Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1165: The strength of the fox fist

Seeing so many fox masters, Soma was shocked, but didn't care. When will the fighting power of the foxes become stronger? If the foxes are really so strong, they will not always be bullied.

   Even if they face more fox masters than themselves, as long as there is no help from others, they will never worry.

   "Huh, rush to me and let them know that foxes are never better than wolves."

   Soma called out loudly, and rushed over. The long knife in his hand was severely cut out. If it hadn't been for this sneak attack that they didn't bring their own mounts, these wolf cavalry's combat effectiveness would have been even stronger.

   It's a pity, the ambush is not successful, they can only rely on their own strength to come. Soma felt that his sword was very smooth, and he could definitely defeat all of the opponent's attack and defense instantly, and cut the opponent down with a single blow. He is a werewolf, a powerful werewolf, those fragile foxes can only hide behind, and they are dead on the front battlefield.

   Even the red fox master at the back was worried at this time. These are the masters of their fox people. Although they are rare melee units, they don't think they can be compared with werewolves in melee combat.

   Seeing so many people from the White Fox tribe are dying, they also have grief in their hearts.

   But the result is completely different from what they thought. The white fox master who rushed over didn't care about the opponent's long knife. With a quick wave of his left hand, he actually blocked the side of the long knife like this.

   only has the arm, the movement is much faster than using the weapon. The white Yuanli wrapped around his arms, like armor, actually completely blocked Soma's vindictiveness. Even that huge force is constantly letting his weapons deviate.

   Soma felt a huge force sweeping over, and her long knife almost flew out. If it weren't for the blessings of other sacrifices, I'm afraid I would lose. Even if the opponent receives stronger bonus power, it can't behave like this.

   Soma was shaken back by the opponent's huge power, which is simply a shame.

   However, the master of the white fox clan didn't pull the distance away, but instead rushed over, hitting his chest with a fist. In a hurry, Soma had to use a long knife to block the punch in front of him.

   With a "bang", the huge force knocked Soma back again. Soma looked down and saw that there was a superficial trace on her broad knife. Although it was not very deep, it was so dazzling.

   Is this the power that fox people can explode. How do you feel that the opponent's strength is more powerful than his own werewolf grudge. Obviously not so violent, but more condensed, more refined. This kind of feeling is often the result of high-level vindictive cultivation of human beings. When will the foxes actually have this kind of power.

   "Oh my god, is that the power that fox people can explode? What kind of profession is that?"

"I remember like a holy boxer, who cultivated a kind of power called Yuanli. It is said that apart from the ligers and tigers, the only people who can cultivate Yuanli are our foxes. It's a pity that there was no one a long time ago. Practiced."

  How could the fox people who are weak in strength practice melee combat? Later, it can be seen that the fox people are sacrifices. In their eyes, the strength is so weak, even if the fighting skills are high, they are definitely not opponents of other orcs.

   However, although the fox people are weak, they are relative to the orcs, and the power of the fox people is still stronger than that of the humans.

   Human warrior masters can compete head-to-head with orc warrior masters. After reaching a certain level, innate strength is no longer so important. These fifth-order holy boxers are no weaker than anyone in combat effectiveness.

   Even in melee combat skills, it surpasses other orcs. The closer they are, the stronger the combat effectiveness of their unarmed holy boxer will be.

   By the way, these werewolves are mainly cavalry. Without the mount and the sacrificial power is not as good as the opponent, these werewolves are sitting on wax. Fortunately, Saoya, with his superb strength, was able to block continuous attacks. But other people around me can't do it. After fighting for a while, several people died by his side.

   "Damn it, how much power is hidden by the white fox clan. You didn't come out when the Quicksand Empire invaded. I must report to the lion clan and let them punish you white fox clan."

   Soma shouted, but it was useless. The opposing white fox master didn't care about their words at all, his expression remained the same, and the battle rhythm did not change. These holy boxers are not good at cooperating with each other, but one-on-one is unambiguous.

   There are more werewolves, yes, but there are not many more. When they rushed forward, they found another problem. I don't know when, those white fox monsters actually bypassed the front and came to their side.

   Then, the white fox monsters exploded their aura one by one, and the werewolf was shocked that this was actually a hundred Tier 5 monsters. When and when did they raise these white fox monsters. According to intelligence, isn't the white fox they raise only Tier 4, why there are so many Tier 5

  The situation has not allowed them to think about it, and the white foxes have rushed forward. The white foxes of Tier 5 are all good at melee spells. Although the spells are not very strong, the melee is not very strong, but the combination is different.

   Below the same level, the combat effectiveness of a white fox monster is not much weaker than a wolf cavalry. A werewolf without a mount is not at all an opponent of this hundred big foxes. The coordination between the big foxes is better than that of the holy boxer.

   The combination of the holy boxer, the sacrificial rites, and the white fox and beasts, the combat effectiveness demonstrated is simply shocking. There are also the griffins in the air, and the werewolves who intercepted the griffins are almost unable to hold on.

   When the first werewolf master fell from the sky, the war had come to an end.

   The people of the red fox clan looked at each other with excitement on their faces, which made them see the new fighting method of the fox clan. Once this method of fighting becomes popular, the fox people are destined to become a powerful ethnic group.

   Even, fighting with the ligers in the future is not necessarily impossible. The ligers and tigers are innately stronger than any race in terms of their warrior talents, but their fox race also surpasses all the orc races in sacrifice. Now that they have made up for a shortcoming, the strength of the Ligers and Tigers really may not be stronger than them.

   And they have another advantage, that is, they have a large population. In terms of fertility, no other nobles, except for a strange wild boar race, can be more fertile than their fox tribe. These red fox people slowly stopped.

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