Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1535 Leave it to me!

Of course, the two magic arrays of power amplification and speed amplification are not for Witt to use for himself.

After having these two ancient dragon characters, Witt naturally improved the magic array of the battle dragon form again.

And this time, the improvement finally allowed Witt to have the same level of blessing as the speed and power rules by relying solely on the battle dragon form.

Previously, the reason why Witt in the battle dragon form could stand on the same level as Leanderre was entirely because of the supplement of his own strength.

In other words, if another dragon used the battle dragon form shaping magic array to fight Leanderre, it would be beaten to doubt the dragon's life.

But the new version of the battle dragon form, as long as the melee ability is not too poor, can rely on the battle dragon form shaping magic array to compete with Leanderre's power and speed rules.

In other words, the battle dragon form shaping magic array is already equivalent to a power and speed rule that can be passed down.

However, it is only equivalent to, and there is definitely a certain gap from the real comprehension.

The difference lies in the growth potential.

The magic circle will not optimize itself, it is an amplification state with a fixed number.

The rules are gradually enhanced as the perception of the rules increases.

Of course, the most important thing is that the battle dragon form has reached the end!

It is basically impossible to have a qualitative change in the future. It can only achieve a better amplification effect by changing and optimizing some ancient dragon texts.

For this, Witt is not surprised.

Because this is the stage end of shaping magic.

In fact, Witt has actually raised this end point out of thin air.

Under normal circumstances, shaping magic can only exert the power of the high-level purple crystal at most. Going up, shaping magic will be replaced by the speed and power rules of a higher level.

Without the help of speed and power rules, Witt has forced shaping magic through the form of magic circle, allowing it to reach the speed and power rules comparable to the lower level of legend. This is already an important research result in the magic circle system.

Of course, the battle dragon form will not be withdrawn with the withdrawal of the shaping magic circle.

After Witt comprehended the rules of speed and strength, the battle dragon form is still Witt's strongest combat form.

Let's not talk about these!

The power amplification magic circle and speed amplification magic circle with the two ancient dragon characters "power" and "speed" as the core are the power module and speed module made by Witt specifically for his alchemical puppet.

The appearance of these two modules means that the elemental puppet made by Witt will have combat capabilities that are not inferior to mechanical puppets in melee combat capabilities.

This is also the meaning of the existence of a complete metal dragon body.

In fact, such an alchemical puppet has broken away from the classification concept of elemental puppets and mechanical puppets. It is an all-round puppet.

However, this all-round puppet still has a defect that is not a defect.

Even with the protection of a complete metal dragon body and elemental protection, the fine gold magic circuit as a functional system is still the most fragile existence.

In battle, once the elemental defense is broken, the strength of the metal dragon body alone cannot protect the hidden magic circuit.


Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but sigh.

Although this is already a genuine legendary alchemy puppet, and it is stronger than the traditional legendary alchemy puppet, it could be better.

However, because he still failed to break through to become a legendary alchemist and master that special ancient dragon script, this puppet has defects.

Hearing Witt's words and looking at the regret in Witt's eyes, Leandre's eyelids couldn't help but jump.

Witt really wanted to go over and give Witt a claw.

What does it mean to be able to confront Witt head-on in a short period of time and be on par with him?

To be frank, among the lower-level legendary dragons, few dragons are the opponents of this mechanical puppet, and this mechanical puppet was made from scratch by Witt in a few days.

You are not satisfied with making a lower-level legendary dragon in a few days!

If this is not asking for a beating, what is it?

Leandere, who didn't want to see Witt's face, quickly changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, I have seen you absent-minded recently. It has been almost three hundred years. According to your original plan... So, are you ready to leave?"

Hearing this, Witt turned his attention away from the alchemical puppet and turned to look at Leandere. A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but soon, Witt's eyes became firm.

"I originally thought that in three hundred years, I could achieve at least one aspect of the power, speed rules and the legendary alchemist.

But now it seems that I was too smooth before, and I didn't see the comprehension of the rules and the breakthrough of the legendary alchemist.

To be honest, I was a little entangled before.

I always feel that if I fight with you for a few more years, I can at least comprehend one of the power and speed rules.

But after watching the battle between you and the tough 02 just now, I think that I may have fallen into a misunderstanding before. The rules vary from dragon to dragon.

The same rule will also have different manifestations on different dragons.

I can indeed find my speed and power rules by continuing to look for you, but I don't know how many years it will take.

In contrast, maybe I should go find his opponent and re-understand the rules that belong to me. "

At this point, Witt let out a long sigh.

"Tomorrow, I will leave tomorrow."

"Then let's go together!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and looked at Leandre in surprise.

Seeing this, Leandre smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, it's not about acting together, but leaving the Secret Realm of Fire together. After you leave, it's meaningless for me to stay here.

No dragon is willing to fight me.

And if I were a dragon, it would be a bit dangerous to challenge a legendary dragon.

Instead of staying here, it's better to set off early and go to the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons. Maybe I can meet a dragon with the same idea as me. "

Hearing this, Witt's face was suddenly enlightened.

"Is that so..."

Speaking, Witt paused for a moment, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Well, if you go to the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, then do me a favor!"

"What favor? "

Leandre looked at Witt with some curiosity. Of course, he was curious about Witt's reaction.

"If you meet a mutated sacred dragon named Celine, please tell her for me and tell her that I will go to see her soon and don't worry about me."

Hearing this, Leandre immediately became interested and approached Witt with a gossipy look on his face.

"Oh, you specifically asked me to help pass on the message, could it be..."

As he said this, Leandre's face actually showed a lewd smile.

Witt, who had already said it, was embarrassed. He nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it's what you think. I'm afraid she will worry. Remember to tell her for me."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"


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