Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 90 Battle with Celine!

After leaving the teacher's laboratory, Witt did not go back to the dragon cave directly, but went to Boko's laboratory to practice shaping magic for a while.

The effect was still good.

After exploding several more scales, he finally succeeded in using that magic!

The appearance of "solidification" is that the dragon scales become larger and thicker.

However, with Witt's current proficiency, he still casts the "solidification" magic one by one.

If it is in actual combat, by the time Witt has "solidified" all the scales and dragon horns on his body, I'm afraid the daylily will be cold!

After exhausting the elemental power in his body, Witt once again dragged his tired body and flew towards the dragon cave.

Rest is essential for young dragons.

Even though Witt's mental power is more active than that of young dragons of the same age, it is still not enough to violate the development law of young dragons.

There is no problem in forcing yourself to be energetic, but the consequence is damage to your body.

Although Witt seems to be working very hard now, in fact, he has not pushed himself to the limit. It is meaningless and inefficient!

It is better to have a good sleep, let your body recover completely, and greet the new day with the best attitude!

After returning to the dragon cave, Witt subconsciously slowed down his steps when he heard the even breathing sound coming from inside.

It was tiring here, and Celine and the others were not relaxed either.

Witt didn't want to disturb them.

He closed his eyes and opened them, and a night passed!


The next morning, Witt was awakened by a noise!

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a huge dragon face, which scared Witt so much that he couldn't help but raise his head high!

Then I noticed that the one lying in front of me, staring at me with big eyes, was not another dragon, but Celine!

Seeing that Witt had woken up, Billy and the others also quieted down, their eyes constantly scanning Witt and Celine, their eyes full of excitement!

"You finally woke up!"

Celine stood up, her golden pupils shining, her fighting spirit surging!

Witt, who had come to his senses, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Is it necessary to be so anxious? I don't need to go to class today!"

Celine was unmoved, and the light elements on her body surged, emitting bursts of milky white light!

Seeing this, Witt also became serious.

He scanned his body with his mental power, and his elemental power was restored to full state, his physical strength was full state, and his mental power was not full because he was woken up, but it was almost there!

Celine took this battle very seriously, and Witt was actually the same!

I also want to know how strong I am!


"Let's go outside!"

Celine was stunned when she heard this.

"Is it not possible here?"

Witt pointed upwards.

"My body is much bigger than yours. Although the space in the dragon cave is large enough, it is still blocked by the rock wall, which still has some impact on your performance, especially in terms of flying!

So, let's go to the outside of the academy to fight. Without any obstacles, you can exert your full strength."

Hearing this, Celine didn't say anything and flew directly outside.

Witt followed closely behind.

Billy and the others looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

After leaving the dragon cave, they happened to meet Isa who came to find them early in the morning.

Isa followed without saying a word when she heard that it was Celine and Witt's appointment for a fight.


The volcano where the Dragon Academy is located is extremely huge!

You know, in the academy, the teachers all use 700-meter dragon bodies, and on each floor of the academy, the teachers can enter and exit freely, move as usual, and even have no inconvenience!

Such a huge volcano, the area of ​​the circular crater is naturally very large, enough to be a battlefield for two dragons!

At this time, Witt and Celine stood on each side, about 300 meters apart.

Celine's body exuded a milky white light, and the light element was extremely active around her.

On Witt's side, although there was no elemental fluctuation, his claws were firmly fixed on the rock surface, and his muscles were bulging, making his body look even bigger!

Another dragon stood in the distance, looking at the two dragons with curiosity or full of fighting spirit!

Suddenly, Witt moved!

The wings were close to the back, and the limbs were swinging flexibly and quickly. Every time it landed, it would splash fine stones. The head stretched forward and did not move up and down because of the ups and downs of the terrain.

Witt stared at Celine with his eyes, and his body, like a snake, quickly approached the opponent.

When Witt moved, Celine also moved!

Unlike Witt, Celine's wings opened instantly, and the milky white light suddenly shone brightly, and her huge body flew upwards in an instant.

But the speed of taking off is more complicated than running.

So, Celine, who just took off, was not very fast!

Seeing Witt approaching quickly, Celine also knew that if she didn't stop it, she would not have time to get out of Witt's attack range.


"Light and shadow!"

Witt stared at Celine's lips all the time. When he saw the opponent's lips moving, he knew that Celine had cast a magic!

Moreover, this magic is unfamiliar to me!

Witt was not surprised at all.

Since Celine dared to challenge me despite the huge size difference, she must have prepared some magic that I had never seen before.

After all, if he had seen it, Witt would have a chance to make Celine's magic fail!

Celine, who knew this well, would need to be more careful if she really used the magic she had seen!

Although he didn't know the effect of the magic, Witt's steps did not stop at all.

With their current level, they couldn't use middle-level magic at all. As for lower-level magic, it was only once or twice, and Witt could ignore it directly!

However, just when he thought about it, Celine's magic was completed, and a strong light suddenly burst out from her body!

Even Witt closed his eyes subconsciously.

At this time, he had already come close to Celine, and then he closed his eyes and jumped up suddenly, his wings opened instantly, and Witt, whose speed had already been pulled up, took off more than twice faster than Celine!

According to his calculations, Celine at this time could only rise about 100 meters at most, which was just enough for him to reach!

However, the next second, Witt suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils shrank!


Turning his head, he saw that a ball of white light was still staying at the position where he had just hit, while Celine was several meters above the ball of white light, and was still rising, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

Seeing Witt turn around and look at her, Celine grinned, revealing two rows of white sharp teeth!

Lower light attribute magic light and shadow, five-node magic, no lethality, the effect is that while bursting with strong light, the caster can move a short distance in one direction at twice the speed of his own body at that time!

The first round!

Witt failed to calculate, Celine successfully took off, a small advantage!

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