Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1012: Weird king

Once entering the land battle, the people of Shenghai Kingdom are now completely unafraid. Most of their troops are adapted to land combat, and the highest-level arms are all fire attributes or airborne.

These strengths that can be exerted on the sea may be limited, but on land it is completely different.

When the war enters the stage of land combat, they can basically declare their victory. With the army advancing all the way, the land of the vast sea kingdom simply does not have a single force to contend.

"When the Hanhai Kingdom attacked, it seemed to be quite powerful, how come it feels so bad now."

Hearing his sister’s words, Lin Yucha explained: “Attack and defense are completely different things. Besides, most of their troops have been taken out to attack. Now that they are maimed, the local area does not have much strength. It is not ours. The opponent is also normal."

Lin Yushi nodded, thinking of the previous battle, it seems that the same is true.

"Master, where are we going now, go directly to the palace? In this world battle, as long as we win the palace, then we will be considered a victory in this battle."

This is true. The mode of war in this world is like this. Occupation means victory. Even the kings and nobles of the opposing party, according to the general situation, still have to guarantee their lives, and even the future life must guarantee abundance. Of course, this is just a rule on the surface, and in most cases it will not be done.

Just like Saria at the beginning, although she was a princess, she was not caught and sold by a slave merchant.

As for how to catch it, who knows. Such excuses are too easy to find. Du You will now follow the example of this situation. As the royal family of the Hanhai Kingdom, Du You has no plans to stay.

"By the way, when Salia can come over, I have promised to leave the king of the vast sea kingdom to her."

"It has been notified, and it will probably arrive tomorrow. Sharia took the griffon directly from the air through the route we left, much faster than our boat." Lin Yucha was the first to answer.

Du You nodded: "In this case, let's go to the palace. Up to the present position, the fifth-order powerhouse of the Hanhai Kingdom has not appeared yet, we must be careful."

Lin Yucha smiled and said, "Master, we have already incorporated Tier 5 soldiers into the guards. With so many Tier 5 soldiers, what else is there to be afraid of." This thing was originally done by them.

Du You waved his hand: "I am not afraid of this, I am worried that the opponent's strength is too strong, and we need to expose too much strength." Du You did not intend to expose all the Tier 5 fighters included in the Guards. At that time, depending on the situation, according to the opponent's strength, decide how much to be exposed, and then the surrounding enemies are not something Du You can easily deal with.

The Shenyan Empire is now an alliance nation and cannot make a move, but it must guard against the opponent's move.

On the other side is the Quicksand Empire, which is the only enemy now. If the territory needs to be developed and upgraded, it is absolutely indispensable to deal with it in the future. There are no enemies in other directions, unless sea routes are opened.

Du You took the guards and the two sisters and walked directly from the ground in the direction of the imperial palace.

Fortunately, the palace is not far from the sea, and the area of ​​this island is not small. The total area of ​​the three islands is absolutely comparable to the size of a kingdom on land. Along the way, there were battles everywhere on the road.

After spending most of the day, Du You and his party finally arrived at the most central administrative area of ​​the kingdom, which is the imperial palace. At this moment, the war around the island has also come to an end.

"Let's go, I haven't heard the news of Tier 5 troops appearing anywhere, then they must be waiting for us in the palace." Du You looked at the magnificent palace in front of him and said indifferently.

Even in the kingdom on the island, the palace is extremely luxurious. But Du You walked to the gate of the palace, only to find that the people inside had already stepped out to greet him. The headed person, with a crown and a scepter, looks like a king.

"The king of Shenghai Kingdom, we finally met. We never thought that the destruction of Hanhai Kingdom would be because of you. Your development is so fast, Shenyan Empire will not allow you to grow."

Du You smiled calmly: "I don't know what will happen to the Shenyan Empire, but I know what my future will look like."

"Really, then you are really confident. Today's battle is related to our future. I have left everything in the palace. As long as you can win, you can inherit everything from me and become the king of the east of the mainland in the future."

"Really, you are really confident. If the things you leave behind are so useful, then why didn't you become the king."

"Me, time is not enough. But this time it may not be you who win. If I win, I will continue with your share." The king sighed first, and then his tone became more cautious.

A special atmosphere filled the surroundings. Du You's eyes narrowed slightly, and the guards beside him had quietly stepped forward. Because of the two people behind the king, the aura on their bodies began to rise, which was definitely a Tier 5 aura. That kind of breath contained waves like the sea, and it could be roughly determined that the other party should be of water attributes.

However, what Du You didn't expect was that As the momentum of the two people spread, the two people did not immediately do it. The breath of the king is constantly expanding. Ascended all the way from Tier 3 to Tier 5 in the end.

Du You's eyes flashed incredible, what kind of secret method or item it is that can make a person's strength increase two levels in a row. And looking at the king's appearance, he did not become crazy.

No, the appearance of the king has changed. Strange lines appeared on his body, which seemed to be some kind of special line drawings. But Du You couldn't tell specifically, just that he felt a little familiar.

Then, the skin on the king's body changed, and fish scales appeared in some places, and the skin began to turn light blue. With this change in appearance, the aura on the king's body became stronger and stronger.

"I remembered, this is the pattern on the murloc body, very similar, is it possible that the king of the Vast Sea Kingdom has murloc blood. But how is this possible?" Du You directly ignored this idea in his heart.

There is a big gap between humans and murlocs, and there is reproductive isolation, and it is impossible to produce offspring. It's just that the king's appearance is really weird, Du You quietly backed away, he didn't want to face-to-face contact with such a monster.

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