Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 312 The battle... was interrupted!

Chapter 312 The battle...was interrupted!

After Xingchen followed Lin Sida to 놛's room, he immediately liked that room.

As 놛 said, 놛 is not as compatible with the 놋 element, so 뀪 does not have high requirements for the place where he lives. However, the natural element is a quite peaceful element, and no giant dragon will hate being filled with nature. The place of the elements.

The place to live is settled, and Xingchen will settle down here.

As for food...

Xingchen has grown out of his infancy, and Redek wouldn’t mind too much if he went to have a meal with him occasionally.

If you go to eat for a long time... To be honest, Werther is embarrassed to add another dragon.

After all, it was agreed at the beginning that there would only be four-headed dragons at most, but Celine and Cady were later added.

If you add it now, you will be breaking your promise to some extent.

Witte had already discussed this with Xingchen in advance, and Xingchen also said that food is no longer a necessity for 놛.

Afterwards, Celine and Antavana took Linstar and Agnar to the training room.

Xingchen was struck badly by lightning before, so he didn't follow him. Instead, he stayed in Linsida's room and recovered through sleeping.

Witt, who had sneak-attacked Linstar, stayed in the store and became the shopkeeper.

꿷꽭The thunder sea has just appeared, and the thunder element is extremely violent. The special effects around Werther are already at full capacity. This level of fierce collision has a great impact on mental strength.

Werther stopped forcing himself to work.

Moreover, in the afternoon, there was still a battle between 놛 and Olidolph.

Lying on the counter, Witte used his mental strength to check the products in the store to prevent the violent thunder element from affecting a product without knowing it and then selling it.

If you want to stay in the Sky City for a long time, your reputation must not be ruined.

As for Redecker, after all, he is just a collaborator. If there is another dragon with higher attainments in the magic circle, Redeker's character will only be easy to get together and easy to break up.

Whether it is the cooperation with other 놛龙 or the cooperation with 꽭空之城, it is unstable after all, and 놛’s store is the foundation.

"Speaking of which, I don't know if Ouge has found the clerk. If he doesn't find it, forget it. Let Xingchen help when the time comes. If he does, it will be more difficult."

Just as Werther was muttering, a familiar figure flew in from outside.

Werther was stunned for a moment.

If you really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!

"Oge, why did you come here at the wrong time? Lei Hai appears, it shouldn't be easy for you!"

Hearing this, Oge nodded and said helplessly: "Who says otherwise? The thunder sea lit up by the law of thunder is very attractive to thunder dragons and thunder attribute dragon beasts.

As for the Thunder Dragon, they did not dare to set foot in the territory of Sky City due to the intimidation of Lord Boredia.

But the thunder attribute dragon beasts are different. They have no sense. They will run wherever the thunder element is rich. Fortunately, with the rich thunder element to attract attention, they are not interested in the dragon beasts in the hunting ground.

However, there was also a lot of chaos.

Not to mention this, I am still at work and don’t have much time. I just happened to pass by and came in to give you a reply!

The thing you asked me to do before has been answered by 놋龙. Gedra is a young dragon over 130 years old. He lives in the first five streets, not very far from here.

He has a good personality, cares about the dragon, and likes to joke with the dragon, of course, not the bad kind.

Of course, no matter how much you say, it is not as good as seeing it with your own eyes.

놖asked 놛 to come over in the afternoon, please remember some time, 놖 will leave first..."

With that said, Ogg didn't even give Witte a chance to say a word, so he turned around and flew away at a very fast speed, and there was even a sound of wind and thunder during the flight.

Apparently, 놛 is really busy!

Werther looked at Oger, who was coming and going in turmoil, with a flash of helplessness in his eyes.

But because of 뀘’s serious character, 뀪 specially came over during working hours to talk to 놛 about these things, which is already very valuable.

Witte is very vindictive, and he is still thinking about when to go back and take revenge on the adult copper dragon living in the Yaka Hills, and on the insidious Thorn Shield Dragon beast he met on the Sky City Road.

Similarly, 놛 also always remembers how good other dragons are to 놛.

Regardless of grudges or grudges, Werther will pay them back one by one when he is able in the future.


Werther suddenly remembered that he was going to have a battle with Ollidorf in the afternoon!

"It should be okay!"

Muttering, Werther continued to inspect the products.

Time passed little by little.

Werther still has no reputation here. Even if some dragons who can't stand Borediya's unique potion will come in with the mentality of giving it a try, they will still leave in the end.

Although Witte has come into contact with many giant dragons now, in fact, there are still very few dragons living in Sky City.

Apart from anything else, 놛 has seen fewer dragon eggs than the dragon eggs in the Avery tribe.

Therefore, the main consumer of the medicine is still Feilong.

But Feilong couldn't withstand the power of the perfect potion. Werther only had perfect potions here. In addition, there were no high-end potions for sale.

This limits the potion of 놛 to only be sold to earth dragons or giant dragons.

As for earth dragons or giant dragons, their consumption of potions is actually quite small, not to mention that there is the more trustworthy Boredia Pharmacy next to them.

So, Zhen and Shanyue are the only regular customers!

And the potions that the regular customers bought at one time were obviously not used up, so Witt had to lie on the counter and wait for a whole afternoon.

That is why when he saw Oledof coming in from outside, his fighting spirit was instantly ignited.

Eye contact means fighting!

After Oledof was stunned for a moment, his momentum was also ignited!

However, just when the two dragons were about to go to the training room to show their skills, a voice appeared at an inopportune time.

"Next to the Boredia Pharmacy, the store sells magic circles and potions. It seems that this is the store you are looking for. Then, you should be Witt!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and his momentum quickly dissipated like snow meeting the scorching sun.

"Ol'Dolf, wait a moment, I'll deal with your business first."

As he said that, Witt looked at the dragon behind Ol'Dolf.

This time it's not a black dragon.

It's a glittering dragon, which is also a common alien dragon.

The overall shape is similar to that of a silver dragon, with white diamond-shaped scales covering the body, and five circles on the wing tips and tail tips, which gradually change from blue to white.

The body length is about 15 meters, and considering the age of the pair, the body size is relatively small.

This is normal. The young dragons that are not born in the dragon nest and are not accompanied by adult dragons are basically smaller in size.

Hearing Witt's words, Gedra looked at Witt, then at Ol'Dolf, and a hint of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face.

"It seems that my arrival has disturbed you, don't you solve your business first?"


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