Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1675: Total Suppression!

Witt was suppressed!

He was not surprised at all.

The realm gap was too big, the age gap was too big, even if he turned into a war dragon, there was still a certain gap between him and Lie in terms of strength and physical fitness.


Witt stomped his hind legs on the ground to stop his retreat. At the same time, the dragon tail behind him stabbed out, aiming directly at Lie's chest.

Facing this attack, the dragon tail behind Lie began to move.


The two dragon tails collided with each other. Lie's dragon tail remained motionless, but Witt's dragon tail flew backwards.

This was purely a difference in strength.

However, when Witt's dragon tail flew backwards, he suddenly broke free from Lie's dragon tail restraints, and his body circled around. The dragon tail fell from under him and chopped towards Lie again.


Then, accompanied by a sharp friction sound, Witt's dragon tail was caught by Lie's body.

Then, Lie exerted force violently, and Witt's dragon body was directly swung by Lie and fell heavily on the other side.


The huge body collided violently with the ground, causing the entire arena to tremble three times.


Witt groaned, and before Lie could use the same trick again, he turned his head and opened his mouth to exhale.

Although the exhalation consumed a lot, the speed was fast.

Although the damage to Lie was almost zero, the force of the lava exhalation made Lie's dragon body unable to relax.

Taking this opportunity, Witt quickly pulled out his dragon tail.

But before he could do anything, a beam of white light instantly fell on Witt's waist.

The moment the light from the original breath touched Witt's body, it turned into a rapidly expanding ball of light. A powerful force acted on Witt's body, pushing him out directly.

When the white ball of light disappeared, there was little left of Witt's lava armor (78).

However, when the rich elemental rule power surged out, the lava armor was repaired in an instant.

While the lava armor was repairing, the burning white flames on Witt's body suddenly expanded, and then he waved his wings violently, and his body immediately turned into a beam of light and disappeared on the spot.


As soon as Witt disappeared, a huge figure appeared there, and the thick dragon tail slapped the ground fiercely, causing the arena to shake again.

If Witt had not left just now, this would have completely fallen on him.

At this time, Witt was in the air tens of thousands of meters away.

Lie looked at Witt in the air, his eyes full of admiration.

This son-in-law is really not a useless waste.

It was an ordinary lower-level legend, and at this time he was lying on the ground wailing.

There is a world of difference between a high-level legend and a lower-level legend!

At this moment, the surrounding audience seats rang out with dragon roars, and the enthusiasm was no less than when Witt was just denounced.

However, unlike before, this time it was not a denunciation, but a cheer.

Legendary lower rank vs. legendary upper rank, these dragons all thought that this would be a crushing game, even if it was an exhibition match, it would just make this evil dragon lose more beautifully.

Who knew that although the gap between the two can be seen at a glance, the battle was a back-and-forth battle.

The idea that the strong are respected by the dragon clan is deeply rooted in the dragon's heart.

The weak provoke other dragons everywhere, that is called courting death, and the strong provoke other dragons everywhere, that is called personality!

Others, some dragons who originally planned to deal with Witte in the Dragon King Challenge, studied the power displayed by Witte very seriously.

Some dragons gave up looking for trouble with Witte.

Other dragons simply thought about whether to participate in the Dragon King Challenge.

This dragon is a bit outrageous.

Of course, dragons with some experience can see more clearly that Witte's strength is not ridiculously strong. The light element dispersal rule plays a major role.

The light element dispersal rule directly reduces Lie's elemental power by 30% to 40%.

Moreover, in the previous stage, he was just testing.

He didn't exert any strength at all.

Especially Lie, whose offensive magic only used a light source breath.

However, this excitement has played the role that a show match should play.

Witte didn't care about the shouts from the surroundings.

After dodging Lie's "fatal blow" with the help of Elemental Explosion (87), Witte did not stop. After slightly adjusting his state, he dived towards Lie again.

While diving, Witt opened his mouth again, and the Roar of Flame (75) gushed out from Witt's big mouth. The terrifying high temperature distorted the space along the attack path.

Facing Witt's Roar of Flame, Lie was quite direct. He held his four limbs tightly to the ground, looked up at Witt, and opened his mouth to roar with light.

The white energy flow instantly penetrated Witt's Roar of Flame.

Witt saw this and detonated his own Roar of Flame without any hesitation.

The forbidden spell-level magic exploded, and the terrifying elemental chaos also detonated Lie's Roar of Light.

The white light element rule power collided with the white water element rule power, triggering an elemental tide that obscured his vision.

But the elemental tide had just appeared when another ray of light roared and pierced through it instantly.

And it landed precisely on Witt's chest.

The timing was just right. If it was one second earlier, the light roar would be detonated by the elemental tide. If it was one second later, Witt would leave this position.

The power accumulated by the dive was instantly dispersed by the light roar.

Helplessly, Witt could only fly again.

However, just as he was about to fly, a huge body flew out from the elemental tide, and the dragon just caught Witt's dragon tail.

At this moment, Witt's dragon tail suddenly became thinner.

The dragon tail was like a slippery fish, breaking away from Lie's body.

Then, the dragon tail directly whipped towards Lie's head.

Originally, Lie noticed that Witte had released his dragon form, and subconsciously thought that Witte's power would weaken. Just when he was about to resist this, he raised his dragon tail and rushed forward.


With a sound, Lie flew backwards instantly.

However, before he landed, he stabilized his body and looked at Witte with a look of realization.

The rule of power!

In addition to the power given by that form, Witte actually mastered the rule of power.

If nothing unexpected happens...

Lie suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth to exhale a breath of light.

At the same time as the breath of light flew out, Witte appeared in the attack path of the breath of light and hit him.

The lava armor on Witt's body was completely shattered, and even the dragon scales were charred.

Witt himself flew backwards and landed heavily on the ground. After rolling on the ground for several circles, his body finally clung to the ground and slid for thousands of meters before stopping...

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