Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 91 Title: Mom is visiting relatives, let’s start fighting!

Looking at Celine barking at him, Vitt's heart was instantly alarmed!

Celine is not a dragon that will do useless actions in battle!

Sure enough, white light leaked out from Celine's slightly opened mouth. She used the most lethal magic at this stage, the light original breath!

The light original breath is the fastest among all dragon breaths!

Whether it is pre-swing or launch!

When Vitt realized that something was wrong, Celine's mouth was already open.

A white light flashed, and Vitt, with smoke on his back, fell straight down!

However, Celine was unmoved and continued to rise to the sky.

At the same time, as her lips moved, another magic spell began to be chanted. She knew that with the defense of Vitt's dragon scales, she might be injured, but she would never lose her combat effectiveness!

And the fact is so. When the smoke dissipated, there was no scorch mark on Witt's back!

The reason why Witt fell down was only because the force of Guangyuan's breath hit the root of his wings, causing him to be unable to use his strength at that moment!

When he regained control of his wings, his figure began to rise again.

Celine looked at the sky with vigilance!

Not to mention that dragons are born hunters, just some battle scenes carried in the inherited memory can make them easily find ways to fight.

This point is also in Witt's memory.

However, the memory related to the battle in Witt's mind has been forbidden by Winters to be used on the companions in the dragon's nest!

That's right, it's the blazing white breath!

In his father's mouth, the blazing white breath is a terrifying attack that can penetrate the star beast that is stronger than the stars!

However, he couldn't use this combat experience!

Not to mention that it was a battle of sparring nature, not to mention that his breath was not that strong!

Therefore, Witt's current fighting method was all figured out by himself!

As for how to fight specifically, there is only one word... reckless!

As long as he rushes to the opponent's side, he has a chance to win!

Thinking of this, Witt cruised around Celine from a distance, trying to find an opportunity to get close!

But at this moment, Celine's body flashed with white light, and the light elements gathered around her body became more concentrated!

Although Witt didn't know what kind of magic this was, it was not difficult to guess that this was definitely a state-enhancing magic.

After realizing this, Witt's face suddenly turned black.

As expected of Celine, she can always seize the opportunity and make the most favorable choice.

In order to prevent Celine from continuing to strengthen, Witt could only quickly approach Celine and try to force Celine to reveal her flaws.

But just as Witt was approaching Celine at a high speed, he suddenly stopped.

He keenly noticed that the light element content around him was not right.

"Since you noticed it, then... light prison!"

At the moment when Witt noticed something was wrong, Celine's voice suddenly sounded. Of course, the last two words were in ancient dragon language.

Needless to say, it was another light element magic that Witt had never heard of.

Just as Witt was about to retreat, dots of light suddenly appeared around him. These light spots connected together at a very fast speed and turned into a light prison, trapping him inside.

Witt subconsciously stretched his wings with all his strength, trying to use brute force to open the light prison!

However, to Witt's surprise, he did not break free at the first time, but stalemated with the light prison for a few seconds, which made the light prison burst!

But this time was enough for Celine to fly behind him!


Another flash of white light passed by, and the light source's breath once again came into close contact with Witt!

Moreover, it was still the same position.

The result was not unexpected, and Witt lost his balance again.

Celine was not greedy, she knew very well that two breaths were far from enough, and Witt's scales were still not broken.

She could succeed several times, but if Witt succeeded in getting close to her once, she would lose the battle!

Witt, who had regained his balance, looked at Celine, who was already flying far away, and his heart was itching with hatred. At this time, he began to feel pain on his back!

According to his estimation, at most three more times, the dragon scales on his back would be broken, and the fourth time, his skin would lose its defense against the elemental power!

After that, with his physical fitness, he could only withstand two more breaths at most!

In other words, if Celine only used the light source breath of the previous level seven times, he would lose this battle!

And this is just the surface situation.

In fact, if two more shots hit him, his wings would be injured, and his flying speed and flexibility would be affected.

If he hits him again, he will completely lose the ability to fly!

Of course, the premise for these situations to happen is that Witt has no other means!

"Solid... solid... solid..."

One spell after another was chanted in Witt's mouth, and the dragon scales on his back and wings swelled up one by one at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming thicker and thicker!

Celine has been paying attention to Witt's movements, and notice that Witt's lips began to move!

It's a magic spell!

Witt can't use elemental magic, and spiritual magic emphasizes the latter to arrive first. So, when she doesn't use magic, Witt can only use one kind of magic-shaping magic!

Realizing this, Celine quickly glanced at Witt's claws.

No change!

Then, this means that Witt has learned another shaping magic - solidity!

As for where Witt will choose to strengthen, she doesn't need to think about it!

It's impossible to get close to stop him!

The difference in size will make her be killed by the opponent in seconds the moment she gets close to Witt!

Then, she can only rely on consumption!

Thinking of this, Celine chanted the spell again!

Light element seven-node recovery magic - Dawn!

There is only one effect, which is to continuously restore the light element of itself.

In this way, the key to this battle instantly changes from element reserves to mental power consumption!

On the other side, Witt stopped after strengthening all the scales on his back and the roots of his wings. The consumption of elemental power by shaping magic is continuous.

If too many dragon scales are strengthened at one time, the element reserves in his body can't bear it!

Then, it's time to start the next wave of offensive!

With this in mind, Witt's eyes turned to Celine in the air again, and then he saw that the light element around Celine was even more dense!

Witt's mouth twitched.

He really wouldn't let go of any chance!

However, the opponent miscalculated this time!

With this in mind, Witt flapped his wings fiercely, and his speed increased instantly.

However, his target was not Celine, but the sky!

At this time, his mouth opened slightly, and a stream of cold air leaked out from the corners of his mouth. The moisture in the air began to condense into snowflakes the moment it came into contact with the cold air.

Silver dragon's breath - zero degree cold current!


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