Although it is true that it is true, but...

"Speaking of which, why did you suddenly become... um, how do you say it?"

Smarter? It shouldn't be said that, anyway, the little potatoes still give people a silly feeling.

But it is true that a little change has taken place, but Shiyu of Kasumigaoka can't tell the specifics.

I always feel that something is weird, it's different from the usual little potatoes.

At least, before, Little Tudou would never say something like "As long as I don't feel embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed".

After that, do you want to find an opportunity to lift the child's Tianling cover to see if it becomes strange inside? Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Little Potato quietly.

"Shi~ You will go to jail like this~!"


It's really weird! My little potato can't be so accurate!

No.294 The colorless king is a potato

Because of the birth of a new king, both the red clan and the blue clan tacitly stopped fighting.

Even the bellicose King of Chi looked at the little potato held in his arms by Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

The birth of a new king, and the power seems to be quite strong, which makes the Red King full of fighting spirit.

It's just... Even he doesn't really want to fight a child. Although before that, the kid was the same king as him, but he still felt like an adult bullying a child.

Reiji Munakata, who noticed this, chuckled and said, "It's rare, do you actually know how to control yourself?"

Zhou Fangzun didn't pay attention to Zongxiang Reishi, but just frowned at the young dragon.

Although he was ignored, Reiji Munakata wasn't annoyed, but he was actually a little surprised now.

He accidentally met a visitor from another world, and the visitor's companion was chosen by the stone slab to become a king of his own.

This peculiar experience made the King of Blue, who had always been calm, so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

"The posture of the dragon shining with silver light, is this the ability acquired by the new colorless king?" Reiji Munakata lowered his head slightly and pushed his glasses.

"It seems that the colorless king of this generation has a good fighting ability."

The seventh king, the colorless king, is similar to a "ghost card". Although he can interfere with the power of other kings, his combat power is also the weakest.

No matter how they change from other kings, their power will not change, and the abilities of each generation of colorless kings are different.

For example, the colorless king of the previous generation has the ability to predict in three rounds and one word, which is also different from the colorless kings of previous generations.

Although the ability to transform into a monster is very rare, even Munakata Reiji has never actually seen it, but since he is a king, no matter how outrageous the ability is, he can accept it.

So Munakata Reiji did not suspect that the little potato itself was a dragon, but attributed it to the power he gained by becoming a queen.

However, Munakata Reji cared more about the character of the new king than strength.

Just like his child's appearance, Reiji Munakata could feel that even if he became a king, the little potato still seemed to be a simple child.

After all, throwing yourself into an adult's arms and acting like a spoiled child can only be done by a child.

At least, Munakata Reiji didn't think he or the Red King beside him could do such a humiliating thing.

"Is it easier to get along with than the Red King at least? However, being too simple is also a trouble."

While he is glad that the new king is not as troublesome as the red king, at the same time, Reiji Munakata is not optimistic because of it.

A child who is not yet sensible suddenly gets a dangerous gun. For other people, it is definitely more dangerous than an adult getting a gun.

Because the latter can also control himself through reason not to use weapons at will, but the former is likely to pull the trigger on other people simply out of curiosity.

If a king wields his power uncontrollably, it would definitely be a disaster comparable to a major earthquake for ordinary people living nearby.

"Do you want to control it?" Out of responsibility, Reiji Munakata immediately thought of controlling the new king, at least until he knew how to control himself, he couldn't let him move.

But soon, he gave up on this unrealistic idea.

"Even if it's a newly born king, it's still a king. It's not that easy to handle." Reiji Munakata rubbed his brows.

After becoming the King of Blue, Rei Tsuzakata fought against Zhou Fangzun because of an incident involving Feiwuluo, and he suffered because he underestimated the power of the King of Red. (referring to the head of the room being beaten to the sky in front of everyone~laugh~)

And the attitude of Zhou Fangzun next to him was also very confusing. Reiji Munakata still remembered that the new king appeared from the Feiwuluo bar.

Does this mean that the Red King has a connection with the new king, or is it an alliance?

Although he told Reiji Munakata rationally that Zhou Fangzun would not do such troublesome things, he still needs to be vigilant about the relationship between the new king and the red king.

"Officer, what should we do now?" Shiri Awashima came over and looked at Reiji Munakata blankly.

Although she is an elite urban woman and has dealt with a lot of troublesome things, she doesn't know what to do when it comes to the king, so she can only let her own king decide.

"Stay still and don't take any extreme actions."


Just when Shiri Awashima wanted to say something, a man wearing a rabbit mask and a large hunting robe suddenly appeared under everyone's eyelids.

He knelt on the ground and bowed his head respectfully to Little Tudou: "Lord Colorless King, my king, the King of Gold ordered me to invite you and this lady to the Imperial Pillar Pagoda!"

"Cut~! That old man still has a keen sense of smell~!"

Because of the man's appearance, Zhou Fangzun muttered in annoyance.

It was only a few minutes after the birth of the new king, and the people of the King of Gold came over. It was exactly the same as when he first became the king in the past.

And the old man in Zhou Fangzun's mouth is naturally the owner of this rabbit, the strongest king, the king of gold, and the great sense of the country.

"I feel the same way. That old man's hands and eyes are so open that I shudder." Reiji Munakata rarely quarreled with Zhou Fangzun, but agreed with him.

"Are you actually afraid too?"

"Although I am a king, before this, I was also a human, so I naturally have feelings like fear."

"Hmph, I thought you were an emotionless machine."

The two kings did not deliberately control their volume, and the rabbit man could hear it clearly.

