Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 969: Really Scary Dragon!

"Tsk, is this the mother nest of the abyss?"

Witt looked at the meat mountain below, his face full of disgust, not only disgust for the creatures from outside the world with malicious intent, but also physical disgust for the meat mountain full of pus.

The pus would break and flow out streams of black viscous liquid. He had cleaned these things when he was in the stone forest, but he didn't expect that this is how they came from.

Not only that, in addition to the body that was piled up with pus and rotten meat, like a meat mountain, there was also a hideous mouth on the top of the "meat mountain".

The mouth kept squirming, as if waiting to be fed.

After looking at it for a few times, Witt almost vomited on the spot.

"No, next time I see Poredia, I must describe this thing in detail to him. It's not enough to just disgust him.

At that time, they all cleaned up the black viscous liquid that flowed out of this thing.

So, before telling Poredia, I need to rehearse it with Celine and the others to see the effect!"

While muttering, Witt looked at the ice cave below.

Sure enough, not far from the abyss mother, a space crack stood there quietly like an open mouth.

After investigating the situation, Witt hesitated for a moment, then flew up, and began to clean up the surrounding abyss power.

Although cleaning the abyss mother is very important, no matter when facing the abyss, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety.

In the ice cave, because it was affected by Celine's photon roar, there was not much abyss power, but there was abyss power all around.

If the legend guarding the abyss rift noticed the situation here and didn't clean it up, he would be the next to die.

Fortunately, the zero-degree cold current is different from the light atom breath.

The latter is one after another, while the zero-degree cold current can be maintained for a long time. In addition, the ice field has a constant supply of water elements, which also has a certain boost to the zero-degree cold current.

Soon, all the surrounding abyss power was cleaned up by Witt, including the abyss gem embedded behind the ice throne.

That thing was directly destroyed by Witt's moving permafrost ice.

The abyss gem contains a huge amount of abyss power, and Witt is not afraid of the permafrost ice remaining.

As long as the permafrost ice is not handled, the amount of permafrost ice in the body will not increase, and this extreme power will not be at risk of losing control.

Without the power of the abyss, the abyss gem directly shattered.

Witt thought about it for a while, and did not destroy the fragments of the abyss gems, but kept them.

This thing might be able to research something else useful.

He looked at the black and purple ice pillars in the distance.

Witt felt that he could still react at this distance.

So, he did not continue to waste time, but set his target on the abyss nest.

Witt did not go down, but flew directly over the ice hole, aimed at the abyss nest below, and opened his mouth to roar with ice. In a place like the ice field where the water element is rich, this forbidden spell, which is in the same series as the flame roar and the photon roar, exerted a power far beyond its own.

The ice roar carried a terrifying cold current, and formed a powerful tornado, sweeping towards the abyss nest below.

But the strength of this abyss nest is not low. After all, it can breed a fallen dragon beast of the upper platinum level.

Not actively attacking does not mean that the opponent has no attack ability.

And the fact is so. Facing Witt's attack, the mouth of this Abyss Nest spewed out a strong abyss force, which was as powerful as Witt's Ice Roar that was blessed by the ice field.

However, it may be because of the two fallen dragon beasts that were created before, so although the power is strong, the stamina is insufficient.

Under the continuous scouring of Witt's Ice Roar, the Abyss Nest was finally frozen and shattered by the cold current!


Stop the Ice Roar, Witt breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a malicious gaze fell on him, making Witt's breathing stagnate.

Just when Witt was about to start the emergency transmission, the sight disappeared again.

Moreover, along with the sight, the space crack leading to the abyss under the ice cave and not far from the Abyss Nest disappeared.


Muttering in a low voice, Witt's eyes flashed, and finally did not start the emergency transmission.

That guy seemed to be the same as the previous times, not planning to come over.

Since the time in the stone forest, Witt could often feel Sabina's breath at the abyss gathering point, but she never came out again.

It seems that this time is the same as before.

At least it seems so now, but Witt will not relax because of this.

With the help of the zero-degree cold current, Witt cleaned up all the remaining abyss power in the ice cave without entering the ice cave.

Then he cleaned up all the ice pillars left by the previous fallen angel.

So far, there is no remnant of the abyss power in this ice crevice.

Witt took a look at the ice cave below, and then he was completely relieved, and then flew towards the top of the ice crevice.

"It's really scary!"

A muttering sound drifted away with the cold current.


Retracting his gaze, closing the space rift, Sabina, who was sitting casually on the throne, looked at the fallen angel kneeling on one knee below, with a fierce light flashing in her eyes.

But in the end, she still didn't do it.

"The abyss nest you created has been cleared."

Hearing this, Morris's body trembled, lowered his head, and looked at the floor with his eyes, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Yes, just as Witt had guessed before, he did leave a way out for himself, and he did successfully escape back to the abyss.

But now, he is facing a more dangerous situation than in the Dragon Realm.

"Morris, how do you say I should deal with you?"


Did Morris dare to speak?

How could he dare? Now he could only pray to the abyss over and over again, praying that the lord sitting above would show him some leniency.

As the palace fell into silence, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

Just when he was about to collapse, the voice from above made him relax.

"You know what to do!"


While thinking this in his heart, Morris said hurriedly: "Of course, Sabina is a person, so I know what to do!"

As he said this, Morris completely released his mental power.

He let Sabina leave a mental power seed deep in his soul.

From now on, his life and death will only depend on the other party's thoughts. Even if the other party dies, he will die suddenly, unless he can get ahead of the other party and become a legend.

That mutant silver dragon, you wait for me!

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