Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 372 I suspect you are playing me!

When he entered the shop, Witt noticed a strange gaze falling on him.

He looked up and saw that Gedra was looking at him unscrupulously.

"Why are you looking at me like this? How come you don't even recognize me after being out for a while?"

Gedra smiled dumbly.

"How is it possible? I'm just wondering why the lightning element that has been surrounding you before doesn't seem to dare to approach you this time?"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced.

Don't say it, it's true!

I was busy with things before and didn't pay much attention to it.

However, after just a little thought, Witt knew what the reason was. The Blazing White Divine Flame became stronger, and ordinary lightning elements didn't dare to come over to touch porcelain.

However, he still looked the same as before, with the lava lines on his chest, which were a little dazzling.

But this Witt really couldn't control it.

Even if the current thunder season is replaced by wind season, this pattern will remain the same.

After all, whether this pattern is bright or not is already a trivial matter. The real serious thing is the deadly white divine flame.

Thinking about this, Witt waved his claws casually.

"Maybe the surrounding thunder elements have become accustomed to my existence. Let's not talk about this. Has Celine gone in?"

Gedela nodded, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Little Witt, what did you do? Why do I feel that Celine's mood is not very good? I greeted her, and she just gave me a cold look, and then went back on her own.


That look is really cold!"

Hearing this, Witt smiled helplessly.

"It seems that her mood has been extremely bad. I have to go and comfort her quickly. By the way, is there anything important in the store recently?"

Gedela thought about it.

"It shouldn't be anything important. Antashya from the opposite side often comes over to take a look, and leaves when she finds you are not there.

Redek came once and said that there was a big order, but you were not there, so he left disappointed, and then he never came again, I think he gave up.

Avery also came once and said that there was a problem with the wind-generating device. In addition, there are too many new wind-thunder pterosaurs, so a new one may be needed.

Antawana also complained yesterday that the materials for the advanced healing potion sent from the Sky City were almost full.

By the way, just a few days ago, Poredia ran over drunk early in the morning, and some of the dragon scales on his face were broken, as if he was scratched by some dragon.

And when he came, he pulled off several leaves on Linsda's tail, and now there are only five leaves left."

Hearing the last thing, Witt's eyes lit up.

"Do you know the details?"

Gedela touched his chin, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well, I just heard that the night before Boredia came, a dragon in Block 12 heard a roar from the house of the 12 Archons living there.

A dragon swore that..."

Listening to Gedra's description, Witt's eyes became brighter and brighter. No wonder Boredia was so irritable that day. It turned out that it was not just because of the bad news they brought!


Opening the door carefully, Witt poked his head in.

Witt wanted to see what state Celine was in now, but the moment he turned his head, he met a pair of golden eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Celine's voice was a little cold, without the warmth and enthusiasm of the past.

Hearing this, Witt laughed dryly and walked into the room.

"I see you're not in a good mood, so..."

"I'm in a good mood!"

"I'm angry, I'm not angry, we were born together, we grew up together, how can I not see whether you're in a good mood or not?"

Other dragons can see it!

Of course, this cannot be said.

However, after hearing what Witt said, Celine's face looked a little better, and she rolled her eyes at Witt.

"I suspect you two are playing me!"

Witt was stunned for a moment.


"You're Ming Bing!

That mine obviously looks abandoned for a long time. If Ming Bing also likes crystals with patterns, how could he put the crystals there without any protection?

All crystals with patterns were randomly discarded in the mine tunnel. This is not the performance of a crystal lover with patterns.

What do you think, Witt?"

After the voice fell, Celine stared at Witt with a blank expression.

Witt, however, looked surprised.

"So you're worried about this!

Alas, we went out together, grew up together, and we're companions who can trust each other with our lives. I'm very hurt that you don't trust me like this.

But I don't blame you. After all, you wouldn't listen to any explanation at that time.

Now you seem to have calmed down, so I'll tell you something.

Actually, it's like this..."

Then, Witt analyzed in detail to Celine the fact that Mingbing was affected by the power of the abyss.

"In short, in this case, he even ignored the power of the abyss that he had been carefully preventing from spreading from his body.

How could he have taken those crystals in time?

After getting drunk this time, the mine happened to be nearby, so he instinctively went to the mine."

Hearing this, Celine thought about it and felt that there was no problem. Then her face looked better. However, she still glanced at Witt unhappily.

"That's your fault. I was bullied by him like that, and you just stood there and watched!"

Witt was speechless.

"He is a young man. I am the same as you. I can't do anything."

"I don't care. It's your fault!"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. How about we take a bath together as an apology?"

"You are murdering me!"

Witt smiled and turned to walk towards the lava pool.

"Speaking of which, you didn't answer Gedela just now, but it was a big loss. That guy Poredia actually..."

As he said that, Witt told the gossip about Gedela.

Sure enough, gossip is the nature of intelligent creatures.

After a few words, Celine was attracted by the news from Witt.

Even, he endured the high temperature, lying on the edge of the lava pool, and listened carefully to what Witt, who was soaking in the lava pool, said.

From time to time, he would interject a few words and express his own opinions.


When Antawana learned that Witt had returned, but she couldn't wait for the dragon, and when she came all the way, Witt fell asleep in the lava pool, and Celine also fell asleep on the edge of the pool.

As mentioned before, being hunted, trapped, caught, and hunted, a series of things had already exhausted the dragons, and the two dragons were always thinking about things, and they didn't sleep much on the way back.

In addition, they didn't sleep well when they were looking for the source of the abyss together before.

Now that they relaxed, the two dragons couldn't resist the strong sleepiness.


Looking at this scene, Antawana sighed, then dragged Celine with her spirit and put her in the corner of the room.

"Really, you're not afraid of getting burned!"


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