Things like goals or wishes that humans have, don't exist for dragons with long lives.

The long life makes them do nothing, and they will naturally get what they want.

So naturally there is no extreme desire for something or the need to achieve a certain goal.

Even if it's a little potato, although he likes to eat, he won't do everything possible to achieve it, he will just go with the flow.

If you can eat it, it's the best, if you can't eat it, forget it.

Probably this is the mentality of this salted fish.

"No...?" The silver-haired boy showed a surprised expression for the first time.

The life forms that can connect with him have more or less their own wishes or obsessions, or they are looking for the meaning of their existence like the contemporary Red King and Blue King, or they want to change the world like the Green King. obsession.

The teenager will respond to the will of the connector through the Dresden Slate, share the power with them, and help them realize their wishes and goals.

But like this, it was the first time that a guy with no thoughts and an empty head appeared.

I don't desire anything, I don't pursue anything, I just live simply. In the words of high EQ, it means nothing, but in the words of low EQ, it's just a walking dead.

Does he really need his own strength?

The boy didn't know for a while whether he should give him power or not.

"If you want something, potatoes want an endless snack."

"Food?" the silver-haired boy muttered in a low voice. Although this little guy just wanted to eat when others were eager to gain strength to achieve their goals, it felt a little awkward, but it was better than nothing.

"Then I will share the power with you."

However, contrary to the teenager's expectations, Little Potato refused directly.


"Why!?" The young man looked bewildered.

Little Potato put his hands on his hips: "The poem said that there is no free lunch in the world~"

Of course, if it was a lunch delivered to his lips, he wouldn't care whether it was free or not, he would eat it first.

But what about other things...power, you can't eat it.

"And for power or something, potatoes have their own, so you don't need to give them!"

As the lifeform at the top of the food chain, Gulong, even if he does nothing, just needs to eat, drink and sleep normally, one day he will gain powerful power.

So the power or something is not as good as a bag of peanuts for a little potato.

"..." The boy was completely embarrassed.

He found that Little Potato didn't seem to really need his strength, because he himself had considerable strength, and what he could give seemed to be not even tasteless.

But as a lifeform that can connect to the slate, it seems strange to let him go back without giving something.


The silver-haired boy opened his hand. Although the little guy in front of him doesn't need strength, there is one thing that suits him very well.

"I give you this sword that symbolizes the king, and at the same time—"


The sword of Damocles hanging high in the sky represents the battle between the two kings.

The red and blue spiritual powers are intertwined and collide with each other.

The two kings hit the ground from the sky, and the power they swayed destroyed the nearby buildings and streets.

However, both Zhou Fangzun and Munakata Reishi carefully avoided the Feiwuluo bar. After all, Anna and Shishu Tatara were still in the bar.

"Hmph, you lunatic actually know how to keep your hands?"

"Hmph, I'm just worried that someone will turn into ashes if they use all their strength."

"Don't worry, before that, I will cut off all of someone's hands and feet."

"It sounds so painful, so in order not to get chopped, I'll set you on fire first."

The two kings were fighting and bickering like quarrelling children.

Although the mouth and luggage have been scolding each other, but they have a happy smile on their faces.

"Go to hell, Munakata!"

"These words, return them in full, Zhou Fangzun!"

Just as the powers of the two kings were about to collide again, a powerful wave of spiritual power attracted their attention.

Whether it was Zhou Fangzun or Munakata Reiji, they both stopped their hands subconsciously and turned to look at the sky.

A beam of light appeared from the Vewuro bar, and then a transparent giant sword that was as gorgeous as a glass tree appeared from the light.

At the same time, a terrifying monster flew into the sky.


"That is... the Sword of Damocles!"

The people who were fighting stopped at this moment and stared blankly at the third sword that appeared in the sky.

Even the swords of the Red King and the Blue King gradually quieted down under the light of this new sword.

"A colorless sword..."

At the same time, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who had been staying in the car honestly, also noticed the strangeness outside.

But unlike the others who cared about the great sword, what she cared about was the monster hovering around the great sword.

"small potato......"

No.293 Strange little potatoes (plus more)

Little Tudou didn't know what happened to him, he just vaguely remembered that he had a very beautiful dream.

In the dream, there is unfinished food.

When he came back to his senses, a feeling of heart palpitations surged up from the depths of his heart without warning, as if something in his body was about to come out down his throat.

Little Tudou really wanted to fly into the sky and roar, and this little guy did exactly that.


A huge beam of light shot straight to the sky with him as the center. In the center of the beam of light, a huge sword was formed from the beam of light.

When the sword appeared in its entirety, the beam of light had disappeared, replaced by a huge and solemn sword hanging high above Little Potato's head.

