Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 418: Traps Everywhere! (4000 words) (1/2)

Chapter 418 There are traps everywhere! (4000 words)

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by several dull landing sounds, the Werthers landed heavily on the metal platform. Under the violent collision, the dragons couldn't help but groan a few times.

In the last two hundred meters, Claude couldn't hold on.

While Witte was helping slow down their falling momentum, he was also pulled down.

Fortunately, the dragon's skin was strong enough. After taking a short rest, the Wittes climbed up again. Not even a single broken scale could be found on their bodies.

However, the wings behind Werther and Claude were still trembling uncontrollably due to the overloaded flight.

Mandy also used up too much mental energy, and now even her head shrinks back.

"Are you okay?"

Hearing Celine's words, Werther and Claude both shook their heads.

"It's just that the wings are out of strength. It'll be fine after a rest. However, it shouldn't fall again this time!"

As he spoke, Werther looked at the alloy wall behind Celine, where there was a six-hundred-meter passage.

Then, Werther raised his head and looked upwards. There was only a small light spot left at the exit above that could not be clearly seen.

"Almost three thousand meters, Virgo is really willing to work hard."

Hearing this, Claude said quietly: "Isn't it true? He actually made the alloy platform pause twice during its descent. It should be said that he is considerate and has a dragon mentality!"

As he spoke, Claude slowly moved his wings.

Stars and Gedra are much heavier than 놛 when picked up alone. Coupled with the influence of the gravity magic array, 놛놅's wings feel sour at this time!

Looked at it under the stars.

"Let's just say, I have a feeling that the laboratory in Yak Frey is not capable of digging the mine to that scale. I dare you to be here!"

Werther shook his head.

"If the entire treasure ruins were made of this alloy, it would not be enough to dig out another mine of similar size, let alone a mine.

To be honest, I suspect that guy used all the alloy to make the entrance.

Of course, you can also dig mines from other places.

In short, we should be more careful. "

As he spoke, Witte lowered his head and looked at the magic arrays at his feet.

"Since these magic arrays are hidden enough, other traps and even attack-type magic arrays can also be hidden through this method.

In addition, 놛 himself also said in the book that the treasure ruins are full of traps and the like.

Yes, do you want to take a break? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Werther saw Celine and others looking at her with strange expressions.

We were dragged down by our tails all the way down, and even though we fell a little at the end, we were not injured. Do we need to rest?

"Uh... Okay, it seems like my question is nonsense, so let's go!"

After saying that, he prepared to take off, but then, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his wings, which made him sigh helplessly.

"Let's just leave!"

This time 놆 really 놅 깊.

The dragons looked at each other, the elements were dispersed, and they couldn't fly at all!

Even though you don’t feel how far it is when you fly, when you walk, this place is really not small for you.

Arriving at the passage, Werther had just taken a step when a harsh sound of breaking wind came from the side. A ten-meter arrow was shot from the sudden opening of the alloy wall, aiming directly at Werther.

Fortunately, due to his previous experience, Werther was already mentally prepared. When he noticed any unusual movement, his tail swept over.


There was a sound of metal colliding, and the arrow was directly knocked down by Werther, but the huge force contained in it knocked Werter's tail and flew backwards.

After blocking it, Werther looked cautiously at the arch-shaped cave, which seemed to be a whole.

However, after shooting this arrow, the hole in the wall closed, and there was no movement at its location.

If it weren't for the metal arrow lying on the ground far away from Witte, all the dragons would have thought that what had just happened would have caused them to wake up.

Seeing that there was no movement around, Witte motioned to the dragons not to move yet, while he used his mental strength to pick up the arrow, and then carefully exited the passage.

After seeing no reaction, Witte began to check the arrow this time.

The material of the arrows and the alloy platform under the feet are made of an alloy called 놅놆땢, but it is relatively light. This surprised Werther. 놛녤 thought that the 놛놅 claws would be difficult to leave traces and the alloy would be heavy.

Then, Witte noticed that there was a light blue coating on the tip of the alloy arrow.

After noticing this, Werther's eyes narrowed, and then he brought it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it.

"What's up there?"

Seeing Werther's movements, Gedra couldn't help but ask.

Victor nodded, then after a slight hesitation, he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

"The color is bluish, the taste is slightly bitter, it smells faintly of grass, and it also has a faint feeling of numbness. If the juice of this 놆Drunken Dragon Grass is applied to the wound, if the amount is enough, it will even suffice the giant dragon. Turn over.

However, this requires a relatively large amount of energy, which is equivalent to soaking a giant dragon with wounds all over his body in a pool filled with the juice of the drunken dragon grass.

However, this thing is not harmful, and it only paralyzes the body for a period of time.

It sounds outrageous, but we are not dragons either. You have to be careful and don't get shot.

In addition, don't take it lightly. This alloy is very strong, but the weight is relatively light. With some acceleration and burst magic arrays, the power is enough to penetrate the dragon scales of a strong dragon.

To put it bluntly, we can't stop it! "

The dragons nodded, it was really straightforward!


"What should we do?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then said speechlessly: "What else can we do? Of course, just rush over, forget it, let me show you! "

Speaking of this, Witt stood in front of the passage and took a deep breath.

Then he stepped hard and rushed out suddenly, so fast that it was like a silver flash.

And the moment Witt entered the passage, the alloy passage seemed to come alive. From the entrance of the passage, within a hundred meters, the dense holes suddenly opened, and all the holes above and below were closed.

And the moment the holes appeared, arrows rained down like crazy towards Witt.

Moreover, none of them closed after one shot.

Those holes were like the muzzles of alchemical guns, and alloy arrows came one after another without any intention of stopping.

