Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 902 Travel together!

"Get to know her, she is my companion, Celine, the sacred dragon."

Hearing this, Caesar turned to look at Celine, nodded, and said: "Caesar, the Dragon of Kings."

Although there is some embarrassment in 뀞, the name still needs to be reported.

Celine nodded without saying anything, her attention still focused on Werther.

Don't tell me, it does look a little harmonious.

Werther was treating Caesar, and Celine was treating Werther. Caesar stood there blankly, uh... well, the atmosphere was slightly awkward for a while.

Fortunately, the treatment ended quickly.

Then the dragon gave up the field to the dragon it wanted to fight.

With two dragon battles, it really ignited the atmosphere of the Free Arena.

As soon as the Wittes left, many dragons roared and poured into the venue.

Other dragons are not as big as the Wittes, so a field can naturally accommodate many dragons fighting at the same time.

However, these have little to do with Werthers.

When they reached the spectator seats above, Kotlin, who had no sense of presence, as well as Gekai and Ni, all came together.

After informing each other about their names and dragon species, they became acquainted.

Caesar and Gekai are both dragons from the dragon lair, and their personalities are inherently bad. Although Ni grew up in the wild, she can become companions with Gekai, and her personality is natural.

Moreover, the Wittes have already become familiar with Ni's character in advance. To put it simply, he is a fighting maniac who never leaves the battle without speaking.

In this case, although they are all adult dragons and are sufficiently wary of the outside world, at least they are getting along in harmony now.

It's just that matters like Dragon's Nest are relatively sensitive.

Although Werther was quite interested in this, neither Caesar nor Gekai took the initiative to ask.

꺘Longdu tacitly agreed not to mention this matter.

The atmosphere of conversation was quite good, so the dragons took a walk around the Free City together at Ni's suggestion.

Under the laughter and laughter, all the dragons visited the entire Free City in one breath.

They say it’s shopping, but actually it’s just eating!

To be honest, apart from fighting and eating, there are very few things in a city-state that are attractive to dragons.

Of course, there are so many flying dragons that they definitely lack the means of entertainment.

However, that is for Feilong.

For the giant dragon, instead of trying those entertainment methods, it is better to find a place to have a big meal to satisfy his taste buds.

The dragon in adolescence has already got rid of its dependence on food.

However, most juvenile dragons will still eat something regularly. After all, the habits of young dragons are not so easy to change.

However, as time goes by, most dragons will gradually focus on various aspects such as magic, alchemy, potions, magic circles, travel, reading, etc.

When I got interested in studying, it was very common to eat for half a month every day.

Over time, regular eating habits have caused most dragons to gradually give up on eating, which is a waste of time and has no benefits.

Of course, some beneficial eating behaviors will still remain, such as the ore-eating behavior of metal dragons and crystal dragons.

But this does not mean that the dragon has completely given up food.

An occasional meal will make you feel happy.

Therefore, eating has become a way for the dragon to adjust his life. In the same way, fighting is also a way for the dragon to adjust his life.

In short, after shopping and eating, the Wittes faced a more realistic problem.

That's the difference!

Of course, saying goodbye is a bit harsh. From the moment we met to the time we visited Liberty City together, the time we spent together lasted only a few days.

Not to mention deep feelings, they have not even completely let go of their wariness towards each other.

녦놚 said he doesn’t have any feelings at all, so 껩놊 is not.

At least, during the days we visited the City of Liberty together, the communication between them was quite good.

꺘No one has any intention of staying in the Free City.


By the river on a starry night, six dragons gathered together. After saying goodbye to each other, they went their separate ways.

Caesar flew towards the north, Gekai and Ni Ze flew towards the southeast, and the Wittes continued eastward along the Starry Night River.

They didn't even mention their destination.

And this is actually very common, especially for giant dragons.

I have met too many dragons in my life, and I can't help but befriend every dragon. The life is too tiring, and what the dragon pursues is freedom.

껩Perhaps, when we meet by chance next time, our relationship will be even better.

"Witt, which dragon's lair do you think 놛 is from?"

After they separated, Celine turned to look at Werther. She finally had the chance to ask this question that she had been curious about for a long time.


Are you talking about Gekai or Caesar? "

Hearing this, Celine was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther in surprise.

Kotlin on the side looked at the two dragons curiously.

놛놊 understood why Celine suddenly asked this question. Moreover, according to Witte, the two dragons were both dragons from the Dragon Nest.

When Witte saw the two dragons looking at him, he smiled and recounted his speculation.

They thought there was something wrong before, but after listening to Witte's analysis, Celine and Kotlin felt that they couldn't look directly at the racial name of King Dragon for a moment.

"What about Gekai?"

Kotlin asked subconsciously.


After saying that, Werther paused briefly, and then said: "Caesar should have been traveling a long time ago, so you can only tell that he is from the Dragon's Nest through what I said.

In comparison, Gekai is much simpler.

놛's attitude towards the things around him and the way he communicates with dragons clearly show that 놛 comes from the dragon's nest.

Moreover, it should have been just a short time since I started traveling.

Those habits brought out by Dragon Nest have not been completely changed.

As for which dragon's nest it is...

Although Caesar is sure which dragon's nest he came from, there is a high probability that he came from the dragon's nest on the Fast Continent.

Of course, I'm just guessing.

As for Gekai, I have a guess.

There are many dragon lairs on Fast Continent.

Although I didn't fight Gekai, I could smell a cold air from the breath that was accidentally leaked.

This means that 놛 is extremely good at ice magic.

놊If there is an accident, 놛 should come from the Frozen Abyss.

There is a dragon nest completely composed of giant dragons that are compatible with the water element. It is the dragon nest with the largest number of silver dragons among the big dragon nests.

It is also the dragon's nest that is best at ice magic. "

Hearing this, Celine suddenly realized.

Having said that, the possibility is indeed very small.

"If this is the case, maybe we will have a chance to see them again in the future."

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