Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 190 Fight! (I)

It is the overlord of the plains, occupying a large area!

Gold high strength, powerful strength, unparalleled defense but sharp spiked scales, and so on, make it a being that even platinum-level predators dare not provoke at will.

However, there is an exception today!

Something hovered over it, like a Morse dragon beast, making the dragon upset.

And, most importantly, while being upset, it also made it feel insulted.

The elemental fluctuations on the other party's body have already shown its strength.

Under normal circumstances, a guy of this level can't even walk steadily when facing it. Now, the other party's behavior is obviously a provocation!

However, it must not be an impulsive person to have lived on this plain until now.

On the contrary, even if it felt insulted, it still stood firmly on the ground, the earth element in its body constantly resonated with the earth under its feet, ready to attack at any time, and at the same time, it provided it with infinite energy.

The golden pupils hidden behind the many scales stared at the figure in the air without stopping.


The low roar was full of mockery.


"Spiny Shield Dragon Beast, affinity with earth elements, scales have strong elemental resistance... Why do I feel like I have found trouble for myself!"

Witt kept circling in the air above the Spiny Shield Dragon Beast.

Trying to find the opponent's flaws.

Obviously, it was not found. The thorn shield dragon beast has spiked scales all over its body, and even its eyes are hidden between the gaps of the scales on its face. As long as you close your eyes, you will be well protected.

Since it is a test, you naturally can't just throw magic randomly, see the effect, and then leave. Instead of that, it is better to find a stone to test.

High-level magic is very strong, enough to break the spiked scales of the gold-level thorn shield dragon beast, but unfortunately, Witt can't use the full power of that magic.

Insufficient element reserves are one aspect, and the elemental power is not enough. In fact, the second point is the worst.

The activity of platinum-level elements is far greater than that of bronze, so in terms of power, it is naturally the case.

However, due to the special nature of this magic, it can exert 60% of its power beyond the scope. Of course, it may be less than 60%.

But even if it is 60% of its power, if it hits the opponent's spiked scales directly, it will definitely not break it.

Therefore, you must find a way to make the opponent reveal the abdomen with relatively low defense.

Although the belly armor of the Thorn Shield Dragon Beast has a high defense, after all, if it does not fly, the attacks from the ground are basically resisted by the belly armor.

To be honest, Witt is not sure whether this magic can break the opponent's belly armor.


Hearing the low roar from below, Witt was stunned for a moment.

Of course, I couldn't understand the dragon beast language, but the mockery was not blocked by a few language barriers.

Witt raised his eyebrows.

You really can't do anything to me, right?

Thinking so in his heart, one by one, the difficult ancient syllables came out of Witt's mouth.

A large amount of water elemental energy flowed out from the dragon crystal and rushed towards Witt's body. Witt's body began to undergo a shocking change!

Starting from the tail, the dragon scales became larger and thicker, and even, not only the dragon scales, but Witt's body was becoming thicker.

It continued until the last dragon scale on Witt's head completed the change!

When Witt stopped chanting, his image had completely changed.

The body expanded a circle. The original size was suitable for dragon scales, but now it was like armor, draped on the body. Even the golden eyes were hidden in the thick dragon scales, leaving only a little golden light.

Of course, the wings behind the back.

Complete shield dragon form!

It is not the result of the last two days.

There is no doubt that Witt is talented in magic!

In the Dragon Nest for forty years, how could Witt not learn only three shaping magics.

The problem lies in the magic circle.

The three shaping magic circles were created by Witt himself bit by bit, but due to the limitations of his understanding of magic and the research and application of ancient dragon texts, the magic circle was not completely completed.

Of the three magic arrays, only the sharp magic array can allow Witt to complete the complete sword dragon form, but its power is not as good as using a spell to cast the sword dragon, but it is more convenient and quick.

The solid magic array can only work on half of the body at most, not to mention the acceleration magic array, which only works on the wings.

But this does not mean that Witt will not use the shield dragon and speed dragon forms completely.

Without the magic array, you can just chant the spell directly.

The reason why it was not used before was either because it was unnecessary or there was no opportunity.

But it is different now. The opponent can't fly, and Witt can slowly, without being disturbed, use the strongest form of his defense!

If you use a spell to activate magic, Witt can use "solidity" to the level of a magic.

The magic is enhanced, plus the dragon's already strong defense... Well, Witt is still a little unsure!

So, we need to test it!

With this idea in mind, Witt dived towards the Shieldbeast below.

Seeing Witt's action, the Shieldbeast's eyes glowed with gold, and it raised its two front legs and stomped heavily!

A spike exuding a strong element of earth pierced out from the earth, forming a straight line, and instantly spread forward. The farther the distance, the larger the spike.

Witt flew very fast, and the spike pierced out even faster.

In a flash, he appeared in front of Witt.

Witt, who had transformed into a shield dragon, was definitely not as flexible as normal. Facing such a swift attack, he could not dodge at all.

But Witt did not think of dodging!

He retracted his wings, hugged his body, turned his body upside down, let his back face the ground, and rushed directly towards the spike.

A spike appeared below and pierced Witt's back fiercely. As a result, except for the fact that it broke itself, even Witt's body was not shaken.

As for the spikes blocking the front, they were smashed to pieces by Witt.

Shield dragon form, unparalleled defense!

As for elemental damage, the dragon scales are not vegetarian after being strengthened.

However, during this process, Witt's body was blocked a lot.

Before it even touched the thorn shield dragon beast, its offensive stopped.

The huge and heavy body hit the ground heavily, splashing a large amount of smoke and dust.

However, the pupils of the thorn shield dragon beast on the opposite side shrank suddenly, and then the seemingly bulky body was extremely flexible and moved to the side for a distance.

Just where you just left, a ray of icy air shot past, and the terrifying cold air instantly formed an ice road.

If it hadn't dodged in time, it would have been frozen!

Looking at the gradually dispersing smoke, a solemn look flashed across the eyes of the Thorn Shield Dragon Beast...

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