Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 586 Linsda's Abnormality!

Is it really possible to put 뀞?

Witte stood in the corridor, watching Linstar being dragged out of the training room by Antavana, and sighed helplessly.

"You're back!"

Noticing Werther's gaze, Antavanna said hello.

When he heard Antavanna's voice, Linstar immediately pretended to be dead, shook his tail out of Antavanna's paws, and then rolled and crawled behind Werther.

"Witt, you are finally back!"

Werther sighed helplessly.

"You are such a dragon, why are you still the same as before? By the way, why do I feel that you haven't come to see me for a long time?"

Hearing this, Linstar's face froze.


Antavana rolled her eyes, and then said: "This guy is so lazy that he almost doesn't even bother to do daily training. How can he have time to find you?"

Hearing Antavana's words, Linstar smiled awkwardly, and then said: "There is actually a reason for this. I don't know why, but since I left the young dragon stage, my head has started to hurt.

Hmm... It's not particularly painful, it just feels very uncomfortable, and the mood will get worse accordingly.

I will feel more comfortable only if I lie down in a place with dense plants. "

Antavana glared at Linstar.

"Don't listen to 놛's nonsense. I believed this kid's words from the beginning and asked 놛 to have a good rest for a while, but the result is that turning over is the biggest amount of exercise 놛 has every day."


Werther looked at Linstar.

Linstar nodded sheepishly.

"It's so comfortable in a place with lush vegetation that I'll fall asleep before I know it. I don't want that."

Hearing this, Witte's brows frowned.

"Why have I never heard of you talking about it?"

Linsida said a little weakly: "Actually, I thought it was due to laziness, but my head has been feeling dizzy recently, and I feel like something is not right.

I originally planned to go find you, but I didn't expect you to be back. "

Werther's frown deepened.

"Where's the combat training?"

Seeing Werther like this, Linstar couldn't help but feel shocked, and hurriedly said: "It doesn't have much impact, I'm just a little tired..."

Having said this, Linstad paused, and then asked slightly nervously: "Um...Witt, is there something big wrong with me?"

Seeing this, Werther couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"There are so many big problems!

There is a high probability that the natural element thunder element is in conflict. Whether it is the wind season or the thunder season, the thunder element in the area around Sky City is relatively abundant.

You are a lover of natural elements. It is normal for you to absorb and store a large number of natural elements in your body, and conflicts will occur.

Just like I was not like that before.

However, it would be wrong to say that there is no problem at all.

The natural elements stored in your body are controlled by your subjective consciousness. Even if something abnormal happens to you, it should be Lei Ji, not always like this. "

While saying this, Werther extended his claws to Linstar's head.

Linstar stared blankly at Werther's gradually enlarging claws. He did not dodge, but asked curiously: "What is this going to do?"

"Let's see if there is something wrong with your dragon crystal. You may feel uncomfortable, so be patient."

As he spoke, Werther's paws had already grasped Linstar's head.

Then, spiritual power flowed into Linstar's head along Werther's claws.

After a few seconds, Werther retracted his claws.

Linstar shook his head in discomfort, and then looked at Werther nervously.

"How about it?"

Werther shook his head.

"It's hard to say. There's nothing wrong with the elements, but there's something wrong with your mental strength. How should I put it? Well... you feel very tired!"

Hearing this, Linstar rolled his eyes.

"Nonsense, I must be very tired. I was just tortured by Antavana, how could I not be tired?"

Werther shook his head.

"It's not that kind of fatigue. If it's just about the consumption of mental power, then your element 껩 is consumed, and your mental fatigue is more of your own fault.

Let's go to your room. The natural elements there are more intense. Let me see what's going on. "

With that said, Werther sighed helplessly.

"Really, if I didn't tell you something was wrong with my body earlier, how could you let me sleep like this!"

As he spoke, Werther flew towards Linstar's room.

"By the way, where's Agnar?"

Antavana answered: "The failure rate of the magic circle has been quite high recently. I said I wanted to go out for a walk, so I should go to the management association!"

Werther nodded, not feeling surprised at all.

I also went to Recandis's place before 놛껣. It was normal that I didn't run into Agnar.

"Are you really going to sleep?"

Witte nodded, and then said with a smile: "It is faster to improve your strength this way. We are in some danger, so it is better to get them back as soon as possible."

After a pause, Witte continued: "I won't wait for Agnar to come back. Please tell me for me not to be too concerned about the magic circle. Uh... It's not giving up, but there is no need to put it aside." If you put too much energy into it, there is no need to be too concerned about success or failure.


Although there is a high probability that I won’t listen. "

Antavanna nodded, indicating that she understood.

Back in Linsida's room, Xingchen was sleeping. Although Xingchen's size was only growing steadily and seemed a bit ordinary, in fact, the defensive power of Dragon Scale was no less than that of Werther.

Although the growth rate of dragon scale defense slows down after reaching this level, there is no doubt that it will continue to grow.

It can be predicted that the strength of Xingchen's dragon scales will definitely exceed that of Werther in the future.

But 껩 is just defense.

After taking a look at the stars, he saw that the other party had no intention of waking up. Witte shook his head helplessly, and then led Antawana Linstar to the place where the natural elements were the richest.

As soon as he arrived, Werther noticed that the expression on Linstar's face relaxed to a degree that was visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, 놛's eyelids began to bulge.

Then he walked to the place where he usually sleeps regardless, and after lying down, the snoring started.

It was obviously the first time Antavana had seen this situation, and her brows furrowed.

This is obviously not a normal situation, no matter how tired I am, it won't be like this.

"Every time after training, 놛 would return to the room. I just thought it was because 놛 was greedy for the rich natural elements. Now it seems that this problem has been going on for a long time.

Blame me for being careless and not paying attention, or not paying attention to 놛's state. "

Werther shook his head.

"Relax, it doesn't matter to you. It's all the fault of yourself. I can feel that the mental fatigue of 놛 is gradually recovering.

It should be due to unknown reasons that 놇 consumes 놛’s energy.

How can we notice a problem that even we ourselves are not aware of.

At least now it seems that this problem is not big.

However, in the future, just follow 놛's feelings. There is no need to force 놛 to train. "

Antavanna nodded.

If she had known this was the case, how could she have dragged him into training.

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