Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1536 The goal is...

"Don't worry, I will bring you the latest situation!"

Above Shuanglong Gorge, two huge monsters stood facing each other, and Leandre was patting his chest and assuring Witt.

If you say you will leave today, then leave today.

Witt packed up the things in the cave early in the morning, and now, Witt is saying goodbye to Leandre for the last time.

However, after hearing what the other party said, Witt's eyes twitched.

I always feel that this guy is making trouble, but there is no evidence.

Looking at Leandre, whose face was only excited and eager to fight, Witt didn't know whether to believe him for a while.

But Leandre didn't care what Witt thought in his heart. After leaving such a sentence, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Witt saw this and could only bite the bullet and say: "Remember not to say unnecessary words!"

"Don't worry!"

As soon as the voice fell, Leandre disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Obviously, for this banquet that can be challenged openly and honestly, Leandre is eager to hold it immediately.

However, when Witt heard the last two words, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

To be honest, Witt regretted asking this guy to help him pass on the message.

But now that things have come to this point, there is no good way. Witt can only pray secretly, hoping that Leandre has a conscience.

After praying this, Witt prayed to his unreliable old father again.

I hope I will have better luck next time.

In the past, Witt would definitely not do this, and he believed that he was the only one who could do it.

But the experiences in recent days have made him doubt his own luck. He seems to be a bad lucker than Kailin.

Helplessly, Witt can only hope to rely on the same metaphysical prayer to make his luck better.

As for whether his luck will get better, who knows, Witt is just asking for peace of mind!

Without mentioning these, Witt's next action target is the Abyss Legend.

As for the target in the Abyss Legend...

There is no target!

There is no way. Although the Abyss has completed the invasion of the law level on the Olivia continent, the surface is still very calm.

The legend of the abyss is hidden in the dark. The legend of the abyss believers are active, but not many, and basically no trace can be seen. Only the native abyss beasts of the abyss have gradually infiltrated into the ecosystem of the Olivia continent.

Witt doesn't know who is the practitioner of the rule fragments among the legends of the abyss.

In this way, there is no specific target.

Next, it depends on who is more unlucky.

Nowadays, the Olivia continent has become a fish pond, and those native species of the abyss are wild bait. Now, Witt's plan is to use these natural baits to catch those legends of the abyss.

With a plan in mind, Witt looked up at the sky.

Although the Fire Secret Realm is a doomsday style, it is the same as the Water Secret Realm in the Utopia of the World, with 24 magic hours, day and night rotation, and clear black and white.

However, after leaving the Fire Secret Realm, it became the unique day and night rotation of the Olivia Continent.

Now it is "daytime".

Looking at the position of the sun, it has just entered the "daytime" state, and it will remain in this state for the next four or five months.

"Tsk tsk, a little uncooperative!"

While muttering in his mouth, Witt's huge body shrank rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it changed from a body length of more than 700 meters to about one meter.

Then, an inconspicuous space crack flashed, and Witt's figure disappeared.


Shuanglong Gorge is only a small part of the wild area of ​​Olivia Continent.

Because of the existence of the water and fire secret realms, although there is chaos there, they try to restrain themselves. After all, it doesn't matter if they fight, but after the fight, the situation is unknown.

If you are seriously injured, you may disappear in some unknown corner.

But after leaving Shuanglong Gorge, there is a vast world around you, and it is another scene. Even if you are seriously injured, you will be like a fish swimming in the sea and it is difficult to find your trace.

As for tracking...

Who has not escaped in the wilderness?

Therefore, the wild area of ​​Shuanglong Gorge is more violent.

It was like this in the past, and it is still like this now. However, since the "black sun" was in the sky, there have been some other strange creatures in this wilderness.

The addition of these strange creatures made the wilderness area more violent and more chaotic.

Swish, swish, swish...

The ice and snow melted, and the temperature had not yet risen completely. The first batch of plants grew intensively, and the area that was originally covered by ice and snow was now full of vitality.

And among the vibrant trees, several black shadows flashed by.

After enjoying the flesh and blood of the prey, the golden pupils of the Kaslong Beast (Felidae) shrank suddenly due to the pleasure brought by the rising power in its body.

Then, an ice armor quickly appeared on its body, and a thin layer of ice spread out in all directions at lightning speed.

In just a blink of an eye, all the trees in the area of ​​tens of thousands of meters with the Kaslong beast as the center were instantly turned into ice sculptures.

And the few uninvited guests who had entered the frozen jungle were forced to reveal their figures, with a strong black aura lingering around their black fur.

In the scarlet eyes, in addition to chaos and killing, there was a flash of cunning occasionally.

On the body, the wound-like places were rotten, and some black viscous liquid would drip out from time to time, and in some places even the bones were exposed.

There is no doubt that this is a creature from the abyss, the rotten wolf!

Seeing this group of uninvited guests, the golden eyes of the Kaslong beast flashed with fear and thought. Obviously, it has already possessed a good intelligence.


Accompanied by a low roar, the Kaslong beast considered for a moment, and its body turned into a series of afterimages, easily jumping out of the encirclement of these rotten wolves, and then left without looking back.

And the group of rotten wolves did not chase it again, but surrounded the prey left by the Kaslong beast and began to eat.

But suddenly, a body of about five meters, the largest individual in the group of rotten wolves, stopped eating and looked up at the sky.

In the scarlet pupils, a black spot falling from the sky was reflected.


With a low roar, all the rotten wolves stopped eating, and together with the largest rotten wolf, stared at the falling black spot in the sky.

As the rot wolves watched, the black dot gradually took on its true form.

It was a metal cube, not very big, less than half a meter. To the rot wolves, the smallest of which was about five meters, this metal cube was like a stone that flew from nowhere.

However, just as the stone was about to land, it suddenly hovered over the dragon beast corpse that had been eaten and could not be seen clearly...

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