Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 681 Traces of the Abyss!

"Why did I choose the name Boredia..."

늀 Such words were muttered back and forth by Werther. Obviously, he was quite resistant to becoming the son of "Boredia".

Even if this "Bolaydia" is himself.

But this time, as soon as he finished muttering this sentence, his attention was attracted by something else.

It turned out that unknowingly, he came to the laboratory where Yake Freliu stayed.

Although Hemeland is developing strongly, their expansion is to the north. The laboratory located on the southwest edge of Hemellander still does not appear in Hemellander's sphere of influence.

Of course, the laboratory that was once dug out by Witte is now once again buried under yellow sand.

What Werther sensed was just the spatial anchor point he left here.

Speaking of this, what makes Witte more regretful is that the spatial anchor point of the laboratory where the endless sea was once left has lost contact for some unknown reason.

His idea of ​​locating the Stroka alchemy site through that laboratory came to nothing.

If he thinks about it again, he can only set off from the desert city again.

As for whether he could find the laboratory, Witte wasn't sure.

The landform of the Endless Sea has no reference value at all. In more than a thousand years, who knows what will happen.

He is relatively confident in his technique of burying spatial anchor points.

Under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible for anything to happen to that space anchor point, unless the island and the laboratory are completely destroyed.

But the fact is that that anchor point is not one of the seven surviving anchor points.

뀞꿗Thinking about this, Werther landed on the sand again, and then let go of the restriction of his own body temperature.

The extremely high body temperature melts the sand and dust very easily.

Just like the operation back then, after spending a long time, Witte entered the laboratory again.

However, before entering, Werther's brows furrowed.

He noticed that there were traces of melting on the alloy door.

Werther's body temperature was very high, but not high enough to burn out traces of the Yak Frey alloy. Therefore, whether it was the last time or this time, he did not leave any traces on the alloy door.

"A dragon actually came here!"

As he spoke, Witte's brows widened and he looked at the laboratory in front of him with interest.

Not only had the dragon come, but judging from the burn marks, it was one or two years, 껩늀, no more than four years away from the arrival of the pair.

"Haha, I'm afraid he's very disappointed!"

As he said that, Werther consciously stretched out his paw and touched it, but then he froze on the spot, and his expression turned cold.


But then, there was a hint of doubt in Werther's eyes.

Although it is also the power of the abyss, this power has an indescribable weirdness.

After thinking about it, Witte walked towards the inside of the laboratory.

However, the inside was similar to what he expected. There were no traces left, and there were no signs of infection by the power of the abyss.

Frowning, Werther finally decided to go with the original plan.

This laboratory originally didn't have many good things, but he later completely emptied it out. Naturally, when I came in again, I wasn't looking for things or to miss the old days.

He is planning to leave a space teleportation magic circle here.

The teleportation array in the Endless Sea was accidentally discovered by him, and then it was teleported to Hemeland, and then he found another space anchor here.

As an attempt, he imitated a long-distance space teleportation magic array around this spatial anchor point.

In this way, based on the principle of no waste, Boredia should not mind supplementing the elemental power of this teleportation magic circle.

Even if this is just a small flying dragon nest.

This script is perfect!

Witte knew very well that Hemeland was not enough as a point in the space transmission network.

There will be no dragons digging out the spatial anchor points.

However, the desert cities that are relatively close to this place require several years of flight. Anyone who has nothing to do will be teleported here.

껩Being a teacher can give students some benefits.

With this space teleportation array, Hemeland will develop even more prosperously.

Of course, it is definitely unrealistic to say that there is no privacy.

Since he promised Meier to come here often, Werther must have prepared a way to leave for himself.

Otherwise, it would be easy to come but troublesome to leave.

This was not what Werther wanted.

While 뀞꿗 was thinking about this, Witte recalled some details of the teleportation array in the Endless Sea.

Boredia is very familiar with him, and it is not easy to hide it from him. He has eyes on him and Werther's character. If this kind of thing really happens, in order not to affect the transmission effect, it must be 100%. Hundreds of restorations.

Therefore, Werther needed to restore all the details.

After recalling the details, Werther began to work on it, which lasted three days.

Three days later, the teleportation magic circle was completed, and the space hiding magic circle was completed. Witte looked at the laboratory that was the same as before, but actually had more magic circles, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, now it's time to continue our journey."

Muttering, Werther left the laboratory.

However, when he left, Witt specifically confirmed the smell of the burn marks on the door of the laboratory.

The abyss smell contained in this smell is very faint. If he is not very familiar with the abyss, he can't detect the existence of this smell at all.

To be honest, this smell makes him very happy.

However, there are no other clues now, so he can only remember it temporarily and investigate it when there are other clues later.

Of course, it is not to say that there is no clue at all.

Looking for the laboratory buried deep in the yellow sand, but there is no trace of the power of the abyss.

Witt guessed that this might be a dragon infected by the power of the abyss like Mingbing. Other dragons are possible, but the possibility of a dragon is the highest.

The consequence of the dragon being infected by the power of the abyss is the abyss dragon!

Witt doesn't want such a dragon to appear in the dragon world.

The dragon world itself is already very uncomfortable dealing with the invasion of the abyss. If another abyss dragon comes out to disrupt the situation, it will be even more uncomfortable.

As for the abyss dragon helping the abyss...

Nasha once told Witt very clearly that the abyss dragon does not belong to any one group. Even if they are eroded by the power of the abyss, they still act according to their own will.

It can be said that it is an alternative to the creatures of the abyss.

But this alternative is not good. Their goal is to destroy, to destroy what they see. In the dragon world, it is a stick to stir up trouble.

Remember this breath firmly in your mind.

Witt decided that if he really encountered this dragon next time, he would save it if he could, but if he couldn't, he would free it!


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