Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 851 Remote Guidance!

If the problem cannot be solved through slightly violent means, the treasure ruins are actually relatively difficult for most dragons.

After all, to directly speed through or even create the key yourself like Witte did before, it requires extremely advanced knowledge of ancient dragon language, knowledge of magic circles, and a little bit of alchemy.

However, most dragons only have a slight understanding of these three aspects.

As Witte once mentioned, most dragons don't even know the complete meaning of the magic spells they recite.

Uh... Of course, it's best not to know this.

When Celine heard Werther's words, she glanced at Werther, then thought for a moment, and said with a grimace: "It's a magic mechanism!"

Hearing this, Witte suddenly felt enlightened, and then said with a smile: "Although you have not studied magic arrays in depth, you still have no problem with some basic identification of magic arrays, right?

Many ancient dragon texts on magic institutions are actually related to those relatively basic magic circles.

You can start from this angle.

In this way, even if you don't know some ancient dragon texts, you can roughly understand the meaning they want to express based on the previous and following meanings.

Most of the magic mechanisms are actually the arrangement of ancient dragon scripts, making them into a coherent text.

You don't need to know its precise meaning. As long as the general meaning is correct, basically more than 80% of the magic mechanisms can be solved.

Vergo's attainments in ancient dragon writing are not as high as you think. "

Celine nodded and then stood up.

"Then I'll try again!"

After saying that, Celine couldn't wait to walk towards the entrance of the cave they opened.

Seeing this, Werther shook his head helplessly.

However, he also knew that Celine was not really interested in this kind of thing. She just suddenly became interested, and when the interest went away, she would not touch it again.

Of course, he wasn't talking nonsense just now. In fact, most magic institutions are like that.

After all, most dragons are not good at ancient dragon writing.

How profound can a dragon that is not good at ancient dragon writing create a magical mechanism?

In addition, other dragons must not be allowed to set up mechanisms. This leads to the fact that most of the installers of magic mechanisms are half-assed.

It can be said that a half-baked attempt to break a half-baked magic mechanism can be said to be a closely matched duel. It is still difficult, but it is not a situation where there is no way to defeat it.


Werther glanced at the entrance of the cave and sighed helplessly again.

Celine was afraid that he would not be able to bear the answer directly, so after deciding that she and Kotlin would decipher the ruins on her own, she kicked Werther out.


Thinking like this, Werther accidentally caught a glimpse of his own tail.

After thinking for a while, Werther extended his tail into the Morton River in front of him and swayed slightly.

By the way, he also restrained all the aura on his body.

After a while, Werther felt his tail tighten.

Then, he quickly lifted up his tail, and a Pavlova (pufferfish) bit Werther's tail and was pulled out of the water by him.

Witte could clearly see that the original confusion in Pavdramon's eyes gradually turned into fear after seeing him, and then he hurriedly opened his mouth.

But it's too late!

Even if he opened his mouth, it failed to fall into the river. Instead, it was controlled by Werther with his mental power and pulled towards him, and then...


Werther smacked his lips.

It's too 께, and there isn't much meat. However, if you eat it directly, it tastes okay. The toxins it carries make Wetter's mouth, which has long lost its sensitivity, a little more irritating.

Although this stimulation is not as exciting as the fully mature 꾉flavored fruit, it is stronger than the red cherry fruit.

녦It can be considered a good snack.

Thinking like this, Werther put his tail into the water again, and it started to sway for a while.

However, his attention was not focused on "fishing".

When he thought of Wei Guo, Werther couldn't help but think of Lei.

He left the Sky City earlier than Lei, and Lei's journey of searching for food didn't know how long it would last. To be honest, Werther missed Lei a little.

Of course, the main thing I miss is the spice of the other party.

The spices Lei left for him were almost finished. Fortunately, the lava flowers multiplied quite well in his reverse scale space, so there was no need to worry about the food being tasteless.

"Hey, I don't know about Lei..."

Before Werther could finish muttering, there was another burst of rapid footsteps.

Werther turned his head and looked in shock, only to see Celine walking quickly towards this side again.

"This time it's..."

"What does this mean?"

Before Werther could finish speaking, Celine hurriedly wrote an ancient inscription on the ground in front of Werther.

"Uh...power, you..."

Before Werther could finish speaking, Celine came and left like the wind. Werther was speechless for a while.

It's better to just let him in, there's no need to run back and forth.

With this thought in mind, he turned his head and glanced at the Morton River, then sighed and put away his tail.

Well, the only fun is gone.

Celine's aura directly scared away the dragon beasts in the river.

After a slight hesitation, Witte stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

What is the difference between remote command and on-site command?

Anyway, Witt didn't know the difference, so he decided to go and see, maybe he could see a lot of fun.

Even if Celine complained a few words, it was better than being in a daze here.

After all, even being in a daze was not complete.

He stood up and looked around. At this time, the entrance of the cave was directly north of him, and next to it was the Morton River, which ran northeast and southwest, but turned an "S" here.

Looking northeast along the Morton River, there was the Evernight Forest in the distance, looking northwest, there was the inland sea of ​​water, and looking slightly south to the west, there was the Lager lava volcano with thick smoke, which looked smoky.

Further east, slightly south, there was the fierce sand sea they had flown over before.

And where they were now was an alluvial plain. The Morton River was divided into two tributaries on the plain. The larger one flowed to the southwest, and its target should be the Starry Night River.

The smaller one flowed to the inland sea in the northeast.

As for how Witte and his team found the entrance to the treasure ruins on the plain...

That guy Vergo probably used a magic circle to restrict the expansion of the Evernight Forest a little further away, making it appear as an arrow sign, pointing directly in this direction.

And on this plain, a flame-shaped sign was formed using a stone pillar-shaped magic core.

Only a part of the stone pillars are actually magic cores.

These magic cores are the magic mechanism that opens the entrance to the cave.

Compared to the previous one, this one can be considered simple!


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