Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1686 The expected result!

Strength, speed, and physical strength are the most basic strengths in any battle.

But in this battle today, the competition is about this most basic strength.

There is no fancy tricks, only punches to the flesh and blood.

The flying scales and blood, the constantly contracting and relaxing muscles, and the dull sound of flesh collisions show the wild beauty of the dragon's body everywhere.

While most flying dragons and earth dragons are still watching intently, some dragons have closed their eyes and started to adjust their own states.

The victory or defeat of the two dragons on the battlefield is obvious, and the difference is only a matter of how long they can persist.

In addition, the dragon is obviously not going to show other means. It is meaningless to continue watching. It is better to adjust its own state to deal with the next battle that may be its own.

However, some dragons are still staring at the battlefield. Their eyes fall on Witt's body, carefully analyzing Witt's movements and fighting habits.

It was as if they were sure that they would encounter this form of Witt.


Accompanied by a series of dull sounds, there was another series of head-on collisions.

After they separated again, Witt was calm and composed. Although he had scars all over his body, they were just superficial injuries and would not cause any trouble!

On the other side, Ollidolf was not in such a good state.

His body was covered with scars, some of which only left deep marks on the dragon scales, some of which were broken, with skin and flesh torn, and some of which could even see the white bones.

Obviously, although they were both under the rules of strength and speed, the different strengths of their bodies widened the gap between them.

Ollidolf looked at Witt on the opposite side helplessly, panting lightly.

He originally thought that the gap between him and Witt, who had just comprehended the rules of strength and speed, should not be very large, but he underestimated Witt's progress.

How long has it been like this!

Moreover, during the battle, he could feel that Witt's understanding of strength and speed was growing rapidly.

At the beginning, there was a back-and-forth, but later he was just being beaten.

When he couldn't compete with him in strength and speed, he had no chance to fight back. When his physical strength was not as good as his, even if he had the chance to fight back, he couldn't cause much damage to Witt.

He had already lost this battle.

On the other side, Witt's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

What he didn't expect was that during the battle with Ollidolf, the experience of the magic circle of unity was transformed into the understanding of the rules of strength and speed, which would be so smooth.

Just one battle allowed him to do what he originally planned to spend decades to do.

His understanding of the rules of speed and strength finally equaled the strongest effect achieved by the magic circle of unity, and the magic circle of unity retired early!

Thinking of this, Witt looked at Ollidolf with surprise.

If he hadn't planned to travel with Celine alone, he would have wanted to bring Olaf with him. This is a super lucky item!


Shaking his head, Witt collected his thoughts and then looked at Olaf on the opposite side.

"The last round of confrontation!"

Hearing Witt's words, Olaf's eyes condensed. He wanted to be tough again, but the physical strength consumed by the high-intensity collision was far more than that of normal combat. His physical strength had made him unable to be tough.

However, Olaf was not ready to admit defeat.

It was okay to spar at ordinary times, but in the Dragon King Challenge, if you admit defeat before the physical strength is exhausted, you will regret it in your heart.

"Come again!"

With a low roar, Olaf fluttered his wings behind him and rushed towards Witt.

Witt did not hesitate at all. His figure turned into a silver light and rushed towards Olaf.


The two dragons of both sides hit each other heavily.

Their heads were also pressed against each other fiercely.

But this stalemate lasted only for a moment, and Ollidolf was a little weak. In addition, Witt was stronger than him, so Ollidolf was quickly pushed back.

Seeing this, Ollidolf suddenly withdrew his strength and tried to catch Witt in an opening.

But how could Witt let Ollidolf succeed?

While he was fighting with Ollidolf, he still had the strength to control the dragon's tail and pierce Ollidolf's chest.

The dragon's tail with a special structure spun wildly like an electric current while piercing.

The moment Ollidolf withdrew his strength, the dragon's tail pierced his chest. In just a moment, the dragon scales on his chest shattered, mixed with blood, and splashed everywhere.

Ollidolf raised his wings to grab him, but Witt took advantage of his distraction and reached out with his legs to grab his neck. He used his waist to drive his forelimbs and swung Ollidolf out.

Damn it!

Ollidolf, who was thrown out, changed his face and tried to regain control of his body.

In front of Witt, losing control of his body was equivalent to being sentenced to death.

But Witt flapped his wings and suddenly came to his side. Before Ollidolf could react, he turned his body and the dragon tail, with terrifying force, came down from the body and hit Ollidolf heavily.


With a loud bang, Ollidolf fell heavily into the sea below like a cannonball.

When the waves gradually subsided, the miserable Audiof lay quietly on the sea surface, drifting with the waves. He didn't even have the strength to fly.

Don't say that the elemental power was not used in the previous battle, how could it be possible!

This is the Dragon King Challenge. For the glory of the dragon, no dragon will hold back in such an occasion. All the elemental rule power is used as energy and becomes the "food" for the body to continue to exert force.

"Hehe, it's over!"

Witt flew to the sky of Oledof and smiled.

Oledof rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I was originally going to kill everyone, but unfortunately I met you... What are you still looking at, take me away!"

Witt glanced at the dragon flying towards this side, ready to take the contestants away, waved his hands at them, then grabbed Oledof's tail and flew towards the audience.

Ollidolf felt the blood rushing into his head and struggled.

"Why don't you change your position? It's over now. Can you use your elemental power or mental power to hold me up? Is it difficult?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm used to it!"

As he spoke, a mental power surged out of Witt's body and lifted Ollidolf up.

Seeing that Ollidolf was still depressed, Witt smiled and said, "Isn't this normal? With your luck, even if you don't meet me, you will meet Celine, Dinnet and the like.

Fight with me. If you meet them, you won't even have a chance to resist. They won't fight you in close combat."

"Uh... When I think about it, it's true!"



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