Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 311 Who to live with!

The matter was cleared up, and the dragons no longer gathered together.

After Ollidolf made an appointment with Witte to fight together in the afternoon, he went back to the alchemy shop opposite.

There was no way. Unlike Witte who was the boss, Ollidolf had to work.

Life was not easy, the dragon sighed!

Then it was Boredia. He pulled Witte aside and learned in detail about the Abeyi dragon beast nest of the dragon mother who could extremely possess the ability of space transfer.

Such a giant Abeyi dragon beast nest that could appear and disappear at any time was no longer a problem of a single dragon nest. For the entire dragon clan, it was a disaster of some size.

There was more than one dragon nest and more than one dragon clan city-state. The strong ones were okay, but the weak ones would probably be eaten up and become the nourishment for the other party to become stronger.

As one of the twelve archons, Boredia was obviously more responsible than Redek.

If the dragon beast nest is targeted by a powerful existence, it will be fine. If not, they may grow to the point of threatening the sky city.

To prevent trouble before it happens, this Abeyi dragon beast nest must be found and destroyed as soon as possible.

As for how to find this dragon beast nest...

When a goose passes by, it leaves a sound, and when a dragon passes by, it leaves a trace. As long as we increase our efforts to search, we will always find it.

Moreover, it is not that there is no means of communication between city-states and city-states, or between city-states and dragon nests, otherwise, there would be no need to establish a diplomatic officer.

Isn't it to prevent communication that may come at any time!

After understanding the situation with Witt, Poredia and Antasa left together.

The rest are Celine and others.

They know that Witt must make arrangements for the stars, so they did not leave.

And Witt didn't hesitate, pointing at Xingchen and saying: "He will stay here in the future, let's all get to know each other. By the way, Xingchen, what kind of dragon are you?"

Xingchen's personality is quite lively. After hearing Witt's words, he immediately smiled and greeted the dragons, and then said: "I am the Galaxy Dragon!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at Celine.

After confirming the eye contact, it was another dragon that had not been registered.

But it was also true, after all, it came from the starry sky.

After that, they introduced their names to each other. Of course, Xingchen only needed to remember them unilaterally.

After the introduction, including Ollidolf, Poredia, and Antasa who had already left, Xingchen also remembered their names.

Then, the biggest question was where to live!

"My fellow countryman, of course I live with you!"

What Xingchen didn't notice was that when he said this, Celine looked at him with something wrong!

Witt didn't think anything of it after hearing this.

"It's not that I don't want to!

There are a total of six rooms here, one is a training room, one is a laboratory, and the other four are for living.

If you want to live with me...

Let me make it clear first, I prefer hot places, and there is a lava pool in the room."

Hearing this, Xingchen replied carelessly: "I don't care about this, it's just that I don't have elemental affinity, I just want a place to live."

Hearing this, Witt nodded, and then turned to look at Celine.

"Celine, if you don't mind, you can live with Antawana!"

Although Celine was a little reluctant, she still nodded. After all, it was Witt's arrangement, but the look she gave Xingchen had changed from something wrong to hostility.

At this time, Xingchen realized that there were five dragons in four rooms, and two of them must live together.

Now the answer is revealed.

The two dragons living together are Witt and Celine.

Noticing Celine's look at him, Xingchen realized that something was wrong even if he was still jumping.

He laughed dryly a few times.

"Think about it carefully. Sleeping in a dry place is not good for my dragon scales. Otherwise..."

As he said, Xingchen turned his head to look at the other dragons.

Agnar would definitely not do it. He looked like he was just born not long ago. He was not stupid. Even if he proposed, Witt would definitely not let him live with him.

As for Linsda...

Looking at the way the other party tried to control his emotions, it was obviously an emotionally unstable master. It is better to stay away from such a dragon.

Finally, Xingchen's eyes fixed on Antawana.

"If you don't mind, I will live with Antawana!"

Hearing this, Antawana frowned, but she didn't refuse, because there was a lot of room.

Celine looked at Xingchen with relief. This guy is not so ignorant!

Witt looked at Xingchen strangely.

"If you don't live with me, then you can only live with Linsda.

Antawana...what should I say?

Her temper is not very good, and her past experience is quite special.

If you think there is a dragon living next to you that can spit on you anytime and anywhere, just ignore what I said."

Hearing this, Antawana rolled her eyes, but did not refute.

After all, what Witt said is true.

If Xingchen gets a little closer to her when she is sleeping, she can really spit on him.

Only when everyone is familiar with each other, she will take a look before spitting on him.

For her, this is already rare.

Hearing Witt's words and seeing Antawana's ambiguous attitude, Xingchen was speechless. Why are these dragons so abnormal!

Thinking like this, Xingchen turned to look at Linsida, who was still trying to control his emotions.


Seeing Xingchen's hesitation, Witt thought for a moment and said with a smile: "His emotions are not that unstable, but Lei Ji is here. If he doesn't control his emotions, the leaves on his tail will fall off..."

As he said that, Witt's eyes suddenly showed a hint of anxiety.

"Linsida, why did you drop another leaf!"

Linsida's heart tightened, and then he turned around and looked. Sure enough, a leaf fell off.

Linsida was stunned!

He had obviously tried hard to make himself not nervous, why did he still drop leaves.

As for why he was nervous... How could he not be nervous when he suddenly had to live with a strange dragon.

However, it doesn't matter now!

Thinking of this, Linsida, who suddenly became depressed, turned his head to look at Xingchen after dropping another leaf.

"Live with me, the environment is better where I live."

Looking at Linsda who suddenly became depressed, Xingchen nodded with a strange look on his face.

If he saw it right, before Witt said that, the leaves on Linsda's tail did not mean to fall off.

Uh... Although Linsda's personality is better than previously thought, they will live together in the future, and it is necessary to have a good relationship, but let's just pretend that we didn't see it!

On the other side, Witt, Antawana, and Agner looked at each other, smiled tacitly, and then quickly looked away.

That's right!

They are still thinking about Linsda's tail!


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