But the man still kept kneeling on one knee, as if he hadn't heard other kings complaining about his own king.

Instead, he respectfully kept kneeling on one knee in front of Kasumigaoka Shiyu. He was waiting for Kasumigaoka Shiyu, or the little potato in her arms to answer.

Even if the king was just born, the colorless king was also a king, and they never dared to neglect him.

"Well, the colorless king refers to the little potato? The king of gold is..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't know what was going on at this time, her face was bewildered, she could only look at the little potato in her arms, hoping that the child could explain.

The young dragon bit his finger and had already obtained relevant knowledge from the slate. He was very aware of the changes in himself. but--

"It's so troublesome~ I don't want to say it~"

Little Potato had a puffed face, which was very enviable, and laid his head lazily on the proud part of Kasumigaoka Shiyu's chest.

Because the royal authority has so much knowledge, so much that this little guy doesn't know where to start talking, so he urged him not to talk about it.

"You kid, you don't have any sense of crisis~"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu poked the little guy's forehead angrily and funny, obviously he had changed, but he didn't intend to explain it clearly.

To tell the truth, if Little Potato didn't seem to have become some colorless king and wanted to save some face for him, Kasumigaoka Shiyu really wanted to press him on his thigh and spank him.

It's a crime to indulge one's appetite like this!

But, well, this is the character of Little Potato~ Shiyu of Kasumigaoka shrugged.

Although something has changed, he is still a little potato~!

In the end, Kasumigaoka Shiyu agreed to go with the rabbit man, and she also wanted to know what happened to Little Potato.

Intuition tells her that she will understand when she sees the King of Gold.

"Then, please also invite the Lord of Red and the Lord of Blue to go with you!" The rabbit man turned his head and respectfully looked at the other two kings, and invited them to the Imperial Pillar Pagoda together.

"Cut, trouble~!"

"I understand~!"

Although Zhou Fangzun and Munakata Reiji had different reactions, they agreed to go together.

Reiji Munakata wants to know about the new king, and by the way, he has to discuss with the King of Gold about the new king, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, and other guests from another world.

And although Zhou Fangzun hated the troublesome meeting of the royal authority, but because his clan was involved, he also followed patiently.

Also accompanied by Kusanagi Izumo and Awashima Shiri, as the second-in-command of the two clans, they will naturally walk with the king.

No.295 Computer and Network

At the Imperial Pagoda, known as the tallest building in Japan, Shiyu Kasumigaoka saw the only kingdom of gold that truly dominates Japan.


Little Tudou hugged Kasumigaoka Shiyu's neck, turned his head and looked at Guochanglu Dajue.

The Dresden Slate has instilled in him all the information about the king, and he knows the King of Gold.


Although he looked like an old man who was about to reach the end of his life, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka still felt the pressure coming towards him.

It was like seeing a lion that was old and frail but still had sharp claws.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been terrified at this time, so he lowered his head and dared not look directly into the eyes of the King of Gold, but Shiyu of Kasumigaoka calmed down in an instant.

The monsters she's seen are no longer rare, and she's almost used to it. and--

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked down at the little potato in her arms. With this little guy here, what am I afraid of?

"The new colorless king."

Guochang Lu Dajue looked at Little Tudou with a flat expression, as if he was not a king, but just an ordinary guest.

But in fact, the King of Gold was not at peace at this time.

Although after the birth of the new king, he knew that the new king was a child, but when he really met face to face, even Guo Changlu Dajue felt that things were a bit outrageous.

Although in the past few decades, it is not that no minors have been selected to become kings, but this is the first time for such a child who seems to be only six or seven years old.

But it's outrageous, this kid is now a king, that's enough.

"I think you already know what the Colorless King stands for." Guo Changlu Dajue didn't make any rounds, but directly opened up the most important issue.

Although the Colorless King is not at the risk of running rampant at any time like the Red King like a dynamite barrel, the Colorless King as a "ghost card" also has extremely important significance.

"Potato knows, but potatoes don't care!"

Little Potato clenched his claws and waved his small fists, as if he was a child who had a tantrum with his parents.

Although he has become a king, he has no consciousness of being a king at all.

The responsibility of the colorless king is to coordinate the relationship between the king and the king. For example, the colorless king Sanluan Yiyan of the previous generation often accepted the commission of the golden king as the mediator between the seven kings.

To know is to know your responsibility, but whether you want to be responsible or not is another matter.

As for Little Potato, he doesn't want to do this kind of troublesome thing, and it's not good.

The young dragon sticks out its little tongue: "Slightly slightly~"

"..." The King of Gold fell silent for a while. It was the first time he had his tongue stuck out after he became king.

And this is another king. This kind of novel experience made Guochang Lu Dajue not know what to say for a while.

But compared to this, he was actually more troubled by Little Potato's willfulness.

Even if you become a king, don't you want to take on the responsibility of being a king? How self-willed, just like that person.

However, it's not exactly the same. The person Guochang Lu Dajue knew didn't want to take responsibility, but was simply running away, while Little Potato...

Even though they had just met, the King of Gold probably guessed that the child simply thought it was too troublesome and didn't want to deal with it.

Well, although this is a very normal thing for a real child, although he is energetic, he is often impatient. The responsibility of a king is indeed very heavy for a child.

It's not incomprehensible to want to be willful and ignorant, but for other people, this kind of willfulness is really a headache.

Especially this somewhat free character, we must find a way to curb it, at least not to abuse the power of the king.

On this point, the King of Gold and Reiji Munakata have the same concern.

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