Faced with this level of offensive, Witt was extremely flexible, and he dodged all the arrows while turning and moving.

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After crossing this short 100 meters.

Witt's place is not a place for rest.

Although the alloy on the wall began to move, the 300-meter-long passage was densely packed with magic arrays.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, etc., various colored elemental bullets flew towards Witt.

Judging from the element fluctuations, the power of each light bullet is no less than that of a mid-level magic.

Seeing this, Witt's pupils shrank, As soon as he opened his mouth, a zero-degree cold current was released, aiming directly at the magic circle on all sides. The extremely strong cold air directly formed a rapidly spreading ice stream, as if to freeze the entire 300-meter passage.

But before the ice spread, a magic circle suddenly lit up, and the ultra-high temperature airflow directly melted and evaporated the ice.

Witt saw this, but he was not surprised at all.

If this was possible, he would not have to dodge just now, and could have just You can use the zero-degree cold current to freeze the channel as you go.

However, when that magic circle is activated, the other magic circles are silent.

Witt took this opportunity, raised his claws, and grabbed the mithril circuit fiercely.

But at this time, all the mithril circuits lit up at the same time, and a khaki energy film covered the four walls of the channel. Witt grabbed it with his claws, but he didn't even shake the energy film.

This is a high-level Magic!

Without time to think, Witt kept his pace and rushed forward, and his breath did not stop.

However, when Witt thought that this would force these magic circles to defend as much as possible and he could pass through easily, he suddenly noticed that not all magic circles were lit up.

Sure enough, when Witt passed those magic circles, powerful high-level magic attacks came towards him.

Helplessly, Witt could only stop breathing, speed up his pace, and dodge these powerful magic.

But without the suppression of breath, those magic circles started to produce elemental bombs again.

Fortunately, this section of the road is only 300 meters.

Although embarrassed, he finally passed this area after being hit by dozens of elemental bombs.

Before Witt could catch his breath, metal balls fell from the top of the passage.

Before landing, these metal spheres unfolded into giant mechanical dragons, each about 100 meters in size. After dozens of mechanical puppets unfolded, the passage about 100 meters high immediately became crowded.

Looking at the mechanical puppets waving metal claws, long sharp tails, and flapping their wings, flying towards him, Witt couldn't think of fighting with them.

This strength is not prepared for the young dragon. Without an equal size, they can be cut like melons!

Fortunately, the passage space is limited, and these mechanical puppets can't be used, and Witt's size is too small for them.

Witt was like a street rat walking through the crowd, his body close to the ground, his wings folded on his back, his limbs swinging rapidly, his figure like a snake, escaping from the claws of the mechanical puppets.

Witt escaped from the area after nearly 500 meters, and the moment Witt left the area, all the mechanical puppets stopped, and then turned into large iron balls again, staying in the same place.

On the other side, Witt ignored the situation behind him, but ran while concentrating his mental power and paying attention to the changes around him.

He jumped out about a hundred meters, and seeing that the surrounding walls did not change, he stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally over!

The dragons who had not yet entered the passage also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, several times, they almost couldn't help but rush over, especially Celine. If it weren't for Antawana holding her tail, she would have rushed out.


After panting for a few times, Witt turned around and looked at the dragons, then smiled bitterly.

"This is not what I want to show you.

To be honest, I didn't expect that Vergo would be so "crazy" to come up with so many tests, and he didn't even give us time to rest in the middle."

Yes, Witt thought this was a test.

Apart from that, if you really want to kill the dragons that come in, there is no need to limit the range of activities of those mechanical puppets.

The magic strength is also maintained below the high-level magic.

Several super-standard magics are also used to protect other magic arrays, not to target the dragons that pass through.

In addition, the most important point.

The dragon world has never lacked plants that are enough to poison dragons to death.

In summary, this section of the trap is an extremely exciting test.

Thinking of this, Witt was about to say something when he saw Celine suddenly break free from Antawana's pull and run towards him.

"Little girl!"

Witt realized something and hurriedly looked to both sides, but saw that a big hole had appeared on the right side at some point, and a tens of meters long alloy arrow had flown in front of him.

The strange thing is that when the arrow burst out, there was no sound at all.

When Witt found it, he didn't even have time to mobilize the strength in his body, and then he was hit by the huge force, his body flew backwards, and hit the wall behind him hard.


The arrow broke!

A piece of metal plate fell to the ground with the broken arrow, making a crisp sound of ding-dang-dang.

Witt was stunned for a while, then touched his chest where he was shot. Except for a few broken dragon scales and a not very serious injury, there was no problem.

Witt reacted and picked up the metal plate. Before he could look at it, he saw Celine rushing over with several alloy arrows stuck in her body.

The elemental bullet left more traces.

"Are you okay?"

Witt looked at Celine in a daze, then smiled and shook his head.

"Compared to me, you are much more seriously injured."

Celine seemed not to hear Witt's words. After carefully checking the injury on his chest, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she fell down!

Don't get me wrong, it's not a fatal injury, but the effect of the Drunken Dragon Grass.

Looking at Celine falling down, Witt grinned, and pulled the arrows off Celine's body with a bit of a smile.

"Still so impulsive, can't you calm down when things happen!"

Hearing this, Celine rolled her eyes, but unfortunately, under the effect of the Drunken Dragon Grass, she could only do this.

Witt checked and saw that Celine had no other problems, so he turned his head to look at the entrance of the passage, ready to call other dragons over.

But when he looked over, he saw that Claude and the others had already run over here, but the mechanism in the passage showed no signs of being triggered.

Witt was stunned for a moment, quite speechless and sighed.

So, it really is a test!


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