Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1687 A dragon's misfortune...

Landing on the audience seat, before Olidolf could stand still, various healing magic fell on him.


Olidolf was about to thank the dragons, but saw that all the dragons, without exception, looked at him with sympathy.

After waiting for so many years, the result was that in the first round of the Dragon King Challenge, 놊 was the first to be eliminated.

This level of misfortune makes me ashamed of you, Olidorf!

Looking at this scene, Olidolf was really grateful and sighed helplessly.

"Oh, you have never thought about my unlucky nature.

After all, my ability is to absorb the bad luck of surrounding dragons.

So the question is, where did the bad luck that allowed me to meet Werther among more than a thousand contestants come from? "

Looking at the dragons whose expressions changed slightly, Olidolph felt a rare feeling of relief.

"As the first one to be eliminated, although it is a bit regretful, we will wait and see what the next schedule will be like!"

As he said that, Olidolph turned his eyes to the playing field.

He has a crow's mouth and only understands his own abilities.

Next, the more unlucky he is, the better the luck of the dragons around him. If nothing happens, it means that the dragon is unlucky.

However, according to his speculation, this first wave of bad luck has been sucked away by him.

Next, the luck of other dragons should be wrong.

Witte also thought so. Seeing the strange expressions on the other dragons' faces, he smiled and said, "Olidolph took advantage of all the bad luck in the first round. Your luck should be worse."

As he said that, Witte turned to look at the war monument.

The first name of the battle monument, Werther, is familiar with 깊, Celine, and Celine’s opponent...

A name I have never heard of.

Looking at the information on the war monument, Celine raised her eyebrows and then stood up.

"come on!"

After hearing Witt's words, Celine nodded, and then flew towards the center of the arena.

But when Celine arrived at the center of the arena, another dragon arrived belatedly, but the aura on his body made Werther and the others laugh and cry.

It's strange that I haven't heard the name before, it's Amethyst.

As for why Witte and the others showed such expressions, it's because the Dragon King Challenge defaults to the home court of Legend. Under normal circumstances, the contestants are at least Legend.

But every year, I would be infected by the strong fighting spirit and feel that I was capable, like a little sheep that strayed into a pack of wolves.

However, there are relatively few such dragons.

Therefore, among more than a thousand contestants, only one-fifth of them can become a legend at most.

As for whether more than a hundred legendary dragons will really gather together?

In other places, it may be possible to gather so many legends in some small dragon lairs, but, Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons can!

Anyone who knows about the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons and the time will basically choose to go there, especially the Lone Dragon!

For them who have no resources and no background, the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is an excellent way for them to obtain powerful magic.

Don’t forget, in the second stage of the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, the four domains include magic.

Therefore, there are more than a hundred legendary dragons. If there is an age limit of 귷thousand... well, this is really enough, but doubling it is not a problem.

In short, there is a one-fifth chance that Celine can get it...

The eyes of all the dragons inadvertently fell on Olidolf.

"Bless me, protect me..."

At this moment, Werther heard a very subtle murmur.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw Billy staring at the arena, his lips trembling.

Seeing this scene, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Billy with a strange expression.

"Billy, your little boy knows how to..."

When Dinnet heard Werther's words, he glared at Billy angrily, and then sighed helplessly.

"When I signed up, this guy threw his name into the battle monument like a crazy person. He was so fast that I didn't even have time to stop him."

At this time, Billy turned to look at Werther with a stiff face.

"Witt, I can use Tron..."

However, before he finished speaking, Werther appeared beside him, clutching Billy's mouth tightly with his claws.

Billy was thinking of something and subconsciously glanced at Betty, who was looking over with a curious look on her face. Then she quickly winked at Werther and signaled him to come over.

Werther glared at Billy, then let go of his mouth.

"You should just keep praying for bad luck for Olidolph!"

Olidolf glanced at Werther speechlessly.

"The truth is so true, but your words are a little bit..."

However, before he finished speaking, Billy started muttering incessantly, as if he had grasped the last straw.

"Let Olidorf be unlucky...let Olidorf be unlucky..."

After hearing what Billy was muttering, Olidolf immediately knew what to say.

Of course he knew that these guys around him didn't want to cause him any misfortune.

After all, although the opponents of Werther and Celine have been determined, Dinnit, Leandre, Ao, Dai Lin, Claude, etc., these dragons are still there!

They were afraid of facing these dragons, but the first match would be too miserable.

But, don’t say it!

However, seeing Billy's legendary strength, Ollidolf looked at him with a touch of sympathy.

If he ran into a strange legend with a bad temper, he would be beaten up.

If he absorbed bad luck but not passively, but actively, he could help, but it was a pity!

While the dragons were making trouble, Celine was in a dilemma.

As a legend, how could she go to Zijing to learn from him? Therefore, she didn't know how to defeat Zijing cleanly and neatly, and what kind of strength she should use.

She knew how to beat him to ashes, but even the most rebellious dragon would not dare to beat other dragons to death at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Don't forget the original intention of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast - peace and communication!

How could there be a dead dragon in such a grand event?

Celine was afraid that she would kill the opponent by accident. Her weak strength would make her look incompetent. She could fight in close combat, but going straight over would make her look like she was bullying the dragon. So, she finally chose to adapt to the changing situation.

The dragon on the opposite side was a little overwhelmed by Celine's breath. As for the fighting spirit, it was still strong when it first came on the field, but now... there is not a drop of it!

However, as time passed, Celine never took the initiative to attack, and the pressure on the dragon became greater and greater. Finally, he chose to spit out a breath at Celine without hesitation.

Seeing this breath, Celine's eyes lit up. This is easy to deal with. Under normal circumstances, the resistance of a normal dragon to the breath is about five times the power of its own breath.

Then, she only needs to use six times the power of this breath to easily defeat the opponent.

Just in case, Celine did not block the breath, but let it fall on her body. Of course, it had no effect, that's for sure.

Confirm the power of the breath, Celine...


A small white light flashed, and the dragon on the opposite side instantly flew backwards, like a stone, skipping a few times on the sea, and then gradually sank.


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