Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1011: Landed on the mainland of Hanhai Kingdom

"It's really troublesome, calculate how many ships we lost." After the battle, Du You said with a headache looking at his ships. This battle is very smooth.

With powerful firepower and powerful arms, it is not easy to deal with the enemy. Halfway through the battle, the opponent has completely collapsed. In the end, only some ships turned around and ran away, while others were left behind.

But it is not without a problem on their own side, because their ships at sea are indeed inferior to each other. Whether it is inferior in quantity or quality, only long-range attack weapons are stronger. In addition, there were not many murlocs brought by Du You, and there was no potion that could directly raise murlocs by one level.

As a result, the murlocs he brought were not opponents at all, and if the opponent murlocs had not drunk the potion, they would be crazy, I am afraid they would cause more damage. Now, the boat on my side is leaking a lot.

"About a quarter of our ships cannot be repaired, so we can only give up. In addition, our Firefist fighters have lost three." Du You frowned upon hearing this report.

"What's going on, why do Firefist fighters lose? Aren't they able to fly."

Although the Fire Fist Fighter did not reach Tier 5, it was also the pinnacle of Tier 4, reaching level 40. A short stay in the air can still be done. Even if the ship is destroyed, they can jump onto other ships.

This is a level 40 force, and there are not many in his territory now, and losing one is distressing.

"They are all crazy murlocs, they are very strong, and they are not afraid of death. The three lost were dragged into the water by them, and there was no time for rescue at that time."

Du You also understood that it is true that the Fire Fist Fighters are indeed very strong, but they themselves are of the flame attribute. Once it falls into the ocean, the strength that can be exerted is very limited.

As long as there are aquatic murlocs who are not too weak in strength, it is impossible for them to return to the surface.

Du You shook his head: "Keep going, the main naval forces of the Hanhai Kingdom have been wiped out. When we reach the mainland, we are in the world." Du You directly ordered the army to move forward.

But at this moment, a messenger suddenly reported loudly: "Report your lord, our ships are not enough. There are too many people on and off from other ships, and we can't fit them."

Du You felt headaches for a while. He didn't expect that his troop level was high and his losses were small, but he couldn't hold people because of the ship's losses. Fortunately, there is no way for others to solve this kind of thing, but Du You can still do it.

Without even thinking, Du You said: "Let the Griffin Riders come to the floating clouds, and spare the extra space for other fighters." The floating clouds on the platform suddenly expanded to its limit, like a large square. A large number of Griffin Riders flew up here. If it hadn't been for the Griffin Riders to support in the air before, they hadn't wiped out the opponent so easily.

When the last group of Griffin Riders who went to chase came back, they also reached the floating clouds.

After another whole day of sailing, the group finally saw the homeland of the vast sea kingdom ahead.

"That's the place. According to intelligence, the most central island is the former land of the Vast Sea Kingdom. The two large islands next to it were looted. Now the main force of the Vast Sea Kingdom should be on the central island."

"According to the plan, we will divide the troops and occupy the other two islands, and we will go to the middle. The next thing to command is you."

Du You never specifically directs the battle on the battlefield, because he himself is not good at this, and Luo Jia has been doing it all the time. Luo Jia took the order, and his mentality was stable, even if he faced a kingdom this time.

The entire army was separated, and each sub-island was dispatched with 20% of its troops, and the Griffin Legion in the air kept up at the same time. The remaining 60% of the troops went directly towards the large central island. A long distance away, Du You saw the perfect defense system ahead.

On the sea, there are still the remaining ships before, and they are all here now. There is no retreat in the vast sea kingdom, behind the endless sea, with these ships, there is no way for them to survive on the sea. Therefore, for the Hanhai Kingdom, this is the real battle of life and death.

There has never been a moment when the people of the vast sea kingdom will think that they can get this far. Above the coastline, there are a lot of fortifications, and various long-range ballistas and magic guns are ready.

The magic guns in this world are not pure energy attacks, but use energy to launch huge iron **** or stones. They are all heavy weapons. They cannot be installed on ships at all. They can only be installed on land.

A layer of special material will be attached to the surface of the stone or iron ball, plus some magic runes. Once it hits the target, it will burst out with strong magical energy, destroying the target, and its range will not even be much worse than that of your own Gunblade Cannon.

Following Roga's order, the air griffon riders had already started before the ship reached its position. A large number of Griffin Riders flew directly above these weapons, and then threw down the javelins and kerosene bottles that had been prepared. There is no way for large-scale weapons of war against the air, and it can only be dealt with by the few domestic air forces.

However, the local air force is too weak, and the number of UU reading is not large. Soon after being lifted into the sky, the only air power of the Vast Sea Kingdom was completely destroyed. Next, it's time for the performance of the aerial griffon riders.

The importance of air supremacy, at this moment, the experience of Hanhai Kingdom is extremely profound. The screams were repeated, but they were of no use at all. After the ship entered the range, these heavy land weapons were basically useless.

The few remaining ships are not rivals at all. In less than twenty minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle, the ships of the Shenghai Kingdom had already torn open the defenses of the Hanhai Kingdom, and the troop carriers quickly reached the coast.

Then, countless soldiers landed, as the most powerful firefist fighter among the soldiers on the surface, directly igniting his armor, and the armor burned like lava, advancing as if entering an uninhabited state.

The only troops of the Hanhai Kingdom had no ability to stop them at all, and they were quickly wiped out.

"According to the plan, arrest their nobles, try to find their criminal evidence, and then go directly to trial." Du You doesn't want to accept so many nobles, even if they have a bad reputation, they have to clean up most of them. Fortunately, the Hanhai Kingdom was a defeated country. Even if the aristocracy was cleared out a lot, it was logically said to be the past.

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