Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 968 You too!

Looking at the black and purple ice prison above, Celine's eyes showed a solemn look.

Here comes the key!

How to break through this ice prison while showing his true strength.

That's right, even though Celine was breathing and casting forbidden spells earlier, she had deliberately weakened her power and moved forward in time, and did not show her true strength.

Therefore, their plan is now in the normal execution stage.

And now is the critical step.

When the opponent shows the strength of the high-level Amethyst, use the combat skills that are now exposed to break through the prison above.

Just like this, the other party will chase her without any scruples and leave this ice crevice!

Don't forget, there is always a space crack around the abyss believers. Once they encounter danger, they will get in without hesitation to save their lives first.

Otherwise, there is no need for them to formulate such a complicated plan because everyone in the Abyss is so stupid.

Afterwards, thinking of this, Celine's face became a little more smiley.

If she was still worried before, now, she is not worried at all.

While thinking about these things in her mind, Celine had already appeared below the ice prison. After a slight pause, her figure suddenly dropped down.

Seeing this scene, Morris's face darkened again, but he understood that he had stopped the other party from leaving the ice crevice.

At the same time, the two fallen giant dragon beasts saw Celine pause, their blood-red eyes suddenly lit up, and then two abyssal breaths shot towards Celine at the same time.

But Celine just managed to avoid being pushed downwards suddenly.

While Celine was flying downward, her body was hanging upside down, and when she opened her mouth, she breathed out a weakened version of light atoms.

After breathing out, Celine changed direction again and flew upward fiercely.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a light atom breath and two abyss breath hit the top of the ice prison at the same time.

Normal operation of the ice prison. At this moment, the flow of elements was stagnant.

At this time, Celine happened to rush over, holding a terrifying right paw, and grabbed the ice prison hard, causing the ice prison to shatter.

Celine also rushed out.

However, her situation was "too wonderful". Her body exploded simultaneously with her breath and was impacted by elements. The dragon scales were shattered, mixed with dragon blood, and scattered in all directions.

Seeing this, Maurice's eyes were full of joy, and without hesitation, he flew directly upwards, much faster than Celine.

In just a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Celine.

"How could I let you..."

However, before he finished speaking, Morris' pupils suddenly shrank.

The sacred dragon in front of him was indeed injured, but the damage was caused by the elemental impact. It was on the chest, where there were several deep cracks, which looked like scratches by claws.

Celine grinned.

"The same to you!"

What is it?

Needless to say, of course I was fooled!

At this moment, a chill instantly hit Morris's heart.

Then he flew towards the ice crevice below without any hesitation, but a breath of light atoms that was several times faster and more powerful than before hit him.

Although due to the difference in realm, it was not able to cause much harm to him, and even his defenseless body was not hurt at all.

However, the huge power contained in his breath pushed him directly away from the ice crevice.

"Got you!"

A familiar roar made Morris' face look even more ugly.

It's that dragon!

Sure enough, in the next second, a giant dragon with wings that looked like ice crystals swooped down from the sky at an incredibly fast speed.

Without any time to think about it, Morris turned around and flew in the other direction.

Because he felt that there was only one breath rushing down from above, but four!

What does it mean that the wind and water are changing? He has been hunting the dragon for more than a hundred years, and he was finally hunted by the dragon today.

Moreover, there are five heads as soon as you arrive.

But is that guy a lone dragon?

Thinking this in his heart, Morris was running away quickly on the surface. With so many dragons, he had no chance to return to the abyss.

Fighting would be even better!

If it takes too long, his strength will be suppressed to the platinum level.

When the time comes, he will definitely be killed by those giant dragons.

Damn it!

놖놅Abyss Brood!

Morris's heart bleeds when he thinks that he is so easy to cultivate and can produce fallen dragon beasts and fallen flying dragons, and that the abyss brood of advanced abyssal weapons will be destroyed.

Of course, the most important thing is...

When he thought that even if he escaped, he would still have to face that incident, Morris's scarlet eyes were full of resentment.

놖Remember you...The chest is glowing 놅The dragon!

Okay, here come the five-headed dragons. There are so many sacred dragons that it’s useless to remember them. They keep chasing him. That dragon even knows what kind of dragon it is. The others are similar.

He can definitely remember the dragon with the glowing chest.

Mutated silver dragon!

There should be only a few of this thing in the entire dragon world, and it is the best to remember among the five dragons!


Taking a deep breath, Werther couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing this, Celine couldn't help but ask: "Are you okay?"

Werther shook his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I know what's going on. Just now, a chill suddenly rose in my heart. It was inexplicable!"

As he said that, Witte turned his head and glanced at the fallen dragon beasts that were already fighting with each other, Kotlin, and Kailin. He then looked at Morris and disappeared into the wind and snow, and the ice...

Finally, Werther looked at Celine who was still bleeding from her chest.

"Treat the wound first, then go help Kailin and the others, and check to see if there is any abyss matrix below."

Hearing this, Celine nodded.

"Be careful!"

After saying that, she threw herself a Holy Light Blessing, and then flew towards the battlefield where Kailin was.

After watching Celine leave, Werther turned his head and glanced at the direction where Pei Bing left, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

To be honest, he didn't have any hope for Kuo Bing.

That fallen angel was really cunning. The other party turned to run away without hesitation. It already showed that he had anticipated this situation.

It is certain that a spatial rift leading to the abyss has been reserved at another location.

And if the other party's 놅 is real, it will come down immediately.

As long as the spatial rift is far away, it will be difficult for Yu Bing to catch him.

With this thought in his mind, Werther hurriedly flew downwards.

In the Dragon Realm, they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, but in the abyss, they may be in the same location.

Therefore, he can also delay for too long.

Soon, Werther arrived at the entrance of the ice cave.

Just glancing down, Witte saw an ugly mountain with a horizontal shape of about one thousand meters, exuding a strong abyss aura...

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