Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 7 Dragon Academy

A giant dragon hundreds of meters high is walking on the earth!

Like a moving fire, she showed her terrifying side to the surrounding environment. Wherever she passed, the rocks were broken and scorched!

It sounds like a walking natural disaster, but it is actually... Winters is taking a five-headed dragon for a walk!

It's actually not right to take a walk. If she takes five new baby dragons to get familiar with their future living environment, she will also explain the rules for survival of baby dragons!

"Desidero is very safe, but that is for dragons who already have the ability to protect themselves. You guys just came out, so you are obviously not among them!

There are many herbivorous dragon beasts living in the jungle. They have a gentle temperament, but this does not mean that if they go crazy, a newly hatched young dragon can resist them.

Therefore, in the coming days, you will not have the right to go out alone!

Unless you can skillfully use some magic! "

"Is it because magic can deal with those crazy dragon beasts?"

As he spoke, a flash of excitement flashed across Billy's eyes. He had just become a dragon and had a strong curiosity about everything, especially the fighting instinct engraved deep in his blood!

Hearing this, Winters chuckled lightly (a ferocious smile).

"Of course not!

Even if it is magic, the power it exerts in different hands is different. If it is you, magic can at most allow you to break stones.

The reason why I say this is just because, if you can use bit of magic, it means that you have enough magic power stored in your body to allow you to fly for a period of time.

And during this period of time, the giant dragons around you can rescue you from the claws of those dragon beasts in time! "

Hearing these words, the four-headed dragon, who had held his head high just now, was suddenly discouraged.

Wait for the dragon to save you, what does this mean!

Sitting aside, watching Werther coldly, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

No self-knowledge at all!

Winters' meaning is already very clear. Desedero is somewhat dangerous to young dragons like them.

At this time, I don't think about how to grow up safely, but I think about using magic to fight dragon beasts. These guys must have lost their minds!

Don’t you know curiosity killed the cat?

But speaking of cats, I don’t know if there are such furry creatures in this world, but even if there are...

Witte looked at his left paw, then raised his right paw and scratched it. With a sound of metal friction, the paw drew a thin spark on the dragon scale.

In response to this, Werther just felt a little itchy on his right paw!

Can you really feel the so-called softness and furryness by yourself like this?

Thinking about this, Werther's mood became a little lower again, and he felt that he had experienced a pleasure inexplicably!

At this moment, the roaring sound in my ears stopped.

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked up at Winters with some confusion. He wanted to know why the other party stopped.

Winters obviously didn't mean to hide the few dragons.

"Hey guys, you will live together here for the next hundred years!"

Hearing this, the five-headed dragon was stunned for a moment, and then Witte raised his head and glanced at the canyon cliffs in the distance and the dragon caves above.

"Isn't the dragon's lair over there?"

Hearing this, Winters smiled and shook his head.

"No! The dragon lair is a place where only adult dragons can live, and the place you want to stay is - Desidero Dragon Academy!"

While speaking, Winters took a step forward, and the surrounding space rippled under the astonished gaze of the five dragons.

Then his eyes flashed, and after he regained his sight, a large piece of huge stone building with an ancient atmosphere appeared in front of the five-headed dragon.

There were waves of dragon roars coming from inside, which made them shrink their necks. They never felt threatened.

Besides, this building is really big!

As far as they could see, the door was much higher than Winters.

In Witte's view, this huge building is like a huge cone-shaped fire. The difference is that there is no hot lava here!

Winters looked at the five-headed dragon in amazement, smiled, and then said: "Welcome to join the Cedro Dragon Academy, I am the dean of the academy, Winters!

Of course, you still call her Ms. Winters!

In addition, the dean can also do it! "

Looking at the huge building in front of him, Witte's eyes flashed with vigilance.

"Why do you want us to join Dragon Academy?"

"Say hello Werther!"

As he said that, Winters looked at Werther with admiration, and then continued: "Originally, this point was going to be discussed in your first class, but since you have already asked...

Bloodline inheritance is used to impart knowledge to you, and experience is passed on to you, but that knowledge and experience do not belong to you!

If you ignore it, the knowledge and experience in your mind will eventually disappear as time goes by.

The Dragon Academy teaches you how to learn the knowledge inherited by blood, so that it becomes knowledge that truly belongs to you and will not be forgotten as time goes by!

In addition, the knowledge inherited by blood is only part of the foundation explored by the ancestors of the Dragon Clan!

If you want to become a powerful dragon, then just having inherited memory is not enough! "

Hearing this, Witt's face looked a little ugly.

Noting Witt's face, Winters smiled gently (brutally).

"I've said it before, Witt, don't worry about your bloodline inheritance!

The Dragon Academy has enough knowledge for you to learn. They are all placed in the Dragon Library, waiting for you to learn them, which naturally includes the basic knowledge of bloodline inheritance.

It's just that without the help of bloodline inheritance, it's more difficult for you to learn!"

As Winters said, he flew towards the huge door.

As Winters approached, the huge door slowly opened with a series of dull mechanical sounds!

At the same time, the roar of the dragon came from inside, and gradually became louder.

Winters brought five dragons to the gate and stopped, folded his wings, walked into it, and the appearance of the academy was also displayed in front of the five dragons.

In front of him was a huge square with hundreds of dragons of different races and sizes, playing, fighting, or flying freely, which looked really lively!

Even though they had just returned as the dean of the Dragon Academy, they still had no intention of stopping.

Witt looked up at Winters, who was just looking at the dragons with tenderness and pride in his eyes!

Seeing this, Witt's expression froze, and his originally tense spirit relaxed a little.

Then, he turned his eyes to the surrounding buildings!

Just like it looks from the outside, the whole building is cone-shaped, with no top, and the outside light enters this huge college through the opening on the top.

The college is divided into nine floors, each of which has a corridor wide enough for several dragons of Winters' size to pass through side by side easily. A circle of huge stone pillars with a thickness of 100 meters serves as the support of the high-rise corridor.

There are no stairs, because the dragons can fly!

Except for the corridors and stone pillars, other places are obviously not built by dragons. This place should have been a real fire place!

In short, it is spectacular!

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