Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 680 Return to Hemerland!

Compared to the huge momentum when the teleportation started, when the teleportation ended, although it still looked shocking, it was just a simple light and shadow effect, and the element fluctuation and space fluctuation were not very large.

When the teleportation started, a space portal of normal size emerged parallel to the ground, and then, Witt, wrapped in an element shield, jumped out of the space portal from bottom to top.

When the portal was closed, the water element shield on Witt's body collapsed, and a smell of memory rushed into Witt's nasal cavity.

"More than 8,000 years, the smell here is still so familiar..."

While speaking, Witt suddenly froze in place.

He even forgot to flap his wings behind him, and then fell directly from the sky and hit the lush grass.


Getting up and spitting out the weeds in his mouth, Witt looked at a rock-scaled pterosaur that was standing there in a daze not far away, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Hello, I'm just passing by, was I just talking nonsense?

I was just experimenting with a space teleportation magic circle, and accidentally landed here, don't care about what I said just now.

Just pretend you didn't see what happened just now, otherwise...


One set of arguments after another continued to emerge from the depths of Witt's mind, but he denied them one by one.

Just as he frowned and thought about how to explain what had just happened, the dragon suddenly appeared in front of him.


Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he carefully measured the dragon in front of him.

The breath is not weak, it looks like a legendary mid-level, but it is a little fluctuating, which is a characteristic of the aging period, a unique period of the flying dragon among the three major dragon clans.

There is no old look on his body, which means that the aging period has not arrived for long, at most a few hundred years.

In the aging period, he can still maintain the strength of the legendary mid-level, which means that in his heyday, he is also a legendary high-level existence.

If there is no accident, the life span of the legendary high-level is about 10,000 years.

The flying dragon entered the aging period at around 8,000 years old, and its strength began to decline.



Hearing Witt's voice, the dragon in front of him suddenly became excited.

"Teacher, is it really you?"

Witt looked at the flying dragon in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he slowly shook his head.

"Sorry, let me introduce myself, Star Dragon, Witt, I am following my father's footsteps and looking for his traces."

Maier was stunned for a moment, and then stared at Witt in a daze.

"Yes, your appearance..."

"My father looks very similar, almost exactly the same."


Maier opened his mouth, and then sighed helplessly.

"Witt... is it?"

Witt nodded.

"Yes, my name is Witt. I'm glad to meet you. I heard my father mention you as a proud student, but now it seems that my father seems to have underestimated your achievements."

At this time, Meier's emotions had been sorted out by him. After all, he was a dragon who had lived for more than 8,000 years, so it was easy for him to accept the current situation.

However, when he heard Witt's words, he still couldn't help showing a strange look on his face.

"What achievements or failures? I am where I am today, all thanks to you... my father's help. He laid a solid foundation of magic for me and taught me a space magic.

It was with that space magic that I realized the rules of space early and became a legend.

After my father passed away, I took over his burden and carried Hemerland on my shoulders. You don't know that under my arrangement, the area of ​​Hemerland has more than doubled.



But the limitations of flying dragons are there, and their own talents are not very good. There is no way to break through to legends. Now I have handed over the burden to my successor and live here for my retirement.

By the way, I miss the most relaxing and happy time in my dragon life."

When Meyer mentioned the construction of Hemerland, his face was full of pride, like a child showing off his achievements in front of his elders.

And his eyes, in the process of narrating, kept staring at Witt's face.

Witt was a little embarrassed at first, but as he listened, he became a qualified listener.

When Meier stopped, Witt said subconsciously: "I...if my father knew, he would be proud of you."

Meier's mouth twitched, but he still cooperated and said: "It would be great if it was true, but unfortunately, he seemed to have forgotten me as a student. He has never come back since he left."

Listening to Meier's faint voice, Witt silently moved his eyes away, and then said: "He may have some difficulties. He disappeared before I was born.

When I grew up, I followed the blood inheritance he left me to find his traces.

I grew up on another continent, entered the Endless Sea where he had been, found the teleportation array he left, and then appeared here.

There is this place in the inherited memory.


A beautiful desert oasis, and your existence is also in the memory."

While speaking, Witt's face showed a bitterness.

This performance made Meier stunned. If it weren't for Witt's words when he first appeared, he really doubted that the person in front of him was the teacher's child.


With a dry cough, Meyer couldn't help asking, "Will you stay here for a while? I know something about the teacher, and Winters has visited me before."

Witt was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked at Meyer's hopeful eyes.

Witt finally nodded.

"Then stay for a while, and tell me about your story in detail. When I find my father, I can tell him. I think he will be happy to hear it.

But before that, let me talk about my father first. I want to know what kind of dragon he is in your eyes."

"How should I put it? Mysterious, powerful, knowledgeable, and his personality is not generous or stingy. You know, he once left me a gold coin, but that gold coin was actually copper-plated gold, and there was no gold at all..."


In the desert, Witt looked at the large oasis below, his eyes full of complexity.

It's said to stay for a while, but in fact, it's only stayed for two days.

During the two days, he spent most of the time listening to Meier talk about his own affairs.

Witt knew that Meier didn't believe his words at all, but since his teacher said so, he was as obedient and cooperative as he was eight thousand years ago.

And this time, when he proposed to leave, Meier was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Really grown up!"

Witt murmured with a complicated expression, then turned and left.

This time, he left more firmly.

Because he left Meier a promise that he would come back to see him later, and now he must continue to run for this promise.

By the way...

In the past, he was called Poredia, and now... So...

Thinking of this, Witt's face was as black as the bottom of a pot!


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