Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 219 The Lord of the Sky!

Chapter 219 The Sky King!

For Antawana's bad attitude, Colen and Alva were not angry, but a hint of embarrassment appeared on their faces.

There is no love or hatred without reason!

Antawana's bad attitude towards that guy was completely their own fault.

Because of the three dragons, only Witt had the dragon scale space, so Antawana and Linsda's things were all placed with Witt.

The dragon scale space was not available, so their things could only be placed with Witt's things.

As a result, these two guys who like to take advantage of others have taken Antawana's things as Witt's.

Potions, magic circles, alchemy, and battles all involve Vitt. Antawana only likes to fight, so she doesn't have many things.

However, since those few items were left behind, it is enough to show their importance to Antawana.

And Antawana's personality is not to mention.

After discovering that her things were missing, she immediately thought of the two dragons who often took Vitt's things.

As expected, her things were found in the two dragons' residence, and then as expected, they were beaten up by Antawana.

Don't underestimate Antawana's strength, and don't overestimate Colen and Alva's strength.

In the realm of the dragon, except for some relatively strong earth dragons and flying dragons, they are all crushed when facing dragons.

Although the two dragons are young dragons, one neglects training and the other is obsessed with alchemy magic circles. In terms of realm, they only rely on blood energy to reach the silver level, not to mention combat experience.

In addition, they were found by the door for stealing things, and they were guilty, so they were beaten badly!

Of course, if it were like this, it would be fine.

But they met Antawana, who still has a weird personality and a small mind, and they have been remembered until now.

Although they didn't beat them up when they met, they never gave them a good face.

It was not until Antawana walked away that Colum and Alva breathed a sigh of relief, and then Colum looked at Witt.

"That... I think we are both young dragons, and we all have a certain ability to control the emotions of parting, so..."

As he said, Colum glanced at Antawana who was practicing magic in the distance, swallowed his saliva, and then said: "So, I think your previous request was not well considered.

You don't need to live here, just come over to accompany you for a while every day!"

Alva on the side also nodded, because he was too excited before and forgot about Antawana.

Hearing this, Witt looked at the two dragons with a smile.

"Are you sure?

Antawana just told me that you are going to live here.

It doesn't matter if you leave now, but I don't know what she will think.

Maybe she will think that you are looking down on her.

I am not exaggerating. Antawana will not care so much about big things, but small things like this will arouse her awkward personality.

Don't blame me for not reminding you if you are found!"

Linsda saw that the two dragons' reaction was quite interesting, so he said in a naughty way that Witt was right!

The two dragons thought for a long time, and finally, they gritted their teeth and stayed with the mentality of seeing death as the way home.

But the result was that after they had been anxious for a long time, had dinner, and had a rest time, Antawana did not even give them a glance.

Realizing that they were tricked by Witt and Linstar, they dared not say anything because of Antawana's existence.

In this way, the two dragons stayed.

Even with these two funny guys, as the time of departure approached, the atmosphere between the dragons was not cheerful.

Witt was not even in the mood to carry out daily training.

In the end, he simply packed up his things. After all, without the dragon scale space, their moving was also a big problem.

Of course, Witt did not forget to complain to Jones.

What was the result? Witt didn't ask in detail. Anyway, he hadn't seen Fla for two or three days since then, and Avery's smile never faded.

Needless to say, that bastard must have been beaten badly, otherwise Avery wouldn't be so happy!

Day 5!

Witt and Avery finally made public the news that their journey was about to end.

After the news spread, both Witt and Avery came to say goodbye every day.

They all lived on the back of the dragon, and the friendship was not only between Witt and them, but also between Alva and Colen.

It's just that the two of them are closer and have a better relationship.

The magic circle that can guarantee that nothing will go wrong, the novel and practical alchemical creations, and the potions with super good effects are destined to make Witt have a wide range of friends.

Day 6!

The surrounding terrain began to become flat, and the trees gradually became sparse, replaced by large areas of low shrubs.

Various elements were floating in the air, and the concentration of wind and lightning elements gradually increased.

Day 7!

Si Kuo stopped.

Witt and his friends stood on the corner of Si Kuo, looking far ahead at the great plain.

Because the terrain of this plain is the highest in the Fast Continent, it is called the plain closest to the sky, called the Sky Plain!

Deep in the plain, there was a large shadow, like a mountain range, but Witt and the others saw clearly that it was not a mountain range, but a dragon crawling on the ground!

The huge dragon body, which was two thousand meters long, told of his identity - the Lord of the Sky, Guluo!

An ancient legendary dragon!

The Cloud Dragon is also a relatively rare dragon species.

It has four legs on the ground, and its hind legs are thicker than other four-legged dragons, with mysterious blue lines on them.

The pure white raised diamond-shaped scales are somewhat similar to the white dragon.

A pair of purple spiral dragon horns pointed obliquely to the sky, with flashes of lightning on them, and a red line on the top of the head extending all the way to the tail.

The wingspan is about twice the body length, and there are blue scales under the wings.

The elemental relatives of the cloud dragon are wind and thunder, so they breathe out two kinds of breaths, one is the thunder element thunderstorm breath, and the other is the wind element wind erosion breath.

From their place, they can feel the strong wind element fluctuations between the other party's breaths.

Needless to say, this sky king should be the wind erosion breath.

And next to that king, there is a big city built of rock-Sky City!

All kinds of dragons fly around in the sky above the city. They are the dragons living in this city guarded by the sky king.

To be honest, seeing this scene, Witt couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Ten years!

Finally here!

And this will be where he will live for the next few hundred or even thousands of years!

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