Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 903 Another thirty years!

Chapter 903 Another thirty-year-old!

"Maybe we will have a chance to see them again in the future."

Hearing this, Witt couldn't help but look at Celine.

"Do you think they are worth making friends with?"

Celine smiled and nodded.

"You know what we are going to do in the future. Of course, we need to know more trustworthy dragons. The more dragons we can trust, the better. Gekai is from the Dragon's Nest, and Ni is a battle maniac. Such dragons will not play tricks.

I still like this type of dragon."

Hearing this, Witt grinned, and a hint of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

What Celine meant may not be understood by ordinary dragons. At least, Kotlin next to him was full of confusion.

However, Witt knew what Celine meant very well.

A simple translation is: I have given up hope at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast. Now I need to consider other ways to find Desidero besides the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast. Making friends is a good choice.

Witt was a little embarrassed because he was the one who decided on the method of the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

It can only be said that he was too young, had a limited vision, and was not thoughtful.

As time went by, his experience grew, and his understanding of the world deepened, Witt also knew that Celine was right.

It was very unlikely to find news about Desidero at the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

On the contrary, the method proposed by Celine was more practical.

Dragons like to travel around.

If you make friends widely, these dragons who are not even sure where they will go are the best sources of intelligence.

At that time, as long as the problem of information transmission is solved, it will only be a matter of time to find Desidero.

Thinking of this, Witt nodded helplessly.

"You're right.

If Gekai really comes from the Frozen Abyss, we do have a chance to see them again.

Gekai will not be unaware of the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons."

At this point, Witt paused, and then continued: "In addition, Caesar is not bad. He is also from the Dragon's Nest. In addition to showing off his kingly spirit, he has no other problems.

Moreover, he may come from other continents and may be able to bring us more news.

If it is not the first meeting and it is not suitable for deep friendship, I would like to ask him in person whether he knows any news about Desidero.

I hope I can see him again in the future!

Well... it should be possible!"

Caesar was heading north, and his target should be the large area in the north of the Fast Continent.

And their target for this trip is also the north.

If they are lucky, they do have a chance to meet.

After hearing Witt's words, Celine nodded and said nothing more.

Witt saw Kotlin still looking at him blankly, so he smiled and explained: "It's like this, we actually came from the Dragon's Nest.

The difference is that we were forced to separate from the Dragon's Nest."

Hearing this, Kotlin's face showed a look of realization, and then he thought for a while and asked: "Desidero?"

If you say forced separation, it is only when the dragon is a young dragon or a young dragon, because of an accident, it is separated from the dragon's nest where it was born.

And in a book he has read, it is mentioned that there is only one dragon's nest that will have this situation, and that is Desidero, one of the ten largest dragon nests.

Witt nodded, and there was no surprise on his face.

Kotlin likes to read books, and Desidero's reputation as a dragon loser is so loud, it is normal for Kotlin to guess.

"We want to return to Desidero, so..."

Witt did not continue. After all, to make friends in order to return to the Dragon's Nest, to be honest, it was somewhat utilitarian. He was embarrassed to say such things directly.

Kotlin was not stupid. When Witt said this, he already understood these things.


You also know that Seros can't sit still. When I go back, if he is still in the Sky City, he will definitely take me to travel with him.

I was not interested at first.

Since you need this kind of help, I will agree to it at that time. While meeting his expectations, I will also help you find news about Desidero.

One more dragon, one more power. Don't think too much. The world is so big, you will always find it."

Hearing this, Witt smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you. If I really find it, I'll take you to visit the inside of the ten dragon nests!" Hearing this, Kotlin smiled and nodded. He knew that Witt was talking about the former Riupse. They originally went there with the idea of ​​visiting the dragon nest, but they didn't even go inside the dragon nest. After leaving the Free City, Witt and his team returned to their previous state of rushing. They looked for landmarks along the Starry Night River, then compared them to find the mark of Vergo, and then passed the level easily, and then faced a pile of garbage speechlessly, and so on. As for Poredia, Witt completely left it behind. If other city-states need to prepare well before they can officially connect with the Sky City, then the Free City does not need to consider these at all. After all, the first city-state to connect with other city-states was the Free City. In just two or three days, people will be able to travel freely between Sky City and Free City.

Let’s not talk about this!

Time is like a long stream, sometimes it trickles like a stream, sometimes it rushes like a river, and sometimes it rushes down like a waterfall.

In a blink of an eye, it's thirty days again!


"Are we there?"

Listening to the expectant question coming from the side, a hint of helplessness flashed across Witt's eyes. He couldn't even remember how many times Celine had asked.

But this time, he nodded.

"We're almost there, in the next two or three days."

As for where to go...

Of course it's the Warren Rift Valley, but after Desidero left, this place should be renamed Warren Lake, but Witt and his friends still prefer the original name.

That's right, after thirty days of traveling, Witt and his friends have come to the place where they were born again.

In theory, they should not be able to reach this place in thirty days while searching for treasures, but their luck is not very good.

Or, to be more precise, Vergo's luck was not very good.

Logically, there should be 51 treasure ruins along the way, but in fact, they only found a little more than half, 29!

The remaining 22 treasure ruins have been destroyed, and they only found one entrance.

As for the interior...

There were various reasons such as disasters and dragon disasters, which caused the interior of the ruins to collapse. What Witt and his team wanted to find was buried deep underground.

It would take a lot of effort to dig it out. When they thought that they might get nothing after spending so much effort, Witt and his team chose to give up.

With that little time, it would be better to find the next one...

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