Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 587 Preparation before falling asleep!

"Will there really be no problem?"

After leaving Linsda's room, Antawana looked at the closed door, and a trace of worry flashed across her eyes.

"It is highly likely that there will be no problem. When I was investigating before, I just felt that your spirit was a little tired. Different dragons have different situations at different stages, which is normal.

Just like my body size growth is much faster than yours.

Linsda is an ancient forest dragon. There have been three of them in history. It is difficult to say what kind of situation they will show in adolescence.

Of course, if you really can't let it go, I will go to Boredia to ask."


Antawana responded, and then flew towards her room.

When Witt saw this, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Afterwards, Witt shook his head, thought about it, and walked outside.

Since it is sleeping, it is really not possible to see each other for many years this time. Some old friends still need to be seen. By the way, there are some things to say.

Celine, who was watching the store, said something, and Witt left the store and walked towards Avery's tribe.

When he arrived at the gate of Avery's tribe, Witt first looked at Ilaya's shop. There was still no movement. Obviously, Ilaya had not finished it yet.

However, even if Ilaya's alchemy technology is great, it is not easy to fix a law. Let's not talk about whether there is a way or not. Even if there is a way, it is quite difficult to operate.

When he retracted his gaze, Witt subconsciously glanced at the building opposite Ilaya.

The dragon inside still did not move.

According to Celine, no dragon has come out there, but the dragon's might is real.

I really don't know what kind of dragon lives in it.

Thinking of this, Witt retracted his gaze and looked at the guards who were watching him with a vigilant look on the opposite side.

He secretly said, "As expected."

He knew that as time went by, he would encounter the kind of thing that Gedra cared about.

Every year, even every day, new wind and thunder pterosaurs are born, and every day new wind and thunder pterosaurs grow up. Although the frequency of guard changes is not too high, it has been more than a hundred years, how come they have been changed two or three times.

As for the previous guards, most of them have reached the requirements of the hunting team and joined the hunting team to participate in the tribe hunting. A small number of them have stronger abilities and join the management team for more rigorous training.

There is also a small number of people whose strength and ability have not improved much. They will enter other working positions in the tribe, such as gathering, purchasing, management, etc.

A tribe is a miniature version of the city in the sky.

In addition, Avery's tribe is a newly established tribe, so they are not worried about too many dragons, but not enough dragons.

Just like a hunting team.

The entry of new dragons will not squeeze out the position of old dragons, because the tribe is still having new dragons, and they will need more food and more dragons to participate in hunting.

This does not count the dragons that died during the hunting process.

The new tribe is full of young dragons, and there will be no dragons dying of old age, but as time goes by, this situation will inevitably occur.

At that time, this tribe will truly stabilize, and the frequency of guard replacement will decrease, but only a little.

Thinking of this, Witt did not mean to embarrass these guards.

"I am Avery's friend, you can go and report!"

The young guards looked at each other, and then separated a dragon and flew back to the tribe.

Before Witt could wait for long, Avery flew out with an embarrassed look on his face. Just as he was about to explain something, Witt interrupted him with a smile.

"It's hard to come back. Let's eat and talk?"

Avery was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I've been waiting for you to say this. Let's go. I miss your barbecue so much."

Neither dragon mentioned what happened just now.

Avery knew that Witt didn't care about this kind of thing, and this was enough for Witt.

Witt didn't care about what happened just now. For Witt, Avery was the same as always, and this was enough.

However, what Witt didn't expect was that it was originally a meeting of two dragons, but it soon developed into a gathering of several dragons.

First Jones came over, then Lil, and then Hess...

By the way, Lil was one of the three dragons who managed this tribe together with Avery and Jones. Witt was quite familiar with him. He is now the leader of the hunting team.

Avery, Jones and Lill were chosen as the leaders of the pilgrimage because they were of similar age and talent.

So, Lill's strength was actually similar to Avery's.

By the way, these bastards all had families, which made Witt enjoy the feeling of being noticed.

The largest size!

But I don't hate it, I just feel very comfortable.

The chat of the dragon clan is nothing more than reminiscing about the past, savoring the present, and looking forward to the future!

Everyone is an experienced dragon, and once they start talking, there is no end.

If Lill hadn't led the hunting team, Avery had to complete the manager's task, and Jones had to manage the young dragons, this sudden gathering would have lasted for a long time.

After leaving Avery's clan, Witt went to Ollidolf's house across the street, but unfortunately, he was not at home, and Antashya's store was closed.

Then it was Redek's place, mainly to talk to him about the sleeping matter. Although Redek knew that this day would come, he didn't expect it to come so soon.

The feeling that the empty coins he got immediately grew wings and flew away made this big profiteer particularly uncomfortable.

Then it was Kadi, Claude, and Tianzhen Mountain!

Most of them were just reminiscing about the past. It is worth mentioning that Claude can use magic!

Uh... Of course, it was not that he tried it himself, but Mandy used it with his body, and it was not a single attribute, but full attribute magic.

However, Witt gave Mandy a suggestion for this.

Focus on two or three types of magic, and learn the rest as a secondary.

Although the lifespan of dragons is very long, a single element is enough for a dragon to spend its entire life studying.

Learning all attributes will only make everything sparse.

Having many attributes is really not equal to being strong.

Unless you believe that you can study an attribute to the mythical stage in your lifetime, that is, master the law representing this attribute, otherwise, practicing multiple elements together is really just a joke.

Daniel is a living example. He is proficient in multi-attribute magic, but he is stuck at the peak of legend. I don’t know if he has the chance to become a legend, let alone a myth.

Apart from these dragons, Witt went to Jax, but learned that Ollidolf had fallen asleep first, and it was an uncontrolled sleep.

Jax just said that Ollidolf was fine, but did not mention the specific reason.

Witt could only leave for the time being.

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