It was a sword that was bigger than a ten-story building. The entire blade was surrounded by floating glass-like lightning, exuding a solemn aura.

Little Tudou raised his head a little dazedly, looking at the giant sword above his head, a knowledge that was as good as his was integrated into his brain.

The young dragon quickly knew what was on top of his head, and also understood his current state.

The Sword of Damocles!

It turns out that potatoes have become king!

Then... there is no such thing.

Although he knew that he seemed to be the king, Little Tudou didn't feel much about it.

It's as if the Ming Lantern Dragon is called the king of ancient dragons by hunters, but the ancient dragons may not really pay attention to this so-called king.

At the same time as he became a king, Little Potato also understood his responsibility as a king from the extra knowledge in his brain.

The Colorless King is similar to a "ghost card". Although the power is the weakest among the seven kings, he has the ability to interfere with other kings.

The balancer, the coordinator, between kings is something like this.

But... what does the responsibility of your colorless king have to do with me?

Little Tudou was very irresponsible and forgot his mission as a king in an instant. Compared with the mess of the king's responsibility, the young dragon flying in the air was more concerned about the ground, and he was constantly waving at him. Shiyu of the Hill of Xia.


Although it wasn't long after the separation, Shiyu of the Hill of Xia suddenly disappeared, which made this little guy a little uneasy. Provided, of course, that he didn't eat.

So now seeing Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, the young dragon felt a little happy from the bottom of his heart.

Just like the husky who hadn't seen his master for a long time, Little Potato threw Shiyu of Kasumigaoka to the ground, and then arched his head back and forth in her arms.


"You little guy~"

Originally, when she saw Little Potato, the excited Kasumigaoka Shiyu's little face gradually became rosy.

Because Little Potato didn't know when, he put his paw on her chest, and even squeezed it hard.

"You little guy...what are you doing?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu shamelessly took Little Potato's hand away from him.

"Because Shi looks very uneasy~" The young dragon looked at Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu innocently.


Although it is true that she was a little uneasy about being separated from Little Potato, what does this have to do with you pinching my breasts?

In response, Little Tudou tilted his head and said, "Someone said that if a girl is uneasy, she can't get rid of it by pinching it."

Nonsense~! If you squeeze it, you won't be disturbed... Well, if this kind of thing happens, the girl will be angry instantly, even if it is done by the person she likes, it will only be shy, a certain To a certain extent, it is true that it will not continue to be disturbed.


"...Where did you little guy hear this kind of mess?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu stretched out her finger and tapped the young dragon's forehead angrily and with a smile.

She didn't think that this silly little guy would recognize that little thing between men and women.

Someone must have damaged the little potatoes!

If you let me catch it, see if I don't take care of you! Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth and thought to herself.

"I don't know." To this, Little Potato just shook his head.

He didn't know who said such a thing, but after throwing himself into Shiyu's arms of Xia Zhiqiu, the words suddenly popped into his mind.

"Shi, are you still uneasy~?"

"...No more." Kasumi Hill Shiyu shook his head.

Being attacked by a little potato on her chest, she is still a ghost! It's not bad that you almost had a cardiac arrest.

"Oh~!" The young dragon looked at Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, found that she seemed to be getting better, and nodded.

Although I don't know what it means to do that, it seems to be quite useful. Little Potato thought so in his heart.

"It's really surprising!"

Reiji Munakata pushed his glasses, his expression suddenly showing surprise.

Perhaps even he did not expect that the newly born king was actually such a child.

"..." Zhou Fangzun also frowned slightly and looked over there.

Although he did feel that the little guy picked up by Shibu Tatara was not an ordinary person, he became a king... but he was also very surprised.

The two kings showed rare expressions of astonishment, not to mention other clan members.

All of them have big mouths, and they look like their jaws are about to fall to the ground.

Only a few cadres are slightly better, at least they have preserved their image in front of their subordinates.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu finally came back to her senses at this time. Seeing that the eyes of everyone present were all on her, she felt an endless sense of shame in her heart.

Although she probably knew that these people were focusing on little potatoes, after all, something strange seemed to have happened to this child.

But being attacked on the chest by Little Potato in public, and being watched by others, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka feels very embarrassed now and wants to find a crack to burrow in.

Although it's not that I haven't experienced something more exciting, but it was at home and no one else saw it. Can it be the same?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu subconsciously hugged the little potato and shrank his head into his arms, just like an ostrich trying to hide.

Seemingly noticing the embarrassment of Kasumigaoka Shiyu at this moment, Little Tudou tilted her head, then reached out and patted her shoulder.

"Poetry~ As long as you don't feel embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!"

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

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