Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 419 Surprise!

I don’t know if the energy on Witt and Celine had been used up, but the traps didn’t open again when Claude and the others passed through.

However, when they passed through the last section of the mechanical puppet, those guys moved again.

Witt was relieved to see that Claude and the others passed smoothly.

Those guys are not easy to deal with.

When all the dragons came over, Witt had time to see what happened to the last arrow.

Holding the broken pieces in his hand, Witt didn’t need to look closely. He could tell from the various colors inside that this thing was an arrow mixed with various metals, and it couldn’t even be called an alloy.

It didn’t even fit together.

No wonder this thing broke first when it shot at him, and his injuries were not serious. How could it not break!

When Witt took the metal plate in front of him and looked at it, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

There were a few words on it.


This is specially prepared by the great Vergo. After you pass through that section of the trap, you will be relaxed and I will shoot you with this arrow...

I have already thought about your reaction, hahaha!

By the way, how is the design of the entrance?

It is made with reference to an ancient ruins. It is located in the south of the mine. I strongly recommend you to go and have a look. It will show you the cruelty of this world.

After you go there, you will never relax your mind in a treasure ruins, because you will never know what a treasure ruins is for.

Is it a treasure, a trap, or a joke? Who knows!

In addition, the traps are more than the above. The great Vergo is looking forward to your subsequent performance!"

When Witt was looking at the metal plate, Claude and the others also leaned over. After seeing the information left on it, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Although he was obviously teaching something, his tone was still so annoying.

Gedra looked at the latter part of the sentence and looked at Witt in surprise.

"I remember you mentioned that the alchemical ruins you visited ten years ago were in the southern area of ​​the mine. It couldn't be the ruins mentioned above!"

Witt nodded and frowned slightly.

"It's almost the same here. There are hundreds of magic lamps made from the corpses of young and even young dragons."

Hearing this, the few dragons who had not been there suddenly changed their faces.

Then, they looked at Witt with strange expressions.

Since they had been to that kind of place, why did they still get hit here?

Noticing the gazes of Claude and the others, Witt smiled awkwardly.

"It's been more than ten years, and you know how comfortable life is in the Sky City."

Witt admitted that it was indeed his problem this time.

As he just said, the comfortable life for more than ten years made him no longer vigilant. He even felt that this trip to the ruins was not as good as the one sixty years ago.

At least, that time, even with the existence of forbidden spells, the ruins did not put them in too dangerous a situation.

Antawana was also silent.

She felt the most deeply about the comfortable life for more than ten years.

When she first came, any slight disturbance could wake her up instantly.

But now, she can sleep until dawn. Sometimes, after she wakes up, Celine, who lives in the same room, even goes to the training room.

Witt didn't know what Antawana was thinking. He sighed, looked at the metal plate, hesitated, and finally didn't destroy it. Instead, he asked Xingchen to help put it away as a warning.

Then, Witt asked Xingchen to take out a defensive magic circle and then cover all the dragons.

They need to wait for the effect of the drunken dragon grass on Celine to pass.

Although it is a kind of hindsight, it must be said that the metal made by Vergo is really troublesome. It can even affect the exploration of the spirit.

The spirit can't find any traces of splicing, so naturally there is no way to know where the trap is.

In this case, you can treat all places as traps.

As for the defensive magic circle, these are all what Witt asked Xingchen to bring. In fact, there are not only defensive magic circles, but also attack, treatment, status, etc. Witt brings a bunch of each kind of magic circle.

It is to deal with emergencies.

The result...

Soon, more than ten minutes passed, and Celine gradually got rid of the paralysis brought by the drunken dragon grass.

As soon as she moved, she looked at Witt's calm eyes, and the dragon tail and dragon wings behind her drooped down.

"Well, you said, I know what stupid things I did.

Although I could have passed those traps if you were fine, but because of you, I lost my calmness."

Hearing this, Witt rolled his eyes.

"It sounds like a self-examination, but you unconsciously put part of the blame on me. You were not like this before!"

Hearing this, Celine's wings immediately stood up.

"It's not your fault. When you stopped and breathed a sigh of relief, a hole appeared on the wall next to you.

You were just like an idiot, just focusing on what we were talking about.

Even though we reminded you loudly, you were still talking to yourself, completely ignoring our words.

There was no way, you had to shake off Antawana's claws and run over to save you! "

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed.

"What I saw was that you were standing there so quietly, and then you suddenly ran over here while shouting "Little You"..."

At this point, Witt's face suddenly became ugly.

"The magic that affects the sense is the curse of the dark element, and this place itself is also a trap!"

After the voice fell, Witt smiled bitterly.

"Well, it seems that you really need to reflect on yourself. You didn't even notice this in time. "

Celine nodded very naturally.

"Yes, you really should reflect on yourself. "

Hearing this, Witt glanced at Celine: "Don't talk as if you are fine. I've told you so many times that you should stay calm.

Like this time, why did you come here by yourself?

Since you noticed that your situation was a little abnormal, you should have directly given it a luminous atomic breath. Isn't it faster than you?"

Celine was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt meaningfully.



Although Celine agreed to it obediently, Witt always felt that Celine's "remember" had a little problem, and he didn't know where the problem was!


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