, but it is not easy to catch up.

   Pursuing in this way will not bring much gain, and it will damage the interests of the entire orc. If the damage is too great, maybe the reputation of the fox in the orc kingdom will be stinking, which is not good for his plan.

   Everyone quickly returned to this place, Aisha asked a foxman next to her: "How big is our loss, and how big is the werewolf's loss." Now it's time to clean the battlefield.

   The foxes sorted it out, and then someone came over to report: "His Royal Highness, the werewolves have lost 78 people, all of them are Tier 5 masters. We have lost five people and a griffon."

   Aisha frowned, and sure enough, it was not so easy to fight a Tier 5 master. Although they are all directly manufactured special units, the opponent is not completely without resistance. Below the same level, he was still attacked first, and the red fox behind them rebelled, but it was still impossible to solve it without injury.

   The five dead fox races were all the holy beast warriors who rushed over at the beginning, because they were at the forefront. In the temple behind, not one died, not even one was injured. The werewolves never touched them at all.

   The King of White Fox rushing from the side, because it was the last force to enter the battlefield, the werewolves had already been blocked at that time. As soon as they joined, the werewolf team had collapsed, so there was not much pressure.

  In addition, the White Fox Warcraft, as a Warcraft, has a physique far surpassing that of the Foxman. Although several were injured when the werewolves desperately broke through, no deaths have occurred.

  , on the contrary, was the King Kong Griffon, which was thought to be the least likely to die at the beginning, and lost one in the course of the battle.

   Werewolves are good at close combat after all, rather than using spells like sacrifices. Although the King Kong Griffin is powerful, it does not restrain them. In the course of the battle, these well-cooperative werewolves seized the opportunity and killed one.

   After some sorting, the red fox on the opposite side has slowly approached.

   Aisha raised her brows and was about to say something, but she saw those Red Fox tribesmen suddenly bow to the ground, all kneeling down, lying in front of her in a five-body posture, with a face of submissiveness.

   "Welcome to Your Royal Highness." The fox headed shouted loudly.

   Immediately afterwards, all the people behind shouted loudly: "Welcome to Your Royal Highness."

   Aisha raised her brows, and she knew she was on the right way this time. These red fox people, this can be regarded as scared by their own power. After all, there are more than two hundred werewolves. If they attack directly, the Red Fox family may not be able to stop them.

   But he not only easily knocked it back, but also killed more than one-third of the opponent. At the same time, his own losses are still so small. The Tier 5 combat power brought this time is much more than they imagined. It turns out that in addition to the Griffin, the members of this white fox clan actually have such a fighting power.

   If Aisha is determined to deal with the red fox family, they will definitely have only one way to perish.

   This time, the red fox clan who was completely frightened did not dare to resist the request of the saint. Now think about what benefits you can make in the future, it is better than always fighting against the extinction of the ethnic group.

   Just when the battle was over, some red foxes ran towards their own tribe, and they had to send this news back to their tribe in the shortest possible time.

   When these fox people expressed their surrender to Aisha, the fox people in the rear also began to prepare for a grand welcome ceremony. In fact, this kind of ceremony is already being prepared from the beginning. However, the red fox clan used the excuse of welcoming werewolves to win, and the werewolves did not stop it. Obviously, the Red Fox wanted to welcome whoever wins.

   Aisha received the most grand welcome in her life, and the conversation that followed was very relaxed.

Aisha also has a powerful force so that the red fox clan dared not resist at all, and then the red fox clan returned to the era led by the white fox, completely obedient, and they would let some of the clan enter the temple and serve Saint.

   Actually, this can be regarded as a hostage or a way of expressing surrender.

   And Aisha promised that in the future, someone will send griffon eggs and griffon training methods to help them cultivate. As for the extent to which they can be cultivated, it can only be up to them.

   There is also the training method of Griffin Riders. Whether they can successfully train Griffin Riders depends on their own.

   As for the White Fox Monster, it would have to wait until later. Aisha didn't tell them the reason, but just said that they would investigate.

   As the holy beast of the white fox clan or even the entire fox clan, this kind of caution is very necessary. Therefore, the red fox family recognized it very much, but felt that it was strange not to do so.

   On the same day, Aisha found that her task progress had improved a lot, and it was important to break through the bottleneck and enter the 9-star level. In other words, from now on, Aisha can break through and enter Tier 5.

   I didn't expect the advanced task to be completed so quickly. Aisha did not go to the next race quickly, but let the team slow down on the road. Aisha must first improve her strength and continue to move forward after adapting to her strength.

   "Wait until they find out that my saint has entered the fifth step, I don't know what expression it will be." Aisha showed a lovely smile, and she couldn't see the decisiveness of the previous killing.


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