Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 216 Changes and...Friends?

Time is like flowing water. It always brings something and takes something away!

This change!

Witt's change is not very big. His body has only grown from a little over ten meters to twelve meters. His strength has not changed much either. He has only been promoted from bronze to bronze.


Just kidding!

The change is not just superficial.

Ten years is enough for Witt's strength to take a leap!

In terms of spiritual magic, twenty-four-node magic is no longer a problem for Witt. He is now conquering thirty-node magic.

Although there are only five nodes to improve, this means that most of the magic has been ineffective in front of Witt.

In terms of shaping magic, all three magic arrays have been completed and can exert the effects of thirty nodes and above.

The shaping magic that Witte cast through the spell is only at this level.

Moreover, due to the improvement of the realm, the elemental reserves in Witte's body have skyrocketed, and the three forms of sword dragon, shield dragon and speed dragon are fully released and can be switched freely.

In addition, the two magic arrays engraved on the tail also have enough elemental power to allow them to exert their full power.

In terms of magic arrays, Witte has also made great progress.

The fourth-level magic array is no longer difficult for him. If it were not for the limitation of materials, he would have been able to start learning to draw the fifth-level magic array, which is a high-level magic!

As for the liquid magic core... Well, Witte can still only refine the third-level one. If the fourth-level liquid magic core explodes, he still can't bear it.

Except for Witte, the changes of other dragons are not great.

Antawana had already reached the bronze level, and her strength had improved qualitatively. Of course, there was no way to change her size. She just grew normally and finally reached five meters.

Linsda's strength improved a little, but not much, and her size grew to six meters.

What bothered Witt was that his personality had not changed much.

Fortunately, with the help of Hess, Linsda became stronger. He could make some decisions on some things instead of subconsciously avoiding them.

His personality might be like this.

Just like Antawana, even after so many years, she still quarreled from time to time.

Antawana and Linsda did not change much, but Avery changed a lot.

He and Jones got together, and the two dragons even had two batches of children!

Yes, that's right, there are two batches. The first batch has three, and now they have left the infancy stage. The second batch has two, and they will leave the infancy stage in four years.

Whenever he talks about this, Witt can't help but sigh. It is worthy of being the most numerous dragon species. If the giant dragon and the dragon have such fertility...

In addition to these changes, the biggest change is the travel companions!

In the past ten years, Squa has attracted countless fellow travelers.

Some of them stayed for only a few days, some for a few months, and some for a few years, but they all reached their goals.

Come and go, go and come back, the dragons have changed batches.

Some dragons were not recognized by Witt until they left, but some dragons had formed a deep friendship with Witt and his friends.

But they left after all, leaving Witt with only memories.

Even those ball dragons left one after another in the past ten years.

If a dragon leaves, another dragon will stay!

The bastard who was pressed on the test bench by Witt and subjected to the "scale-pulling punishment" was one of the dragons who stayed.

Of course, this scale-pulling is not the same as that scale-pulling!

Koren is a heavy-scale flying dragon among flying dragons, not a pterosaur, but a type of bipedal flying dragon, named because of its double scales.

Bipedal flying dragons are similar to the five-color dragons among giant dragons, except that they have no forelimbs, and their wings are not on their backs, but replace their forelimbs.

Therefore, this type of flying dragon is collectively called a bipedal flying dragon.

However, their body size is similar to that of a pterosaur, far less than that of a giant dragon.

There are three types of elemental affinity for heavy-scale flying dragons: water, fire, and wind.

Unlike the Wind and Thunder Pterosaurs, the entire family of Wind and Thunder Pterosaurs has affinity for both wind and thunder elements. Of course, there are also some that only have affinity for one element, but they are not common.

The Heavy Scale Flying Dragon has affinity for a single element. The elemental affinity of the Heavy Scale Flying Dragon at birth is one of the three elements of fire, fire, and wind.

Their appearances are different due to their affinity for different elements.

Kelun has affinity for the fire element, so the dragon scales on his body are fiery red diamond-shaped scales.

However, if you take off the fiery red scales on his body, you will find that there is a layer of black scales inside.

This is the second layer of scales of the Heavy Scale Flying Dragon. The second layer of scales of all Heavy Scale Flying Dragons are black.

The reason why Witte pulled out scales in this way is different from that in that way is because the outer scales of the heavy-scale flying dragon are like crystal dragon bodies.

Pulling them off will not affect health, and they will grow back in a few days. Moreover, this layer of scales will fall off periodically.

The scales that fall off are the best carriers of the fire element magic array, which can enhance the power of the magic array.

It is better than the giant dragon scales, which are useless except for being hard.

Of course, Witte pulled out the scales of Colum, which has another meaning.

The heavy-scale flying dragon is also a social dragon beast like the wind and thunder pterosaur. This bastard came here with the tribe.

There are several heavy-scale dragons in the tribe, and they are familiar with Witte. They are all adult dragons.

Witte is face-blind, but this guy is bold and careful. He noticed this shortly after they met. Then this bastard often pretended to be other dragons to come to Witte to get things.

If it wasn't for the time when this guy pretended to be a dragon and happened to come to him, Witte didn't know that this bastard was doing such a thing.

Since then, Witte often plucked scales for this guy, making him the only black-scaled red-headed boy among heavy-scale dragons!

"Bastard, I let you come to my place to steal things every day!"

After pulling off all the red scales, Witte let Koren go.

"The scales are a punishment. You owe me a dragon beast crystal core. You can't get one. Did you hear me?"

Looking at himself turning back to a dark appearance, Colen wanted to cry but had no tears. After hearing what Witt said, he nodded hurriedly with a smile on his face, which made it hard for Long to believe. He kept Witt's words in mind.

"Then these magic circles..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Hearing this, Colen immediately cried.

It seems that this time he really can't get away with it. He can't continue to paddle during the next collective hunt!

Just then, he caught a glimpse of a figure who was trying to leave secretly from the corner of his eyes.

With a turn of his eyes, Colen's face showed a sly smile.

"Alva, what are you going to do?"

The count's eyes instantly focused on the figure who was about to sneak away.

Alva's body froze, and then he glared at Colen angrily.

"You are a self-defeating bastard, sooner or later, I will tear your mouth off!"

Colen's mouth grinned.

"Witt, he just stole one of your elemental puppets!"


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