Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 24 Ao Speaks

He opened his mouth and let out a big yawn, then he casually pulled away the tail that was flapping his face, then opened his eyes and looked around.

Looking at the familiar surroundings, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered what happened last night.

Uh...well, after eating, I don’t know anything anymore!

"The juice from the Domia flower is too effective. Let Boko add a little less next time!"

"Domiya Flower? What is that? Who is Boko꺗? Also, when did you sleep next to me?"

The sudden sound made Werther wake up completely.

Turning around, he saw Celine looking at him curiously. Werther quickly stood up and glanced around, then noticed that he was standing where Celine slept last night.

"Well, I said I fell asleep and rolled here unknowingly. Do you believe it or not?"

Celine shook the dragon's tail unintentionally.

"Compared to this, I am more curious, what are Domiya flowers and Boko?"

Hearing this, Witte glanced at Billy Dragon who was still sleeping, hesitated and said, "Boko is the pharmacy teacher of the college, and the Domiya flower is a material for refining pharmaceuticals."

Upon hearing this, Celine's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Did you go out last night?"

Werther hurriedly stepped forward and blocked Celine's mouth with 꿮떚, and then carefully looked at the other 꺘dragons. Seeing that they were not awakened, Werther breathed a sigh of relief.

But his tone was obviously too early to relax.

With Werther suddenly covering her mouth, Celine could not give up. She opened her mouth and bit Werther's cheek hard. As a result...

Celine covered her mouth, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and looked at Werther angrily.

꾬It hurts!

It's too hard!

Werther looked at his penis and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. If he remembered correctly, when they fought the day before yesterday, he was bitten by Celine, which was quite painful!

But now, he didn't feel anything.

Flapping his wings behind him, Werther noticed that his wings were more powerful than yesterday.

No wonder Boko said that sleep is very important for a newborn dragon. In just one night, his physical strength can be improved so much!

However, it was obvious that this was not the time to think about this. Seeing the anger rising in Celine's eyes, Werther quickly took a few steps back.

"You bit me, it doesn't matter to me!"

Hearing this, Celine's expression froze, and then she retracted her spread wings.

"Come here, I won't hit you!"


With that said, Werther followed the instructions and took a few steps forward.

Seeing this, Celine stepped forward and stretched out her hand towards Werther. Seeing Werter looking at her warily, she said, "Why did your dragon scales suddenly become so hard?

Although I feel a little stronger than yesterday, it's not as obvious as you.

What did you do last night? "

"Witt! You didn't go out to the Dragon's Lair as Winters said?"

A loud voice startled Werther Celine.

Werther looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Billy staring at him intensely, uh... well, there's also Odinnit!

Werther glanced at Celine resentfully, and then said helplessly: "I couldn't sleep, so I thought that the other dragons should be sleeping at night, so I went out to take a look."

"Rather than this, I'm more curious about what you did and why you seem to grow faster than us!"

A slightly cold voice sounded, and the dragons were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that it was Ao who had just spoken.

Then, Billy Dinnett looked at O?

What grows faster?

"Didn't you notice?"

Ao stared at Werther, and then continued: "His size is much larger than yesterday. Although our size has grown a little, it is not as obvious as him!"

Upon hearing this, Celine was the first to react.

"That being said, you are indeed much bigger!"

Hearing this, Billy ran directly to Werther and gently touched Werther's wings.

"Brother, it's not good to eat alone. Please share with us quickly. What did you see last night?"

Celine and the others looked at Billy with speechless faces.

Is your focus wrong?

However, Celine and the others realized that their behavior seemed inappropriate.

Ao hesitated for a moment and then said: "Sorry, I didn't want to pry into your secret. If it's not convenient to tell you, just pretend I didn't ask!"

Hearing this, Witte glanced at Ao in surprise.

The other party has always been taciturn, and I thought it would be difficult to get along with him, but now it seems that the other party is just like him, not good at communicating with other dragons.

Shaking his head, Witte said: "Actually, I don't know what happened. If there is any difference between us, it's just that I ate a dragon beast last night.

Boko got it for me.

I couldn't sleep yesterday and wanted to go up there to watch the stars. When I was resting on the first floor, I met Boko, who is our future teacher of potions.

I fainted from exhaustion. He said that my physique is different from yours and I need more.

Other than that, I only have the juice of the Domia flower, but it is used to relieve my problem of being too mentally active. To put it simply, it allows me to have a good sleep.

This is also true! "

Hearing Werther's words, the dragons suddenly realized that they had not forgotten Werter's terrifying appetite.

It seems that Werther's appetite is only higher than what he showed yesterday. Let alone last night, they are not very hungry now!

"If you're talented, there's nothing you can do about it, but brother, when you go out tonight, don't you want to take me with you?"

"Too close, too close!"

Werther took a step back and then looked at Billy.

"I don't recommend you do this.

In fact, Boko said that from today on, he will come over every night to provide me with the juice of Domia flowers. Not to mention taking you with me, I can’t even go out by myself.

In addition, as I said, in the first two years after birth, daily sleep is very important to us.

If we don't get enough sleep, our body size growth will be permanently affected. Well... it will be several times smaller than the baby dragons born in the same batch! "

Hearing this, Billy smiled.

"Then I'd better sleep!"

As he spoke, Billy returned to the corner where he was before and crawled down. Then, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Werther.

"Brother, tell me, if I sleep a little more, will my body be bigger?"

Witte's face froze, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

This guy's brain circuit is always so strange!

"Of course not!"

Werther looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Winters standing at the intersection, looking over with warm eyes...

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