Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 47 Ao can’t swim!

Chapter 47 Ao knows water!

Silver dragons like water, and Witt has at least one of the four silver dragon bloodlines flowing in his body!

Uh...his mother also looks like a normal silver dragon.

But even so, Witt seems to have inherited this hobby of silver dragons.

"Would you like to join us?"

After a dive, Witt suddenly emerged from the water and then sprayed a mouthful of water on Ao Dingnet who was flying over.

Ao's reaction was faster, and gold dragons prefer dry places, so when the water splashed over, he used his wings to block it in time.

Then he mobilized the fire element in his body with a look of disgust and evaporated the water on his wings!

Then he quickly stepped back a few steps and looked at Witt vigilantly.

"If you splash water on me again, I will duel with you!"

Witt looked at Ao with regret, and then his eyes turned to Dinnett.

Dinnett didn't care and let the water fall on him.

Green dragons like miasma jungles or poisonous swamps. Both jungles and swamps are relatively moist, so green dragons don't hate water.

Looking at Witt's expectant eyes, Dinnett smiled gently, then sprinted, jumped, and entered the water. The action was called a coherent, streamlined body, as flexible as a fish in the water!

Silver dragons just like water, while green dragons like to live in swamps.

In terms of body structure, green dragons are more flexible in water.

What's more, Witt's body is much different from that of silver dragons, especially the pair of large wings behind him, which are completely a burden in the water.

So, after a water battle, Witt could only "escape in a panic" under the flexible offensive of Dinnett, and he escaped!

On the shore, watching Witt and Dinnett playing in the water, Ao's eyes flashed with envy.

Of course he wanted to participate.

But... when he looked at the river, he hesitated, he really liked water!

In the water, Witt looked at Ao's tangled face, pointed at Dinnett, then pointed at Ao, and then dived into the water.

Dinnett was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he followed him.

On the shore, Ao tangled for a moment, and finally decided to follow his instinct, and then he looked at the river with contempt.

It's just splashing water on each other!

What's fun!

Just when he thought so, he noticed that the river surface, which was splashing water before, was now motionless.

After a pause, Ao walked towards the river with some doubts.

These two guys might have drowned!

It should be possible. Green dragons live in swamps and are good at swimming. Even if Witt drowns, she should be able to get Witt out easily!

But if it is drowning...

Ao looked at the two dragons with sinister smiles on their faces on the water surface, and instantly understood something, but before he could react, a thick dragon tail stretched out from the water and directly wrapped around his forelimbs, followed by a huge force.


There was a loud noise, and a large amount of water splashed.

Ao fell into the water!

However, just as Witt and Dinnett were laughing and swimming away to prevent the furious Ao from retaliating against them after they reacted.

Ao's limbs swam wildly in panic under the stunned eyes of Witt and Dinnett.

Witt turned to look at Dinnett.

Ao can swim?

Although he didn't say anything, Witt's doubts were still perfectly expressed through his eyes!

Dinnet rolled his eyes.

How could she know? It was her first time out and swimming.

Then, they watched Ao's movements become slower and slower, and he sank towards the riverbed behind him little by little.

(Cold knowledge: For the same size, the weight of a gold dragon is twice that of a silver dragon. In addition, a gold dragon really can swim!)

Seeing that Ao was about to die!

Witt and Dinnett knew that they had made trouble, and hurriedly swam towards Ao.

After a while, Witt and Dinnett held Ao and put him away from the river on the open space by the river!

Ao tried to open his eyes, and then stretched out his claws tremblingly and pointed at Witt.

"I...will...duel you!"

After the words fell, Ao...passed out!

Witt looked at Dinnett awkwardly.

"What should I do?"

Dinnett walked forward and stretched out her claws to test Ao's nose.

"He's breathing, not dead!"

Then, she looked at Ao's bulging belly.

"Uh...he must have drunk too much!"

"Hey...you guys...come and help!"

Just then, Billy's shout came from a distance. Because of the dense branches, Witt could not see what Dinnett had seen.

Glancing at Ao lying dead on the ground, Witt said, "You stay here, I'll go help!"

After that, without waiting for Dinnett to say anything, he flew upwards.

Through the dense branches, Witt quickly found Celine and Billy, uh...it was hard to notice!

Celine and Billy were seen holding a huge dragon beast corpse together.

It was a dragon beast that had never been seen before, about 100 meters in size, similar to a wild boar from another world, with traces of dragons on its head.

On its head, which was covered with a thick layer of dragon scales, there were no dragon horns, but two drums. Two long spikes extended from its dragon-like mouth, and its golden pupils had lost their spirit!

The limbs are thick and sharp, and the tail behind is thin and long, covered with dragon scales like blades. It is obvious that it is not a good person.

Celine and Billy are holding two dragons, each holding a long stick, just like a wild fruit stuck on a branch.

But it is these two "wild fruits" that pull the huge dragon beast into the air!

Although it is slow and shaky, it is indeed pulled up.

But soon, Witt found the reason. The dragon beast's internal organs have been hollowed out!

"You are still looking, come and help!

Billy is almost useless!"

Hearing Celine's words, Witt hurriedly flew over, and after replacing Billy, he asked: "What kind of dragon beast is this? Where did you get it from?"

Billy took a breath, but did not answer, but asked: "Where are the two of them?"

Witt's face stagnated, and then laughed a few times.

"Haha, something went wrong, so I have to come here by myself!"

Witt looked at Celine again.

"Can you still hold on?"

Celine frowned when she heard what Witt said.

"That's okay, but what did you do?"

"Haha, this... is a long story, let's lift this dragon beast first!"

Celine didn't ask any more questions after hearing that.


After a while, Celine, who was exhausted, looked at Ao lying on the ground and Dinnett standing beside him with an embarrassed face.

"What did you do?"

Billy flew over and poked Ao's big belly with the tip of his tail, and then he looked at Dinnett with a sad and angry face.

"We worked hard to get food, but you guys are already full!"


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