Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 220 Farewell!

Werther's things have been packed away. After removing the useless things, there are ten boxes.

The box is real, the kind that can fit Werther, Antavana and Linstar at the same time.

For convenience, these boxes are made from metal ores collected by Witte. After re-smelting, they become metal materials for alchemy.

It can be said that Werther spent a lot of effort to make his things not appear so numerous.

He took a look at the busy Thunder Winged Dragon camp.

There were originally a large number of them, but today ten years later, not to mention, they were originally single boys and young girls, and now they are all raising families.

Looking at the busy and exhausted Avery from a distance, Werther grinned unscrupulously. He originally wanted to go over and help, but he suddenly remembered something and turned around and walked towards the tip of the dragon's horn.

"Skuo, when are you leaving?"

"I will leave when you go down. It's a pity that the real journey has just begun. There are many magnificent scenes that you have never seen before."

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

"It's just a separation, not a forever. When you pass by the Sky City next time, I will have grown up. When you do, I will walk with you for a while!"

"Hahaha, I remember what you said. No giant dragon has ever been willing to travel with an earth dragon. I look forward to it!"

Werther smiled and lay down.

"Si Kuo, I'm leaving now, tell me a story!"


With that said, Si Kuo told Werther in his unique and passionate tone.

Werther listened very carefully. He didn't know when he would listen to Si Kuo telling stories next time.

The separation from Winters and the others was sudden and out of his choice. Therefore, at that time, Werther was more afraid and uneasy about the uncertain future than sadness.

As for the sadness, it was an emotion he only felt after he was sure that he was temporarily safe. But at that time, it had been a long time since the dragon's nest disappeared, and time had long diluted the sadness and reluctance.

But this time is different!

He had enough time to make a choice, but he still chose to leave.

In fact, these ten years have proven that he can accompany Si Kuo for a longer period of time.

The stable environment that Sky City can provide is provided by Si Kuo.

However, he did not dare to go any further.

In fact, Si Kuo didn't know where he was going. Yanlong's journey itself was a stop-and-go journey. As for where to go and what kind of scenery to see, they could do it.

Werther was afraid that during such a journey, he would gradually forget the dragon's nest, forget those familiar dragons, and even forget the goals he had set before, and no longer be obsessed with returning to the dragon's nest.

The cold wind is howling and the white snow is flying. This is the eternal scenery of the ice field!

Delhi 껚 pulse!

The forbidden land deep in the ice field is just because there is an ancient tyrant entrenched in the deepest vein of the ice field!

In the eternal ice cave where time could hardly leave any trace, a slightly cheerful voice sounded.

"Ace, after I leave, don't lose your temper casually, it will affect other dragons!"


No dragon responded to her, but she was not surprised at all.

"Well, at least, don't lose your temper as long as they don't mess with you!"


"Hahaha, I take it as your promise!"

After a pause, the voice continued: "Be careful of the abyss. Those guys are very despicable. The ice field is vast and sparse, which is perfect for them to plot."

"This is the dragon world!"

A low voice sounded, like the bone-chilling wind, revealing the endless coldness.

"I know, I know, I'm just worried about you. If 녈 can't survive, 늀 will temporarily escape. No, it should be called a strategic transfer, and then bring other dragons over.

There are so many powerful people in the world, there is no need to carry them on your own.

늀It’s for me! "

"You just picked it up."

"Don't say that, I will be sad. Besides, I don't want to lose my home when I come back."

"I will protect this place!"

"I'm talking about you. The place with you is home. Without you, this place is just a hole in the ice. Promise me, protect yourself!"


After a period of silence, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

"It's dangerous out there."

"I know, that's why it's called a trial. If it's not dangerous, it's a journey. Complete the trial and grow into a real star dragon. I will come back to you."


A dark blue figure left this place called the Eternal Ice Cave and embarked on her own trial journey.

Nasha could feel it, and the wind and snow around her became even more intense.

She doesn't want to leave, but the trial journey is something that the Star Dragon must go through in its growth process.

Now, she only prays for the dragons and dragon beasts living near the ice field, hoping that Ace will not be angry for too long because of her leaving.

Si Kuo’s story has been told for a long time!

But no matter how long a story is, it will always end.

The sky in the east turned white, and Si Kuo let out a long sigh, then stopped.

"Feel sorry!"

Werther stood up and stretched.

"No need to apologize. In fact, I hope your story will be longer... Goodbye!"


Werther turned and left.

Si Kuo sighed again, but he quickly cheered up. This was not the first time he experienced separation, and this was not the last time.

껩Perhaps, the reason why Yanlong's journey has never stopped is because they have been trying to find the familiar figure who once traveled together.

Returning to the box that had been packed yesterday, he saw Antavana who was sleeping soundly, opening her eyes alertly, and Werther smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I was supposed to leave yesterday!"

Antavana shook her head, yawned, and stood up.

"It doesn't matter, Si Kuo's story is very nice!"

Werther rolled his eyes secretly, "I hear you are still asleep?"

In fact, in the second half of the story, Si Kuo started adding crazily, just to delay time.

Werther didn't want to say goodbye so quickly, so he listened quietly.

With this thought in his mind, Werther patted Linstar, who was sleeping sweetly, with his tail.

"Hey! It's time to get up!"

But because he was protected by Werther and Antavana since birth, Linstadt had not experienced too much cruelty. Unlike Antavana who quickly woke up at the slightest movement, Werther called out several times. Linstar slowly woke up.

Then he half-opened his eyes and asked sleepily: "Are you ready to eat?"

Werther rolled his eyes and ignored Linstar. After a while, he came to his senses.

Until Linstar woke up, Werther saw no movement from Avery's side.

With a helpless sigh, Werther used his mental strength to hold up the boxes.

"Those two guys clearly looked like 'I can't bear to let you go' before, but now they don't even show their faces!"

After complaining, Werther took a deep breath, then spread his wings, took the box and flew away from Si Kuo's dragon horn.

As soon as Werther made a move, Avery and the others made a move.

And when they flew towards the Sky City, dragon roars came one after another from behind.

Werther glanced back, then flew faster...

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