Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 23 Magic Circle

"By the way, 놖 and 놊 are ghost dragons, but Fungsu giant dragons!"

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment.

"Is there really a ghost dragon?"

Boko nodded and added with a smile: "It's different from what you imagined. The ghost dragon has a body, and there are vegetarian dragons without a body.

From the perspective of appearance, the ghost dragon is actually closer to the dark dragon, which is also a giant dragon of a different species, and in terms of bloodline, it is closer to the black dragon among the five-color dragons.

I know that you don’t have an ordinary inherited memory. No matter how much you talk about it, it’s still not as good as your own actual understanding.

You should have learned how to exhale by now! "

Seeing Witte nodding, Boko continued: "Then you guys should be resting, and you can let Winters take you to the library on the eighth floor to take a look.

You should come out tonight, baby dragon, especially a baby dragon like you who has just been born. Adequate sleep is the guarantee for rapid growth!

녊Under normal circumstances, if you eat well during the day and sleep well at night, your body length will rapidly grow from about one meter now to five meters in two years!

In this way, at least in terms of size, you will be closer to the young dragons that were born earlier than you, because the maximum size of the young dragons is only about ten meters.

In this way, you can gain the right to move freely in Dragon Academy.

Because if you are too small, you may be accidentally injured by other baby dragons at any time.

If you miss these two years, your size will always be several times smaller than the same batch of dragons.

In addition, Winters should have told you that you have to leave the dragon's lair alone! "

Werther moved his tail somewhat calmly.

"Well, it's night now. There are no other baby dragons outside. I want to see the stars and prepare to spend the night outside. Uh... I just want to sleep for now!"

Hearing this, Boko was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther up and down.

"Your spirit is indeed higher than normal. The young dragons that have just been born are much more active. This may be a problem with your bloodline. You can give..."

Looking at Werther holding his tail again, grinning and growling.

Boko stopped talking angrily.

"Okay, relax, it's a suggestion, if you're willing to do it, by the way, this is for you!"

As he spoke, Boko placed a small jar of milky white liquid in front of Werther.

"This is the juice of crushed Domia flowers, which can effectively promote sleep. Although sleeping may be related to your bloodline, sleeping or sleeping less is definitely OK.

In fact, if it is a sleeping potion, the effect will be better, but if you have just released it, it is better to use the original solution of Domia flower. "

But a small can is for Boko.

For Werther, this so-called small jar is bigger than the crystal jar containing the silver dragon on the shelf over there.

Boko finally reacted when he saw Werther looking at him strangely.

"Well, it is indeed a bit bigger for you. It seems that 놙 is going to look for you every 꽭!"

With that said, Boko put away the jar containing the Domia flower juice.

"Isn't there a smaller container? You just said that we will take your pharmacy class in the future. Are the equipment we use so big?"

"Of course!"

Boko shook his head.

"However, even the smallest container is still a bit big for you. As 놖 just said, the two years after birth are the fastest growing period for your body.

Therefore, your pharmacy class will not begin until your physical growth stabilizes, that is, two years later! "

Witte looked at the pot of Busdragon meat that was gradually boiling, and swallowed the water without hesitation.

"Two years? Doesn't that mean it's very long?"

Boko controlled Feng Su and stirred the meat in the pot.

"Is two years a long time?

But speaking of it, I haven’t had a good sleep for a long time. When Karen comes back, I must have a good sleep for decades! "

After a pause, Boko continued: "Don't worry, your dragon journey has just begun. Time is the most valuable thing for dragons!"

Werther hesitated, and looked at the strange lines under the jar that were glowing with red light.

"Who is Karen? Also, what is this?"

"Karen is another teacher who knows medicine. She went out to look for materials to make medicine. She may not be able to come back until decades later.

It would be much easier if she was here!

As for this, it is a constant temperature array that can provide a constant temperature and can be used to make medicine without it. "

Witte's eyes turned to the pit where Boko had discarded the scrap.

"Is there also a magic circle inside?"

"That's the annihilation formation. You'd better get close to it. If you go in and Little Mo injects element into it, then your dragon will be finished and not a single dragon scale will be left behind! "

Werther took a deep breath.

"So dangerous?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Witte noticed that there was a smile in Boko's eyes.

"You're kidding!"

"You're scared!

In fact, if the magic circle here is really that dangerous, 놖 will let you stand on a crushing array. By the way, 놖 used it to crush countless magic materials! "

Witt hurriedly ran away. Even though Boco had said that the magic circle was not dangerous, he was still afraid to imagine that there was something so dangerous under his feet.

"What about now?"

"That is also a constant temperature array!"


After working for a while, Witt finally found a place without an array.

Looking at Boco's squinting eyes, Witt turned his head and looked at the jar angrily.

"Is it not cooked yet?"

"It will take a little time. If you don't mind, you can eat it now. In fact, I recommend you to eat it now, it feels great!"

Witt hurriedly shook his head, and then looked up and down at Boco.

The whole body is made of green wind element, with two feet on the ground, but the whole body is floating, the forelimbs are short, the wingspan is more than twice the body length, and the dragon tail is thin and long!

Such a body...

"You have been emphasizing the sense of body. So, do you need to eat too?"

Hearing this, Boco grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, and then he suddenly solidified in the astonished eyes of Witt.

The general image has not changed, it is still green scales, but it has a physical body.

"In fact, this is what the body of the vegetarian dragon looks like."

"Then just now..."

"This is the unique ability of the vegetarian dragon, vegetarian!"

As he said, Boco's body became transparent again, and he continued: "I feel that it is easier to move like this, so I have been maintaining the vegetarian state."

After a pause, Boco's eyes turned to the pot on the constant temperature array.

"It's cooked, wait, I need some of this!"

As he said, Boco took out the juice of the Domia flower that he had put back before, glanced at Witt, and added only one drop.

"Put it down and eat it. I'll take you back later!"

Witt turned his head to look at the silver dragon in the crystal jar on the shelf in the distance, and then looked at Boko!

"Let me make a deal first. You must take my dragon blood while I'm asleep!"


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