Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 191 Fight! (Part 2)

A row of ground spikes shot out from the ground quickly, and the stones and plants on the path exploded one after another!

However, after rushing into the smoke and dust, there was no sound.

The Shield Dragon Beast instantly became alert.

Looking up, as expected, the other party had already flown up.

Seeing the flapping wings, a trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the Shield Dragon Beast. Of course, there was a trace of envy in the deeper part. If it could fly...

Witt looked at the ground spikes that were less than half a meter away from his lower abdomen, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

Well, although no dragon saw it, he did make a mistake.

The shield dragon form is not often used, and he almost forgot that his weight in this form is not as exaggerated as doubled, but it is not much different.

Moreover, the wings in this form are also very heavy.

So, the fall to the ground just now was not what he originally thought, he just didn't fly up.

After taking off again and adjusting his emotions and state, Witt began to look for opportunities again.

The dragon beasts did not use element magic, but origin magic.

Moreover, it was different from the origin magic of the dragon clan. Although it was also called origin magic, it was actually a superficial way of using element engraved in the blood!

Therefore, the attack form of the dragon beasts was not very complicated, just like the thorn shield dragon beast below, which only used ground spikes to use ground elements.

The Elkin dragon beasts that had been dealt with before were similar, with only wind blades.

Of course, some dragon beasts with higher blood concentrations had more complicated attack forms.

In addition, with the simple thinking of the dragon beasts, they would not master too many origin magics, only one or two, and no more than three at most.

The opponent had already used the ground spike, so Witt needed to consider whether the opponent had other origin magics.

With this idea in mind, Witt kept his body at a height that the ground spikes just couldn't reach, and then began to spit... breath frantically!

Faced with Witt's rogue method, the thorn shield dragon beast below could only dodge and silently endure it, and couldn't fight back at all.

Witt could clearly feel the rising anger in the eyes revealed from the gaps in the opponent's scales.

But who told you that you can't fly!

While Witt was thinking about this, he began to consider the second stage of the test.

The first stage of the test refers to the opponent's origin magic.

From beginning to end, this thorn shield dragon beast only used one ground spike. When attacked by Witt's breath, the opponent could only dodge as much as possible, and if he couldn't dodge, he would just bear it.

Obviously, it only knows one origin magic.

After realizing this, Witt was not relieved. Instead, he felt that he had really found a dragon beast that was the least suitable for testing the power of the fifth-level magic circle.

With only one origin magic, he dared to walk around in this plain. It can be seen that the defense and attack power of the scales on this thorn shield dragon beast are definitely not low.

Otherwise, he would have been killed long ago with such arrogance!

In the second stage, it is natural to test the attack power of the thorn scales on the opponent.

The defense is beyond doubt.

The zero-degree cold current is like a cold wind, and the opponent has no discomfort at all.

Although Witt's zero-degree cold current is not as powerful as the blazing white breath, it is equivalent to the attack plus control magic of three nodes.

As a result, let alone attack, the control effect was not shown, which shows how strong the opponent's scales are against the element.

I'm afraid it's almost catching up with the magic resistance of the same level dragon scales.

No wonder it is praised as the ceiling of the dragon scales.

Just as Witt was sighing.

But due to the problem of physical exhaustion, the breath that should have been completely avoided was not avoided this time, and the breath originally aimed at the front leg actually hit the head!

Moreover, luck is quite good, it was frozen!

The Shielded Dragon Beast, which lost its vision, panicked and hurriedly smashed its head against the ground.

But Witt, who had been waiting for an opportunity, how could he miss this great opportunity.

With his wings spread, he dived directly towards the Shielded Dragon Beast below.

The sound of breaking through the air gradually approached, so the Shielded Dragon Beast had to give up the idea of ​​pounding his head on the ground. Instead, he raised his front legs and stepped down heavily, stabbing at Witt with thick thorns.

But, Witt didn't intend to go for the opponent's head.

Before the ground spikes arrived, he changed direction, came to the back of the thorn shield dragon beast, and scratched the opponent's back with a claw.


After a sharp scratching sound, Witt's eyes flashed with joy.

Of course, he didn't leave a trace on the opponent's dragon scales, but Witt had already got the information he wanted.

The spiked scales are very strong, stronger than his scale claws.

But the difference is not very big.

In other words, unless the two sides are a long distance apart, and then the opponent directly hits him while he stands still, otherwise, the spiked scales on the opponent's body are not enough to break the dragon scales on his body.

After getting this information, Witt let go completely.

He folded his wings directly and then drilled under the opponent's body.

Needless to say, the power of the dragon.

Even though the size difference is quite large, Witt's strength is only slightly greater than the opponent's.

Therefore, Witt is ready to use force, forcibly flip the opponent over, and then use the fifth-level magic circle on the stomach.

Even if he can't kill the opponent, at least he can break the defense.

Spiny Shield Dragon Beast obviously knew that Witte was targeting its abdomen, which had a relatively low defense.

So, after getting rid of the ice on its head, it began to stomp on the ground frantically, injecting ground elements into the ground under its feet, in exchange for sharp spikes.

Spiny Shield Dragon Beast tried to force Witte away from him in this way.

But since Witte chose to attack, he would not miss this opportunity. He let the ground spikes pierce his body, while dodging the big feet of Spiny Shield Dragon Beast, and ran under the opponent.

Seeing this, Spiny Shield Dragon Beast actually started to play rogue. It stopped using ground spikes and stopped jumping on the spot, but lay down!

Witte looked at the white plate armor that was close at hand but disappeared in front of him, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, he found that there was no way!

Witt felt so frustrated when he saw the Shielded Dragon Beast lying on the ground motionless and turning his head to look at him mockingly.

The battle stopped!

But there was no winner.

Witt circled around the Shielded Dragon Beast, trying to find a breakthrough.

But the Shielded Dragon Beast was lying on the ground like a dead pig, and the golden eyes hidden in the gaps between the dragon scales even narrowed!

At first, it was actually a little nervous.

But after Witt used his claws to probe his body a few times, it didn't care. Anyway, the opponent couldn't break its dragon scales, so it just kept wasting time!

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