Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 8 Celine

"Okay, this is your new home, at least for the next few years!"

Winters stood in the corridor, pointed to a stone cave next to him, and said with a smile.

Witte looked at the huge dragon lair in front of him, with an expression on his face. Sure enough, this dragon academy was just like what he thought. It was built using a fire!

The dragon cave in front of us was dug from the inner wall of the fire.

By the way, they are now on the sixth floor!


Suddenly, Werther reacted, and then looked at Winters in disbelief.

"Yours? So the five of us are going to live together?"

Hearing this, Winters looked at Werther with confusion.

"You are born in the same batch, why can't you live together? And..."

With that said, Winters placed the five little dragons on the corridor, then pointed to the dragon's lair that was easy enough for her to enter and continued: "Why do you think that a newborn little dragon is not strong enough to be alone?" Living in such a big dragon cave?"

Looking at the dragon's lair, which to him was like the gaping mouth of a giant beast, Werther couldn't find any reason to live alone...


Witte suddenly thought of something and glanced at the other four little dragons with evil intentions.

It seems there is a reason to live alone, but not now!

Seeing that Werther was no longer obsessed with living alone, Winters stretched out his paw and gently tapped the mouth of the dragon's lair.

The apparently empty mouth made a thumping sound under Winters' tapping.

"This barrier is enough to protect you from the harassment of other dragons. Now, smear your dragon blood on the barrier. This way, this dragon cave belongs to you!"

Hearing this, Werther's face suddenly turned bitter.

"Is there anything else?

Such as saliva!

Or does it have to be dragon blood? "

As he said that, Werther subconsciously hugged his tail. Although it always swung around disobediently, it was also grown on his own body. It would be unjustifiable to always bleed.

However, Winters' words broke his expectations.

"Sorry Werther!"

When the four little dragons on the side heard this, they couldn't wait to bite their own claws with their newly born sharp teeth as sharp as 꺅.

After looking at Werther provocatively, they stamped their bloody claws on the invisible barrier.

Above the barrier, there was a flash of light, and the blood of the four little dragons was absorbed into it.

Feeling that the barrier disappeared, they cautiously stepped into their own dragon cave from the back.

Incidentally, they gave Werther another mocking smile.

Seeing this, Werther sneered!

Continue to be happy and open. Wait a while, when you wailing and begging me to stop, I will be happier and more open than you, and by the way, I will also get a dragon cave of my own!

That's right!

That’s what Werther thought!

As long as he beats these four little dragons one by one until they dare not live with him, Winters will definitely give him a separate dragon cave in order not to give him a chance to attack again!

Thinking of this, Werther couldn't help but sneer!

"Werther? Werther! You're the only one left!"

After being awakened by Winters, Werther's expression turned bitter again. He walked to the barrier and held his tail for a while... without making a decision.

"Witt, do you need my help?"

Hearing this, Werther looked at Winters in horror, those sharp nails that were bigger than his entire dragon.

You are the devil!

How did you do it, say such cruel words to a pitiful little dragon without any expression on your face!

Glancing at the sharp nails again, Werther quickly scratched his tail, barely squeezed out a drop of blood, and smeared it on the barrier.

After the barrier absorbed the drop of dragon blood, Witte also successfully entered the dragon's lair!

Seeing this, Winters said: "Okay little guys, you guys who were just born, whether physically or mentally, are not enough to support your study plan.

Have a good rest. After you have regained your energy, you should learn how to become a real dragon! "

With that said, Winters prepared to leave.

녦She suddenly stopped again!

"I almost forgot, I have to remind you!

Desidero is a peaceful and friendly dragon's lair. I believe your brothers and sisters will like you very much!

However, please believe me, you can't bear their love now!

So, don’t think about sneaking into the dragon’s lair.

You definitely don’t want to feel that heavy love! "

After that, with a burst of shaking, Winters left!

But the little dragons who were just about to take advantage of Winters to leave the Dragon Lair finally chose not to continue seeking death!

They are just curious, not stupid!

Since they are not going to play, the eyes of these little dragons are only on their dragon lair!

From the outside, it looks darker in Dragon Cave!

But after actually entering, it was much brighter than they imagined.

On the angular stone wall, at intervals, there are stones emitting soft light inlaid in it.

The little dragon named Billy flew to the rocks and tried to get them off. However, he soon became frustrated and found that he couldn't get them off at all.

Before Winters was here, the dragons suppressed their nature, but now that Winters has left, several dragons have begun to show their true selves!


You can call me Celine!

Sacred dragon!

I am the first born, so you should call me the boss, and from now on, you should listen to me!"

The first to speak was a milky white female dragon with four limbs!

She has smooth and upward curved horns with golden lines on them, a wingspan of 1.5 times her body length, fine and smooth fan-shaped scales, and a thick and long dragon tail.

She is the largest among the five dragons present, and if the tail is not counted, she is about one and a half meters long.

At this time, she is no longer as quiet as when Winters was here. The milky white light element that emerges from her body and exudes a gentle breath can't suppress her irritable temper. When her golden vertical pupils look at the four dragons, there is a strong sense of oppression!

Witt hadn't reacted to the sudden change, what was going on.

The other three little dragons looked at Celine who suddenly declared her sovereignty, their golden pupils full of surprise and frustration, but there was no anger that should have existed!

It didn't matter if Witt didn't know, they knew very well what the layer of light element that emerged from Celine's body represented!

That was the power of magic, and they couldn't do it yet!

Looking at the little dragons who were frustrated but dared not speak, Celine's eyes flashed with pride.

Then, she looked at the little dragons like a lord inspecting his subordinates.

"I think you should let me get to know you now!"


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