Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 215 Ten years!

Chapter 215 Years!

The snow is still falling, as if it will never stop!

But in fact, in the past two years, the snow has been getting smaller and smaller. Of course, the temperature has not changed much, and it is still in a state that can freeze dragons to death.

Well, the Great Icefield has always been like this!

Since the tyrant got angry more than two years ago, there has been a strange... creature in the Great Icefield?

They roam around in the Great Icefield, and they are very aggressive. Moreover, they have the evil power to transform dragon beasts into the same existence as them.

Therefore, the dragons living on the Great Icefield carried out a big cleansing of these things that the dragons hate from the bottom of their hearts.

As for the process, it can be said that it couldn't be smoother.

These things from the depths of the Great Icefield were driven back.

Some dragons speculated that the tyrant was angry because these strange things disturbed him.

What exactly is it, then I don't know.

No dragon dared to go to the depths of the Great Icefield to find the tyrant to find out the situation.

As for why, we can understand from the name of the other party.

But on that day, the snow that had lasted for more than two years suddenly stopped, and fire rain fell from the sky, breaking the thick clouds that had covered the Great Icefield for more than two years.

But unfortunately, the snow stopped for one night.

The broken clouds recovered again in just one night, and the snow continued!

No dragon was surprised by this.

The tyrant's anger can't be extinguished easily.

As for the rain of fire from the sky, no dragon would care about it. This thing will appear on the Great Icefield once every few years, but this time the scale is a bit larger.


The black stone is embedded in the snow-white ground.

From the traces left around, it can be seen that they have tried, but the snow is too thick, and only a small area is melted, and all the heat on their bodies is taken away.

And the melted snow water solidified into solid ice again!


Suddenly, a slight cracking sound broke the tranquility of the snow!

Crack, crack, crack!

Accompanied by a burst of dense cracking sounds, a dark blue head with the same color as the night sky broke through the ice.

Nasha looked down at the broken eggshell, but most of it was frozen in the ice. A trace of distress flashed in her eyes. Although she had rich experience in Jedi in the blood inheritance, who doesn't want to see flowers and grass immediately.

But she saw snowflakes!

Nasha's body emerged from the eggshell.

On the dragon body more than one meter long, there are fish scales, convex in a convex style, like the dark blue scales of the night sky, with dots of white light spots emitting faint fluorescence, like stars in the night sky.

The belly is light blue plate-like scales, which looks quite defensive.

The dragon tail is slightly longer than the dragon body, and the end is a fish-like tail fin, but from the deep scar left when it crossed the ice, this tail fin is obviously not as fragile as it looks.

It has four feet on the ground, and there are webbed feet between its claws. Obviously, it has some experience in swimming.

There are two pairs of dragon horns on its head. The rear pair is larger and curved backwards. The surface of the horns is smooth and does not look ferocious.

The front pair of horns is smaller and emits a bright blue light.

After Nasha came out of the eggshell, she stretched her wings slightly. It can be seen that her wings are longer than most dragons, about 2.5 times the body.

After coming out, Nasha turned around and swallowed the eggshell mixed with ice and snow into her stomach.

With the supplement of eggshell, her aura was immediately improved, but the young dragon just eaten, no matter how much it improved, it was just like that!

After eating the eggshell, Nasha looked up and looked around, then nodded with satisfaction.

Regardless of the environment, at least there would be no shortage of food in the short term!

With this in mind, she collected all the black ores around her, which would be her food for a long time in the future.

After collecting the black ores together, she hugged a stone and drilled into the snow layer.

At least, she would not leave until these things were eaten.


A meteor shower was just a small episode for Witt and the others, and it was even far less shocking than the ritual of the Ghost Firefly Dragon Beast giving back to nature before.

After the episode, the journey continued!

After listening to what Si Kuo said, Witt's expectation for the journey became even stronger.

After being busy every day, he began to wonder what kind of dragons one or a group of companions would be, and what kind of stories they would have.

Unfortunately, until he built the No. 3 Puppet Army, there were still no new companions joining.

That day, Witt was busy repairing No. 1, and Squaw suddenly roared.

"Welcome to you, I wish you a pleasant journey!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked around. Finally, facing the direction of the sun, Witt saw a large group of shadows flying towards this side!

Witt's eyes lit up, new companions!


Time is like quicksand on your fingertips, years are just a blink of an eye!

"Avery, take care of your child. This kid dismantled 놖's elemental puppet... Alva, if you dare to eat 놖's food secretly, 놖꿷 will go to your house to have dinner at night and take Antavana with him. Together with Linstar... Colen, give me the magic circle in your body. You haven't given me the Dragon Beast crystal core yet. This magic circle doesn't belong to you yet. In addition, I owe you the money from the previous batch of magic circles. Dragon beast crystal core, when will you return it?”

But unfortunately, no matter how loud Witte roared, Witte could still watch his elemental puppet go down. Avery looked at him with an apologetic look.

"How about you beat him up? He looks upset too. If it weren't for Jones..."

Having said this, Avery glanced at his child, who had his ears straightened up, coughed dryly, and did not continue.

"Avery, aren't you just afraid of Jones? Even Si Kuo knows about this. Who do you expect not to know? Your deeds will eventually spread throughout the Fast Continent and even other continents!"

With that said, Coren dragged a pile of dragon scales with his energy, spread his wings and was about to leave.

As a result, he hit a wall of wind head on.

When he realized something was wrong, his tail had been pulled by a huge force.

"Avery, you're cheating!"

The shrill screams sounded, as if Avery had done something heinous.

But Avery turned his head, as if he didn't see anything.

Witte tugged on Coren's tail and rolled his eyes.

"Stop howling, it's so unpleasant!

Besides, who tricked you? It was obviously you who was tricking me. I almost went to hunt the dragon beast myself, but you still owe a lot of money.

Forget it, this batch of magic circles is actually going to be paid on credit. If I don't teach you a lesson, you really think it's easy to talk! "

With that said, Witte pressed Column on the test table and began to pull out the scales one by one.

"It's time to eat the dragon, it's time to eat the dragon. This evil dragon has finally revealed its true nature. Hey, hey, hey, don't just watch, please help!"

However, whether it was Avery, Alva who stole Werther's food, or Antavana and Linstar, they all used magic to cover their ears as a matter of course.

Werther smiled grimly.

"No dragon will help you, just be obedient and give me your scales!"

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