Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 46 They came out... and they went back again!

After reconciling with Celine, Witt's mood suddenly improved a lot. Listening to Billy's guess about what the outside world was like, Witt began to join in!

Speaking of which, after they were born, they went out once on the second day when they were learning to breathe!

Moreover, they were restricted to within a hundred meters of Winters.

Now, they finally got the right to leave the academy freely, and they were naturally full of expectations for the outside world!

Looking at the dragon cave exit that was getting brighter and brighter in the distance, Witt and the others couldn't help but stop talking.

Of course, they went out during the day!

But this was the first time they went out by themselves without Winters' company!

However, when they approached the exit of the dragon cave, their steps became slower and slower.

Because, outside, a pair of golden vertical pupils flashing with excitement were staring at this side closely.

They were flying in the air, leaning against the stone pillars, standing on the edge of the stone corridor, or crawling at the entrance of the cave. They stood in different positions, but their eyes were the same!

A group of dragons of all kinds were watching them!

When Witt and his friends were frightened by such a scene and stopped, they could hear a faint conversation.

"Look, they stopped!"

"What a coward!"

"Hey, didn't you notice that big guy? He's bigger than me!"

"And that little milky white guy, he's not small!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't do that, you scared them!"


What dragon?

A hundred-jin dragon, fifty-jin pride, forty-nine-jin glory, and the rest all counted as one jin!

How could Witt and his friends stand what these guys said outside!

What do you mean by stopped?

What is cowardly?

What is not daring?

The five dragons looked at each other, and then stepped out of the dragon cave together.

"They are out!"

The dragons outside shouted in unison, and Witt and the others jumped back in fear!

"They went in again!"

Someone whispered.

But for a dragon, you never expect his voice to be so quiet!

So, Witt and the others looked at each other, embarrassed, and their tails swayed uneasily, and they were very angry!

However, when they regrouped and prepared to go out, they found that the dragons had left!

"I'm going to challenge them!"

Looking at the dragons falling towards the square below, Ao couldn't help but speak out.

The golden dragon is more proud than other dragons!

He couldn't tolerate the slander of these dragons outside. He was not scared just now, but... just some accidents!

Yes, it was an accident!

Seeing that Ao was about to rush down.

Witt quickly grabbed the opponent's tail, and then, with a snap, Ao fell to the ground!

There was silence at the scene!

Witt was like being electrocuted, and quickly let go of Ao's tail.

Ao slowly turned his head, looked at Witt with shame and anger, and then...


Celine slapped Ao's head with one hand.

"You are not stupid. Although their size is not much bigger than ours, time has given them more combat experience than us!

Let's go, our goal today is not to fight with them!"

After that, Celine flew towards the cave entrance behind.

Ao touched his head, and then glared at Witt.

"Don't pull my tail next time!"

After that, he chased Celine.

Witt scratched his head, called out to Billy and Dinnett, and then the three dragons followed!

Of course, they noticed that the dragons in the square below had always been paying attention to them, but they didn't know why they didn't chase them.

"Speaking of which, why did they just disperse?"

Witt looked down and asked with some doubts.

Celine looked down.

"Who knows!"

What they didn't know was that in the stone corridor below, Winters was watching them leave with a smile in his eyes!


"Wuhu! Finally out!"

A figure shot out from his mouth, shouting and flapping his wings behind him. The light red light enveloped his body, allowing him to easily perform various flying movements!

Then, four more dragons flew out of his mouth and chased after the figure at the beginning!

Witt never relaxed his flying practice!

At this time, except for the lack of elemental power to support his body when flying, his flying skills were not much worse than Celine and the others!

Of course, even though his physical strength far exceeded Celine and the others, he still couldn't compare to Celine and the others in terms of sustained flight!

There was no way, because his flying depended entirely on the power of his wings.

And after long-term training, judging from his wings, he was already quite different from an ordinary silver dragon!

For a normal silver dragon, the length of its wings after spreading is 1.6 times the length of its body (excluding the tail). When Witt was just born, he had this data.

But now, the length of his wings after spreading is already twice the length of his body!

This data is relatively rare among dragons. When the wings of the giant dragon are spread out, it is more than twice the length of its body.

After a round of chasing and playing in the air, Witt felt that his physical strength was exhausted, so he gradually slowed down his flying speed. He was going to take a rest in the woods below!

Seeing this, Celine and the others slowed down and followed Werther as they flew downwards.

Seeing this, Werther felt warm in his heart.

Of course he knew that Celine and the others were doing this to take care of him. After all, they didn't fly for long, so they must have enough reserves.


"Where's Billy?"

After hearing Werther's words, Celine and the others looked at each other, and then they noticed that a dragon was missing!

At this time, there was a strange scream in the distance!

The dragons who heard this looked helpless!

"You guys go down below and rest first, I'll bring him back!"

Saying that, Celine turned around and flew high into the sky again, disappearing from the sight of Werther and the others in the blink of an eye!

The three Werther dragons looked at each other, and then flew downwards.

Passing through the dense branches and leaves, the scene below unfolded in the eyes of Werther and others.

The clear river water flows quietly, and various colorful and strange-shaped flowers and plants decorate both sides of the river!

Several little dragons were playing near the bushes. When they heard the noise coming from Werther and the others, they looked over curiously. After seeing Werter and the others clearly, they started playing again as if no one was watching. .

Seeing the river, Witte's eyes lit up, then he accelerated and flew over, and then plunged into it with a fierce thrust!

The temperature of the dragon's body after flying at high speed was extremely high. It was like a piece of red-hot iron falling into the water of Witza. Along with a squeaking sound, a puff of water vapor rose from the river surface!

The sudden coolness made Werther sigh softly, and then he happily swam in the water.

Forgot to mention, Silver Dragon likes water!

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