Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 852 There were no surprises this time!

Chapter 852 There were no surprises this time!

Walking to the entrance of the cave...

It is called the entrance of the cave, but it is more like the entrance of an underground palace. The stone steps on the ground are specially built.

It is just that the walls on both sides have not been repaired, and they keep the original appearance when they were opened.

The stone steps are built according to the size of a 700-meter dragon, so for Witt and his friends, it is more obvious and very comfortable to walk.

However, flying is possible, and the wings are not open at all.

Witt walked down with a heavy head and light feet, and secretly complained about Vergo's design in his heart.

Compared with this "spacious" walking, Witt would rather fly "suffocating".

The latter can at least fly.

The stone steps are spiral-shaped as a whole, spreading deep underground...

But in fact, it is not very deep, and the vertical span is at most more than two thousand meters.

Knowing that, without a natural cave, Vergo was too lazy to continue digging.

Soon, Witt got rid of the short but rather torturous stone steps, and then he met Celine, who turned around again and walked towards the stone steps.

Celine saw Witt, and a flash of embarrassment flashed in her eyes.

She had already asked for help twice and was ready to ask for help for the third time, so she might as well just drive Witt out.

Witt saw this and hurriedly offered a step.

"It's too boring outside, so I decided to come down and watch you decrypt it. Of course, I won't speak casually."

After stepping on the steps, Celine coughed dryly.

"It's okay, but we agreed that you can speak casually, right..."

As she said that, Celine asked another question about identifying the types of magic circles.

Witt looked at Celine strangely, and then explained it briefly.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

Although he should have thought of it earlier, Celine had a high probability of being able to do even the simple identification of the types of magic circles.

When she was a young dragon, Celine put all her energy into magic. At that time, no matter how hard she studied magic circles, she barely passed the teacher's test.

And now, hundreds of years of not using this type of knowledge, just like the hundreds of years of memories that Witt had not recalled, gradually disappeared in Celine's mind.

As for Kotlin...

Well, Witt overestimated him a little.

Witt thought that guy liked reading so much, and he had ventured into the ruins alone before, so he should have no problem in this regard. Unexpectedly, he could also handle these.

How did this guy manage to avoid being killed by the magic circles, traps and the like in the ruins?

Witt wanted to understand, so he planned to ask Kotlin later.

What Witt told Celine was some basic knowledge that could not be more basic, so even if he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, it still affected the effect of the "lecture".

Soon, Celine ran happily towards the inside of the passage.

Witt shook his head helplessly, and then followed him.

He knew that the reason why Celine was so excited was entirely because she had tasted the sweetness in the previous ruins and thought that there were also crystals in this ruins.

However, Witt did not think so.

Looking at Celine's back, Witt's eyes flashed with thought.

He now felt that this Vergo problem, the treasure ruins he left behind were also a problem.

A giant dragon willingly gave up its treasure. This was originally a rare event. He initially thought that Vergo was special.

However, look at what the treasures in these three ruins are.

A gold coin with Vergo's image and the blessing on it are fine. This shows that Vergo likes gold coins, but only one.

There are problems with the first two treasure ruins, and there is no entry into the abyss.

First of all, there is no more in Poredia, and it is also mentioned that it is only the gold coin blessed by Vergo, which has not been eroded by the power of the abyss. Even if there is really only one gold coin, Vitt can barely accept it.

After all, if it were him, he would take out one.

But what is in the third treasure ruins?

A pile of crystals dug out from the mine!

This seems quite insincere to Witt.

If you are willing to give up your own treasure and only place one, Witt can understand, but you don't place any, which is inconsistent with the situation mentioned in the book.

Thinking of this, Witt looked past Celine and looked at Kotlin, who was standing deeper in the passage and thinking hard.

Give him another chance!

If there is still a pile of rubbish inside, Witt will change his goal and start investigating Vergo's life.

It depends on the persistence of a dragon. Witt can dig him out no matter where he died.

What's more, if there is no treasure that Vergo really values ​​here, it means that choosing the heir of the treasure is also a lie.

These are all lies, so what about Vergo's claim that he is dead?

Thinking of this, Witt's mouth curled up, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

If Vergo is really not dead, then he should be blamed for helping the other party realize his wish.

Of course, Vergo is definitely older than him, but this is not a problem. If he finds that he has beaten him, then he will do it. When he can beat him, he will deal with him.

At this time, Witt's patience was surprisingly good.

Thinking about this, Witt walked into the deepest part of the passage. Here was a cave with a large area. Witt and the other three were inside, and it didn't seem crowded at all.

At this time, Celine and Kotlin were studying the magic mechanism to open the door.


After Witt glanced at it, he quickly looked away. He was afraid that he would not be able to hold back and say it out.

It was really too simple and not challenging at all.

However, in the next period of time, Witt saw what it meant to be a bad student.

It was obviously a very simple ancient dragon text, which was also very common in magic circles, but the two dragons pondered for a long time, and finally asked him to figure out the meaning.

Witt was speechless for a while.

But he dared not say anything. Whenever he was about to say something, Celine would glare at him, as if she knew that good words would come out of his mouth.

However, this ancient dragon text was also the last step to unlock the magic mechanism.

The magic mechanisms that followed also completely opened Witt's eyes. To be honest, this was more interesting than "fishing" outside!

Time passed by little by little.

Witt followed the two dragons and opened his eyes. The originally boring and old-fashioned magic mechanism became "lively and interesting" under the claws of Celine and Kotlin.

When the magic mechanism was completely broken, a storage room appeared in front of the three dragons.

There was no accident.

Except for the slight increase in difficulty caused by the dragons during the process, there was no other problem.

But when they enter the storeroom...

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