Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1676 Defeated!

However, Werther who stopped did not stand still, but opened his mouth and breathed lava.

Because Lie has already rushed over.

This is a turn-based system, you do it, I do it, and then we see who is stronger.

Facing Werther's breath, Lie opened his mouth again, and photons roared out, instantly piercing Werther's lava breath.

But the breath has bought Werther time.

The wings shook fiercely, and the huge body turned into flames, shooting straight into the sky.

But this time, Werther's elemental explosion was not as smooth. Lie's crushing of Werther was all-round.

Lie's figure suddenly accelerated, and he stopped the elemental Werther in the blink of an eye, and when he opened his mouth, he let out a photon roar.

놊德놊 said that roaring and breathing are the most convenient magic.

The former is fast, the latter is powerful, one interception, one attack, the combination of the two, the Werther really has no temper.

This kind of combination is quite useful even when facing Werther, who is going all out.

Facing the incoming photon roar, Witte was able to stop his momentum and respond with his breath, so as to buy himself some reaction time.

But 놛's breath stopped him at all, and he was forced back to the ground again.

땤At the moment of landing, a gray magic circle lit up, and Werther's figure instantly became slender. As soon as the dragon's claws stepped on the ground, the slender body disappeared from Lie's sight.

Lie's pupils shrank sharply.

What a speed!

Today, Veidt in the form of a velociraptor is the result of using the combination of shaping magic and speed rules.

The speed was actually faster than Lie, who was assisted by the 놋늌 element.

Lie, who noticed this, dared to be negligent again, and quickly deployed a huge white magic array on the opened dragon wings.

The element 껣꺆 extends along both wings towards 늌.

In the blink of an eye, a huge light wing appeared behind Lie.

놙With a gentle slap, Lie disappeared in place.

At the same time, Werther failed.

Looking at Lie in the distance, a flash of helplessness flashed in Witte's eyes, the ninety-three-point forbidden spell, Holy Light Wings!

There is really no way to do this!

놛놋's speed increase means that the other party also has 놋, or even the speed rule that 놊 is weaker than 놛 at all. When the basic speed is weaker than the opponent's, the growth rate increases by a lonely amount.

Helpless, Witte was able to put away the velociraptor form and transform into the battle dragon form again.

After seeing Witte transform, Lie also put away the Holy Light Wings.

Seeing this scene made Werther painful.

Lie's attitude is very obvious. He is suppressing you in all aspects, but he also puts on a posture of "I will bully you".

However, when he thought about his improved understanding of the rules of force and speed during the process of form transformation, Werther felt a little secretly happy.


With a slight sigh in his heart, Werther's eyes narrowed and he rushed towards Lie again.

No matter what!

The benefits are there. Okay.

As for the grievances I have endured today, I will definitely repay them a hundred times when I reach the higher realm!

At that time, let Lie also have a taste of what it means to be completely crushed.

As time passed, the situation of the battle gradually became clear. Although Witt's performance was amazing, Lie was crushed in all aspects.

However, the attentive dragon noticed that when Witte changed forms, he gradually possessed the power that only special forms can possess.

Werther is using this battle to hone his rules!

How could Lie see this? However, for Celine's sake, Lie did not interrupt Werther's practice, but cooperated a little.

Otherwise, this battle would last so long.

However, don't forget, this is an exhibition match to warm up.

This is an exhibition match, so if it lasts for too long, it will have the opposite effect.

Therefore, after realizing that Werther's goal was almost achieved, Lie began to speed up the attack rhythm.

The gap in actual strength allowed Werther to gradually keep up with the fierce pace, and soon fell to the point where he could bear it.

Werther also knew that this battle should be over!

However, Werther is willing to be defeated so mediocrely.

Therefore, after a confrontation, Werther suddenly broke out. With the use of the fire element surge (105), Werther's aura suddenly increased.

Before Lie could react, Witte opened his mouth and there was a ball of flame bigger than his body - the Great Red Lotus Sky-killing Flame (96)!

After the flames spurted out, Werther landed on the ground at the speed of light, and then...

"I give up!"

Lie, who had just escaped from Witte's enhanced version of the Big Red Lotus Sky-killing Flame, was embarrassed and was about to give Witte a hard blow. When he heard this, he was able to swallow back the attack that had just been brewing.


After a loud noise, Lie fell in front of Werther.

"You're fine!"

Lie, who was in control of the entire battle, never expected that Werther would suddenly explode at the last moment.

Of course, when it comes to injuries, they are not serious at all.

However, admitting defeat after the explosion left 놛 without even a chance to finish.

This 늀놋 is a bit too much!

Werther looked at Lie with an innocent face.

"Is it normal to admit defeat? By the way, you might think that I stole your limelight!"

After saying that, Witte chuckled and then flew towards the floating island above.

With a dark face, Lie followed behind Werther and flew upwards.

The exhibition match is over, and this place has nothing to do with them.

The next part is the most popular part of the Dragon Feast, which is the research results display part that takes place once every four thousand years!

Accompanied by the roars of dragons, the dragons in the audience flew (walked) towards the arena. They will use their inventions and creations to conquer other dragons.

The reason why the Dragon Feast is so popular is that it is a feast for individual dragons, and it is a banquet that all dragons have the opportunity to participate in.

Those who study magic are demonstrating their new magic, alchemists are showing their alchemy or puppets, pharmacists are telling their new discoveries, and magic array masters are showing off their research results.

Of course, these four types are also recognized by the entire dragon clan in this formal occasion.

Therefore, the entire venue is divided into four areas.

In each area, a ring is raised at some point.

The exhibitors go up to the ring to show.

If the presentation fails, you will step down in disgrace amid the boos of the dragons. If the presentation succeeds, expert dragons from all walks of life will come to communicate and exchange ideas with you.

Then these dragons can take this opportunity to make further progress in their professional fields!

Or use their own research to exchange their knowledge.

Therefore, the theme of this session is: exchange, communication, mutual assistance, and improvement!

Every dragon can benefit from this session. The whole venue presents the dragon race's desire and pursuit of knowledge.

However, these have nothing to do with Witte for the time being.

At this time, Witte was squatting on the floating island, with his head drooping, ready to face the judgment from Celine!

Celine, who was opposite Witte, had a dark face and stared at Witte.

"Why didn't I see you?"

"There were too many dragons."

"Why did you leave first but come later than me?"

"I flew in the wrong direction."

"The reason for the commotion just now was..."

"You guys are spitting blood on me. I didn't take the initiative to collect materials. I flew too fast and inevitably bumped into some dragons. The things on them didn't grow firmly, and then they fell off.

I thought it was a waste to drop them on the ground, so I collected them."


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