Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 371 I know time magic!

To be honest, Witt was not surprised at all that Mingbing couldn't hold back.

In the state they just met, it was obvious that he was more drunk than Boredia. Boredia would sober up if he stayed alone for a few minutes.

But Mingbing's state just now would take at least a day to sober up naturally.

Needless to say, when it comes to drinking, Mingbing is definitely better than his master!

Of course, no matter how urgent the time is, there is no time to harvest the spoils.

Witt asked Xingchen to collect all the alchemical puppets that were destroyed by Mingbing.

Although the cores were broken, even if the cores were broken, they could be used for many things, such as making some small alchemical puppets.

Cleaning, taking materials, replenishing goods, etc., these things can be done by small puppets.

In addition, Witt always felt that he had bullied Linsda too much before, so he planned to build a small puppet army specifically for Linsda to help him take care of lawns, flowers, etc.

Of course, the spoils belong only to him.

Mingbing is interested in these, but Candice is an alchemist himself, and these alchemical puppets are more attractive to him.

After some discussion, Candice took 10%.

He mainly wanted to study the manufacturing techniques of these alchemical puppets, and he took away some books from the library, so he only took 10%.

As for materials, he, like Witt, has a stable supply, and he has lived in the Sky City longer than Witt, so he has less left.

He is not as short of materials as Witt.

Of course, they did not forget to go back to the alchemy experiment library, but unfortunately, the books that were not taken away were destroyed by the alchemy puppets.

As for the experimental records in Witt's hand, they were also received by Candice.

Although the experiments recorded in it were too cruel, they also obtained some useful conclusions and were of some value.

Candice said so.

However, this behavior made Witt more wary of Candice.

There is only a fine line between genius and madness.

And he is full of secrets.

If he goes crazy and starts alchemy, then compared to ordinary test subjects, a special test subject like him will naturally be more popular!

After dividing up the harvest from the exploration of the ruins, the dragons, with the help of Bingbing, began to return to the sky city.

Of course, the road was also quite lively.

Celine, who was in a bad mood, had a cold face and said nothing all day long.

Mingbing, who seemed not to notice Celine's mood, continued the story that he didn't finish last time, uh... starting from the story when he was sixteen years old last time.

Candice was eager to absorb the alchemy knowledge brought by him.

Still holding a blue metal ball and staring at the stars.

As for Ermus... well, he's sleeping!

Being hunted, knocked unconscious, locked up, and then being hunted again, Ermus's reaction was the most normal.

Back to the Sky City!

Mingbing first sent Candice and Ermus back to Block 12.

Of course, in this case, Scott's annual sad drama was naturally missing.

And Witt urged him to watch and taste Weibing, otherwise, I don't know how long that nauseating scene would last.

Back to the store.

Celine flew back without saying hello, she really wanted to see Weibing.

Xingchen accompanied Weitt and Mingbing to the Boredia store.

Not long after, he was rushed over by Boredia after figuring out the cause and effect.

There were always a lot of things to do during the Leiji period. Now there was one more thing that needed to be solved as soon as possible, but it was difficult to solve the difficult things as soon as possible. Boredia didn't perform a transformation on the spot, which was already a rare good temper.

After being driven away by Boredia, Ming Bing also said goodbye and left.

Because his own judgment was affected by the abyss, he was also sure how many similar things had happened.

In order to prevent himself from holding back again, he resisted buying drinks and left the Sky City directly, flying towards the place he had been to.

As for what happened, that's another story!


Watching Ming Bing leave, Witt turned his head and looked at the stars.

"Let's go, let's go back too. We have done everything we can do, and what happens next has nothing to do with us.

By the way, you are quite good at pretending, you actually brought so many good things!"

It took several days on the road.

Witt also figured out Celine's experience during this time.

Xingchen smiled.

"I said it, but I didn't have the chance to say it before. After all, these things are only used to guide my own energy items.

When I don't participate in the battle, I don't have the chance to take these things.

As for the origin of these things...

As I said before, I want to figure it out myself!

I only know that these things belong to Nighog, and he needs to take these things from me from time to time and then exchange them for wine.

If it were him, there would be no need to do this.


As he said, Xingchen looked up, but he didn't see the starry sky he wanted to see, but only saw a sea of ​​thunder flashing with lightning, but this did not affect his melancholy mood.

"They came to this world with me."

Werther was stunned.

"Nighogg actually likes to drink too?"


Xingchen looked at Werther speechlessly.

"Fellow, this is your reaction, right? I've been telling you for a long time, but you actually like drinking in Nighogg?"

Werther glanced at him.

"Whether you really have amnesia or you are pretending to have amnesia, every dragon wants to let other dragons know their secrets, and I will explore your secrets.


Do you really not care at all if he exchanges your things for wine? "

Hearing this, Xingchen hurriedly said: "Let's talk first, I really have lost my memory. As for what I care about... I don't care. Among all the things, I only care about the metal ball.

Do you want it?

If you want, I will pick a few and send them to your laboratory, and you can study them as you like.

This thing is essentially an alchemical item.

Nothing to worry about.

By the way, you said it, every dragon wants other dragons to know their secrets, what about you?

I'm curious! "

"Of course, for example... I can do time magic!"

Hearing this, Xingchen curled his lips.

"Just say what you want, there's no need to make up lies like this that no dragon will believe!"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"They say that 놆놊 wants other dragons to know 놅's secrets. You still ask, so I can only say this, uh... 놊 said, I'm home, I have to comfort Celine.

By the way, as agreed, you can just put the things in the laboratory. "

Just as he was speaking, Werther suddenly paused. He saw Ilaya lying on the roof of the alchemy shop, looking over here.

After being stunned for a moment, Werther nodded towards Ilaiya, and then returned to the shop with Xingchen.

On the other side, Ilaya stood up and flew towards Antasha's alchemy shop.

When she walked into the alchemy shop, Antasha's voice came from inside.

"Hey, I'm back. How do you feel about going there?"

"It's still wrong!"

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